Judgement – To Take Arms Against the Sea of Troubles
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   To Take Arms Against the Sea of Troubles
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Jun 24, 2011 @ 8:08am
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD38 - early evening - approx 5.30

Chelsea held Rick's hand as they left the families still talking over all the events and complications of the day. Keeping tight hold of his fingers, linked with hers, she reached up with her other hand and flicked her comm badge to put in a call to Isha.

=^= Commander Adams to Ambassador t'Khellian =^= she opened the channel.

"Chelsea," Isha said. As she did so she slumped back in her chair. What could she say to a jilted bride? Very little she thought, otherwise she would have stayed around to offer advice. "How are you?" a question, that under other circumstances would have been neutral.

=^= Isha, great news. We've managed to sort out the whole mess. Rick was found comatose, as I'm sure you will have heard but we've managed to untangle the whole time-line elements and we finally wrested our version of Rick back, safe and sound. I'll explain when we get there. Are you both still around? Can we talk please? =^=

"What is there to talk about?" Isha said, her tone almost a snort. "I find myslef deeply dissapointed in that young man. I thought better of him, but actions speak, Chelsea."

=^= No, you STILL don't understand. He was in a coma. He didn't choose to miss it, he was unconscious the whole time. It was the time-conflict - it fried his mind. Then when we got him back, at first we had him conscious but he was Rick in body but not in mind. He had amnesia. Finally we have managed to sort it all out and have reinstated his original consciousness. Now I have my Rick back, body and soul and we still want to get married now if you two are still free. =^= Chelsea explained.

~Also I'm standing right next to Chelsea and can hear everything your saying~ thought Rick to himself bemusedly.

"I fail to see why that is relevant," Isha replied. "Lieutenant Commander Dunham made you a promise that he failed to keep. His actions, or lack of them publicly humiliated you in front of your family and friends ... need I go on?"

"I was not humiliated, I was worried for him. If people supposed him to have abandoned me, they will look silly themselves when we go ahead with this now." Chelsea replied, squeezing Rick's hand supportively. "I kept trying to tell everyone that something must be wrong. I told you all that if Rick wanted to call it off he was enough of a gentleman to tell me to my face. If anyone failed to believe that, shame on them."

Rick scratched the stubble on his beard and gave Chelsea a despairing look, he hoped Chelsea could work this out with their friend, he so wanted to step in and defend their love for each other and explain the extenuating circumstances, but Rick thought this would just add further complication to the situation.

"In which statement you must include me," Isha said pointedly, "and Rh'vaurek too. There really can be no excuse. I don't wish to be unkind, Chelsea, but I have no more to say on the matter." Isha cut the channel and turned to Rh'vaurek with a shake of her head. "I just don't understand," she told him as she sat next to him on one of the sofa's in her office.

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "No excuse," he agreed.

Chelsea looked at Rick in incredulity. =^= Computer locate Ambassador t'Khellian =^= she instructed. The Computer responded with its mechanical voice. =^= Ambassador t'Khellian is in the Romulan Embassy =^=

"Rick? Fancy a trip onto Romulan soil? Or shall i go and see if I can sort this out. Perhaps it might be more politically correct if you stay here?" she suggested.

"Chelsea" began Rick; he was about to try and convince her not to go, but he could tell by the look in her face that there was no dissuading her. He tried a different angle. "Chelsea, people have different ways of looking at things, more so in cultures, even more so in Aliens, so a race like Isha's with that culture...she probably thinks this is a totally acceptable conclusion for her to come to, why don't we both go down there and try to talk to her. Just that, talk, no arguments or confrontation, just talk...we can't make her do something she disagrees with. I know she's our friend but she has to do what she feel is right."

Chelsea looked at him and realised he was right. She had been so anxious to defend him that she had been prepared to fight his corner all the way. If Isha was so against their wedding now, there was nothing she could do to make her change her mind, all she could do was try to put how she herself saw this, and hope their friendship would do the rest.

She nodded and took Rick's hand. "Are you sure you want to come?" she asked again, giving him one last chance to stay behind if he had no taste to go over this. It was after all, his behaviour and intention they were discussing and Chelsea could see how awkward that was going to be for him.

Rick shrugged and flashed a smile, trying to make a little light of the situation "Sure.....what's the worst that can happen?"

"Famous last words?" Chelsea muttered cynically as they set off, soon finding themselves at the Reception of the Romulan Embassy, asking for Madame Ambassador.


Isha just had time to move away from Rh'vaurek before the doors opened, it wouldn't really do for the Ambassador to be interrupted that way, even if she only had her head resting on her Chief of Staff's shoulder.

