Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Working the field (pt. 3)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   Working the field (pt. 3)
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Fri Jan 16, 2009 @ 12:33am
Location   Above L Class planet with the "Legacy"
Timeline   SD6 09:40

The dull hum of the ships operation was suddenly broken by a proximity alarm. Jarred looked up from the engineering station where he was busy down loading the sensor logs, scrambled as they were. The noise clearly didn't phase Zorana. The display only showed starfleet ships, they were just far enough away to not be clearly identified. Jarred knew he'd end up in the brig for a stretch, 'so much for getting my commission back' he thought.

Zorana was ignoring Jarred, she feared that she was going to end in the brig right along with him. Oh she was furious! But is wasn't like she was able to take the shuttle back and leave him here wasn't her nature to abandon...she had been abandoned too many times in the past and knew how it felt so she couldn't do that to someone else...

He tapped a couple of commands into the console, and promptly grumbled. the communications was still disabled. He figured the Captain would send a squad of marines over to arrest him. so Jarred did what he figured would save him from being roughed up, he unloaded the pistols they had and put the meh'kleh blade on the deck and sat in the captains chair on the Legacys' bridge, "hmm comfy chair, too bad I'll never get too sit in one for real."

"Yeah I hope you are thrown into the brig! So enjoy the chair. I better not get thrown in there with you!" So much for ignoring him!

Jarred looked at the damage control readout, long-range communications are out, no warp drive, and impulse are totally unreliable. He looked at Zorana again and figured if they were both gonna get home he'd have too get inventive. Jarred stood and walked over too the engineering station, the Long range Comm was simply offline. "Computer, Level 3 diagnostic of the Long range comm systems"

"Time required 20 minutes." the computers monotone voice uttered.

~just fine~ jarred thought, he started looking at the impulse drive, he could just by pass any systems that aren't super critical and get maybe .75 impulse, ~better than nothing~ the figured. twenty minutes later the ship unwillingly moaned to life, they were underway again. The Comm system was back online as well.

"Legacy to DS5, Captain Tahir or any command staff respond please."

Jarred hoped there was a response.

On DS5, Robert Rushtone was in charge of communications and the channel was weak at best. He did his best to clear and boost the signal.
He turned to one of the transmitter consoles and began altering and modulating the signal, finally making out the signal was from the Legacy.
He raised his brow in surprise, tapping the transmit code.

"Deep space 5 receiving, please identify yourself." He stood waiting for the reply.

"DS5 this is Wallace aboard USS legacy" Jarred began ignoring the pain in his side "the ship is been found heavily run through and several key systems are either damaged or have been removed."

The pain suddenly got...~wet?~ Jarred thought. "Sir we're about 90 minutes away at best, but if you can arrange for a tug or other ship to tow us in that would be more helpful."

Jarred turned this attention too Zorana for a moment and thought back too their first chance meeting.

Jarred suddenly got a sense of total contempt from Zorana. ~how dare she~ he thought, It wasn't until yesterday he finally put the face too a name. All he could really remember was alot of swearing in Czech the first time. He turned, bordered on telling her off then though better of it and went back too trying too keep the ship moving. the ship that had tripped the proximity was gone, and oddly fast. he looked at the ETA too DS5 maybe another hour, 90 minutes tops was his best guess, but he could still sense the growing anger from Zorana and couldn't take it any more, he broke the tense silence "Instead of being enraged about this situation just remember I was part of the last team too leave the Chandler before the Warp Core went critical, hell you wouldn't be here if Chandlers engineer not been a total idiot and gotten so overly zealous about his little pet project."

She swore again before turned around, "I kept them alive until you got there 'mister hero'. Don't you dare start with me on that one! I am not having this argument with you. Just get me back to the starbase!" She turned back to the console and continued her work.

Jarred looked at her with near total contempt. Then collapsed, loosing all consciousness as well as a lot of blood. He'd been hit by a stray fragment when he shot down the Riot drone.

Robert was taken aback by the odd request, but thought it best to send out something, when Tasha appeared behind him.

She had compiled her reports for T'Lan, squared away things ready for the mornings event and was stood casually listening to the general hub bub of operations when the frantic pacing between consoles from Robert caught her attention and she headed down the short flight of stair, across the deck and stepped up onto the platform.

"Ma'am" He exclaimed an a half state of shock. "I didn't hear you."

"At ease Robert. What's that about the Legacy? Who gave permission for a search and recover mission?" She asked, her arms folded behind her back.

Robert scratched at his forlock. "I don't recall who ordered or authorised. I gave permission for Mr Wallace to leave earlier this morning, but that was aboard the Preditor."

"And now he is aboard the Legacy, an experimental ship stolen by a Princess and mysteriously lost before it could be collected. Now a officer under Lieutenant Gabriel, is calling for a escort. I think the best recourse is to dispatch the Pollux and bring Mr Wallace and the ship back and I think a security detail as well. O, and inform Lieutenant Gabriel of Mr Wallaces' actions." She faked a smile and turned about.

"Aye Ma'am" Robert replied as he turned back to the communication console whilst sending orders to Security and Flight.

Zorana turned to find Mr. Wallace on the floor bleeding. ~oh God!~ She hit the comm button, "help! This is Lieutenant Kasikova, Wallace has collapsed and he is bleeding from the chest!" She ran to the security station and grabbed the first aid kit from under the console. She knelt beside Wallace, she sighed with relief when she realised that he was still breathing.

"I can't stop the bleeding, he's breathing but I can't stop the bleeding!" She called over the comm system.

"Ma'am, medics?" Robert added a Tasha walked away.

"Dispatch one along with them Mr Rushtone." Tasha replied, heading back to her office.

===18 hours later===

Jarred knew he was in a starfleet sickbay, He didn't know where just that he was in a sickbay, He ached from the injury he'd suffered, and didn't want too move, the PADDs' laying on the table next too him are what caught his attention. The one on top was a reremand from The Captain, with Lt. Dorians' signature afixed as well. Jarred didn't know what to think about it. He looked at the next PADD and thinking it was his dismissal from the service, he was wrong.

It was a communique from Starfleet Intelligence, more accurately a copy of one, Jarred and Lt. Dorian had been ordered to end all further investigations into The Hijacking of the Legacy. Jarred just sat there for a few minutes, soon after a nurse told him that he could returnt o his quarters and get few days rest.

Jarred sat in his quarters, the lights weren't on, he just staired out into space. The Tangy taste of Klingon Blood wine passed over his lips and he reflected. He'd done his job, it wasn't pretty or all neat and tidy, but it was done. Jarred Knew that his methods didn't sit well with anyone incharge of his new posting. Then there was Lt. Kasikova, what to do about her, she'd reminded him of why he was in this line of duty, even if he couldn't hold down a permanent rank.


Jarred Wallace
Lt. Zorana Kasikova

Capt. Tasha Tahir