"Why Chelsea," Isha said without rising from the sofa they both occupied. "I told you that I had nothing further to say to you on the matter of Lieutenant Commander Dunham."

Isha was not blind, she could see that Dunham was there, but if Chelsea wanted to do it this way and continue to raise a matter that Isha had closed she was not going to greet the doctor on an equal basis.

"Isha I am sorry to be persistent on this and I mean no disrespect by it. I just want to get married and it means the universe to me that you might be there, the way we planned it." Chelsea began. "You two are my closest family and my best friends. I can't bear that you won't sanction my love for Rick and his for me. I'm here to beg you to reconsider."

Rick lean't against the wall arms behind his back and pressing his hands against the cold metal. He was surprised that they had even been let in, let alone managed to get an audience with Isha. So in his mind things from here on in, was gravy.......but he couldn't help that specific racial and culture boundaries where getting in the way of this episode. Do Romulans even know how to forgive?

Isha stared at her for a moment, her gaze radiating all the warmth of agate. "You can get down on your knees and kiss the hem of my skirt for all I care, Chelsea," Isha said. "I would be remiss to allow you to make such a mistake as this."

Rh'vaurek, whatever his opinions were, kept them very much to himself. For whatever reason Isha had her 'Grand' gloves on and he knew that in that mode she was not going to listen to a damned thing he said. He eased back on the sofa and linked his fingers together as his gaze shifted from the women to Dunham observing him as Isha and Chelsea continued their exchange.

Rick had not even been acknowledged as he had entered the room, he wondered if he even said anything if would help or make things worse. Against his better judgment he decided to speak out. "Can Romulans not forgive?" It wasn't an accusation, in fact Rick spoke with sadness in his voice.

Isha's gaze flicked briefly to Rh'vaurek before returning to Chelsea.

Rh'vaurek exhaled before he pressed his hands to his knees and got to his feet. He walked around the back of the sofa rather than in front of Isha and over to where the Lieutenant Commander was standing. "With me, Dunham," he said pointing to the door that led to Isha's suite.

Rick nodded his agreement and followed the Romulan into Isha's suite, half aware to himself that they where officially on Romulan soil so Rh'vaurek could pretty much do what he liked to him and get away with it.

"NOOOOO!" Chelsea squealed in alarm and tried to get to Rick before he left the room. "Please don't... Rh'vaurek.... this is my choice to make. Rick, no, Romulans don't forgive, they spend their whole lives in misery rather than display what they consider to be weakness, but that's not for us to judge, nor is it for us to *be* judged on what *we* believe is of paramount importance."

"Its going to be Ok Chelsea," said Rick soothingly before the door shut behind him

That outburst, if anything had hardened Isha further. "If I knew that you had thought that of me, Doctor Adams, I would never have allowed you into my service," she said, each word icier than the last.

Chelsea was cut deeply by this. "Thought what of you? I don't judge your culture. I just don't understand your priorities any more than you do mine, it's just that I don't hold it against you either. You are your own lovely self and i love you, it makes no difference if I would not have been able to *be* you... I am made of different stuff. You clearly think it is inferior stuff, but i don't hold *that* against you either."

"Then why don't you just get out and leave me to this miserable life that you ascribe to me. I serve a larger purpose than you could possibly imagine, and if that means subsuming my personal wishes, and ignoring other wrongs against me then I will do that; it is necessity."

"I have never doubted nor failed to be awed by that larger purpose that you serve so faithfully and to the point of martyrdom..... and no, i'm not being disrespectful in using that term, i mean it, Isha. I know you are a victim to your culture and your heritage and i wish there could be a way that would allow you to be yourself without that forcing you to put duty above happiness, my lovely friend. This is an eternal source of sorrow to me although i could never feel it as you do, obviously." She took a sad breath and tried to take Isha's hand, reaching tentatively for her fingers.

"However" she went on gently. "None of this changes that I love Rick and he loves me and i am fortunate enough that I do not share your fate of having to allow my culture to prevent that being what matters. He didn't do this on purpose, quite the opposite and i have the luxury of forgiving him for that which he could not have prevented."

"I don't need to be lectured about cultural differences!" The statement left Isha feeling different to how she thought she would or indeed should.

Isha took Chelsea's hand. "Martys gain that name after they die and I do not intend that. What has that to do with my culture? Nothing. Politics, everything." Isha paused, half rose to her feet then something broke within her. "I know all there is to know about forgiveness. After everything he did to me I forgave Rh'vaurek, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did forgive him, but you have taken your time letting him know about the babies and at one point you told me you would never tell him they were his. My dearest Isha, your relationship is a mystery to me, just as mine with Rick is clearly a mystery to you too. But that's not a bad thing. There's not a reason in the universe why we should all be the same. That would be terrible in itself!"

Isha sat down again. "I told him because he should know, not because I require him to acknowledge them. He knows that they will be part of my House, but no-one will ever be able to use them against him, because nobody but we three know, or will know that I did not yield to tradition and accept my late husband's brother - I gave that unworthy ryak'na an epithaph that will outlive even me," Isha said. Chelsea was never going to understand the intricacies of what she was saying, indeed even Isha had to acknowledge that she had cynically manipulated events, people, and circumstances to serve herself, but then that was what survival was about.

"When I was last back on ch'Rihan I told the tribunal that I had accepted Nniol and that he would admit his guilt in the plot I was accused of masterminding, and my lack of complicity from it in order to preserve the continuation of his House's line. So as a traitor he gave his life, but redeemed his honour in the eyes of the Empire when I presented it as a noble sacrifice." The reality was that Nniol had had no idea that this was under discussion until Isha had come to deliver the verdict herself. "So as far as the Stelam Shiar is concerned these children are legitimate heirs to my House. You are right, we do not understand each other's relationships, I don't think that we can."

Chelsea thought about all this for a while, a frown pushing her soft Bajoran ridges closer together in a quizical expression until her whole face began to lighten into a smirk and then a grin.

"So basically, to put this simply enough for even me to understand, you've actually stuffed the lot of them? The families, the system, the whole freakin Star Empire not to mention that bastard Nniol himself. You've tricked them ALL into acknowledging and treating yours and Raedheol's beautiful issue as true-blooded heirs? Isha, I already knew you were the cleverest person I ever met, but this is STELLAR!!"

Chelsea couldn't help but gather her speechless friend into one of her biggest ever hugs, grinning like an imp with delight and amusement. "And they'll never know! But you two *will*.... that is delicious! Truly a dish served cold." She shook her head in wonder.

Isha nodded. "All it cost me was twenty years of patience, the life of a son who was a traitor, and the blood of a man who could never see beyond his own avarice. I'm sure I've told you before that it is all a game - and for now I might be losing, but that will not always be the case. I know that I could deal with everything in a different way, but I have to do it my way. I know what I am doing and perhaps you know what you are doing."

She paused. It was strange how easily Chelsea accepted Isha's statement of perjury, deception and cold and bloody vengeance without question - it was an almost Romulan attitude that she had noticed in the doctor before - perhaps that was the key to their enduring friendship.

"Marry your pilot, Chelsea," she said.

"Isha.........." Chelsea threw herself at her best friend and yet again transgressed all Romulan formality by hugging her tightly with joy.

"Today, when I thought I had lost Rick forever to permanent coma or then to irrepairable amnesia, I can't tell you how little I wanted to live even another minute of my life like that. He's all I ever wanted Isha, I sometimes think he's too good to be true and I'll wake up one day and find I dreamt him up to my own specifications." Chelsea explained.

"I know that everything comes with a price and nothing can be 100% perfect, but it would have been a heavy price indeed if i had to lose your goodwill and friendship, especially over a misunderstanging! Your approval means so much to me, as do you yourself and Rh'vaurek too." At the mention of her *ira'v'Dianvm* Chelsea's thoughts went back to wondering what was happening in the other room between the two men in their lives. She hadn't heard any sounds of a violent nature and hoped that boded well. As her thoughts strayed, they were brought back by Isha's next words.

"I'm a woman who is very used to getting what she wants, Chelsea."

"It IS what you wanted Isha... you set me up to go out with him, if I remember." Chelsea smiled affectionately. "You thought him an honest man and far more appropriate for me than any I had been left to choose for myself." Chelsea smiled, reminiscing.

Isha shrugged, "Well I suppose that would go to further confirm that I am always right," she said with mock sincerity.

Chelsea laughed. A genuinely amused laugh. It felt good. This had not been a day filled with much laughter so far.


He waited until the door was closed before he spoke. "So they found you and dragged you back," Rh'vaurek said without turning, "and Doctor Adams has believed your ... just what is it that you've spun," he said turning then, "because it sounds like a crock of shit to me."

Rick shrugged, really not surprised that something like this was about to happen, kept calm "Its called a localized temporal phenomena induced by repeated damage to ones personal timeline......." Rick shrugged again "but you know what, doesn't matter that we have all the science, data and drama to prove you've already decided not to believe me."

"You have no idea what I believe," Rh'vaurek said, "And don't assume I'm an idiot. aberrant temporal mechanics are a very convenient excuse for your failure to keep your word and your sudden urge to run."

"No," said Rick softly almost sympathetically towards the man who seemed to hate him. "No, running away. Just a drive to clear my head before the big day, then the cascade reaction took effect, brought on by conversations had earlier in the day...my failure...maybe.....an excuse...no....the truth....yes." He paused and looked the Romulan in the eye and said serenely, "believe what you like mate."

"In this matter, what I believe is irrelevant," Rh'vaurek said as he ran one hand into his hair and scratched his head behind one ear. "What she believes is not," he continued, meaning Isha. Earlier Isha had made it quite clear that Chelsea's thoughts did not figure in the matter.

"That's fair enough," said Rick understandingly "Ish's entitled to believe what she likes. But I don't think their is a man in the universe that can change her mind on something when she has made a decision.....luckily Chelsea isn't a man."

"Keep thinking that thought, Dunham. Its the outcome of that conversation that is going to determine what I am going to do," he said, the mildest undertone of threat in his voice.

Rick stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled. "Ok" he said happily. After spending a little time moving up and down on the balls of his feet looked at the Romulan and asked nicely. "So whats going on between you and Isha then?"

"You really don't want to provoke me, Dunham," Rh'vaurek replied. "Its none of your business so keep your questions to yourself."

Not an out of the ordinary response for Rh'vaurek. Thought Rick to himself as he considered pressing on what he had seen earlier in the little exchange between the two Romulans. It really wasn't any of his business though so he decided against it, instead he happily smiled with his cheery attitude and agreed with the Romulan "ok." Rick took out a piece of gum from his pocket, he un-wrapped it and stuck it in his mouth. He offered a piece to Rh'vaurek as he chewed on his own.

"No," Rh'vaurek declined the offer with a single, terse word.

Rick looked at Rh'vaurek thoughtfully for a moment as he scratched the stubble on his chin; two thoughts wen't through his head simultaneously the first was 'I better shave before the wedding.' The second he spoke out loud as a question to his Romulan 'companion' "Ever been married?"

"Married?" Rh'vaurek almost snorted. "What would I want with a wife?" He truly had never considered the prospect though one or two women had tried, and failed to persuade him in that direction.

Rick smiled and gave 'I dunno shrug' "I don't know what you want mate, everybody's different, and looks at the universe in a different way. Take me for instance I want wife, it will be the best thing that ever happened to me. But that might be completely different to what you want..." Rick decided to change tact little "Another examples kids, i want kids one day. What about you? Do you want kids one day?"

Rh'vaurek raised an eyebrow, "They'd be even more of a liability than a wife would be," he said. "We live in different worlds, Dunham, and mine doesn't happen to allow for that sort of indulgence."

Rick's smile turned to a grin "My point exactly, we live in different worlds, mine does allow for these sort of things....well" he paused and looked at the closed door "At least I hope they do, jury is still out on whether or not that gets to happen," Rick who easily distracted himself changed the topic again "wonder what else they're talking about in there."

Was that an attempted gloat? Rh'vaurek didn't share Isha's formerly high opinion of the man, and his view had dropped even lower than that base starting point since the morning. "If it was anything you needed to know Isha wouldn't have asked you to leave," he said.

"Very true" said Dunham almost to himself quietly as he placed one hand on the door, a look of wondering in his eyes.

"Bring him back in, Rh'vaurek." Isha's voice came from nowhere.

Rh'vaurek sighed and unfolded his arms. He also activated the control that released the door that Dunham was staring at as though hypnotised.

Rick jumped as the door opened he had been in a little world of his own. He turned around and grinned at the Romulan. The smile was innocent almost child like, as he then bounced back into the room happily into Chelsea's arms planting her a kiss on the lips. "Lets get married then"

"Well, seeing as I've been wearing this dress and Isha's priceless jewellery all day, i guess we should really." Chelsea stated much more matter of factly and calmly than her adoring eyes would agree with.

Isha shrugged and rolled her eyes. There was nothing she could say from where she sat.

In response, Rh'vaurek looked at Isha. He tapped one forefinger very firmly three times against his temple before shaking his head slightly and glancing back to Dunham.


CAG Squadron Leader & Husband to be
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Cmdr Chelsea Adams
CMO and 2nd Officer


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian.
Peeved, but being reasonable.

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedhoel