Judgement – No such thing as a free lunch
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   No such thing as a free lunch
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon May 23, 2011 @ 1:55pm
Location   The Glaston Yacht
Timeline   SD 37 2000

Lance arrived at the Glaston yacht docking port smartly on time. He wasn't surprised to find Gwen waiting for him.

She wore a long cream evening dress that clung to her curves in an interesting way, though the whole effect was somewhat diminished by the looming presence behind her of another man, who appeared to be nothing more than a waling slab of muscle in a suit.

She gave him a warm smile. "I'm glad to see you again, Dr Murdoch. Won't you come aboard. Chef's got an excellent menu for tonight. I hope you like game?"

"Game?" Lance asked, raising an eyebrow but falling in step beside her, "Depends on what game it is. I hope you're not going to serve me Targ!" He joked.

"Terrine of Trill field game, followed by scallops of terran Red Deer served on a bed of sea vegetables and served with a confite of icoberry. Then we have cheeses and desserts." She led the way up the gangplank and Lance was very aware of the huge musclebound minder fell in behind them

'Better not try anything' He thought to himself, admiring Gwen's rear as she walked. 'At least not yet.' He fought to suppress a grin. This was promising to be a most... enjoyable evening. "Will your grandfather be joining us?" He asked.

"He's being seated. Its tricky for him. At the moment." She pointed towards a pair of double doors ahead of them. The opened as they approached. And indeed, there was Arthur Glaston, sitting at the head of the table, a young man in a nurses uniform sitting next to him.

"So glad you joined us, Dr Murdoch," said the electronic version of Arthur's voice. "Forgive me for not greeting you personally."

"Of Coarse!" Lance replied smoothly, taking in the opulent decor of the room. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Not at all, have a seat."

Lance took the offered chair. "Quiet a place you've got here." He noted.

"The benefits of travelling the galaxy, Lance. Can I call you Lance?"

The first course arrived, carried from the galley by two raven haired orion women, who set the plates down with a coquettish smile at Lance before retreating back to where they had come from.

"Sure!" Replied Lance, returning the Orion's smile. He eye'd the exotic dish with relish. "Ahhh a man after my own heart." He said, waiting for his host to eat first.

Gwen picked up a fork, and Arthur's nurse did likewise, and the meal begain in earnest, and as Lance was treated to course after course of gastronomic delicacy, they made small talk, touching on nothing in particular, until at least the desserts were served and the cheese and brandy brought out.

"Perhaps now, we should get down to business, Lance." Arthur said as his nurse offered him a slice of something blue on a fork. "I'm sorry Gwen, but I want to talk to Lance alone. Will you indulge an old man?"

Gwen gave both of them a warm look, and put her napkin on the table. "Of course, I'll be in the second state room when you're done." She got up. Lance was treated to ten seconds of unconsciously seductive swishing before his view was blocked by the walking muscle.

Lance smirked as he watched her go. Then sat back into the plush arm chair he was directed to. He gratefully accepted a fine cigar that one of the Orion girls offered him, taking in a deep view of her cleavage at the same time. He sat contentedly puffing the cigar and regarded Arthur with a self satisfied look. "That was an excellent meal Mr Glaston, and this is an equally excellent cigar." He said, "I can't help but feel I'm being buttered up." He joked.

The older man gave a alighty digitised laugh "buttered? I want you positively greased!" the two Orion girls went to curl up at lance's feet. "Kendra and Chiara. The official line is I'm liberating them. But I want you to think of them as a bonus for a job well done." Kendra nuzzled along Lance's thigh. Its not an easy procedure, and I hope to give you as much incentive to do well, as to say yes. Should you be succesful, then of course, you may name your price. Anything in my power to give." Chiara slid up onto her knees and began to massage Lance's shoulders.

Lance relaxed into the massage, the Orion girls were certainly... skillfull. Lance wasn't completely at ease though, he kept his gaze firmly fixed on Glaston. "Since you are going to such lengths to bring me on board, can I assume this proceedure is... shall we say less than legal?" He puffed his cigar, "Not that, its a problem." He quickly moved to clarify. "I just like to know what risks I'm taking." He smiled at the two Orion's. "Some rewards are worth any risk."

"Any dangerous exerimental procedure exists within a..grey.. area, legally. By its very nature there aren't any rules, but it usually suggests that there should be. If you are concerned I am prepared to lodge all release papers with any party you require."

Lance nodded, clearly here was a man who knew how to cover his bases. He gatefully accepted a glass of whiskey, "So tell me then Mr Glaston, what is it about this proceedure that makes it soo... challenging?"

"Its comprehensive nature. You'll be efectively giveing me new neural matter. You'll be replacing my autonomic nervous system, spinal cord and significant parts of my central nervous system. Its delicate and invasive."

Lance frowned slightly, "Replacing? With what donar tissue? With such crucial nervous system components the risk of organ rejection is incredibly high. You would need an almost exact genetic match..." Lance mused out loud. "You're not talking about using cloned tissue ar you?" Lance asked raising an eyebrow. The Federation's law's on human and humanoid cloning were very clear on this. Don't.

Kendra was nibbling at Lance's ear, her warm soft body pressed against his. Chiara mirrored her position, draping herself along his right side. Arthur Glaston smiled indulgently as best he could. "No, not cloning Dr Murdoch, the donar tissue will be from Gwen. No, let me rephrase. The donar tissue is Gwen. You're going to peel back her nervous system, remove her brain, and replace it with mine."

Glaston's words didn't register with Lance for a second. Then the surgeon sat forward, "What??" He said, pushing the girls off him. He looked into Glastons rheumy eye's. "You're serious aren't you??" the thought of this decrepid, vile old man's mind in Gwens, lovely body turned Lance's stomache. He stood, shaking off the insistent advances of the two girls. "I won't be party to this!" He shouted.

There was the sharp hiss of two hyposprays going off, one on each side of his neck, as the two orion girls jabbed him with god-knew what. "You will now, Dr Murdoch," The digitised voice sounded smug.

Lance slumped back into his chair, "Wha.....................? What have you done?" He asked reaching up to touch his neck with hands, feeling the puncture marks. The room swam around Lance. "What was that?" He managed to stammer.

"Kendra gave you Plutoxin 7. One of our better sellers in certain parts of the romulan empire and the gamma quadrant. You'll need the retardent on a regular basis, or you'll simply die. Theres some rather boring side affects when the retardent starts to wear off. Dizzyness, palpations, sweating, and then your heart will just stop. So no need to get all heroic; do the job, and when I wake up in Gwen's body and can dance a tango with Mr North, you'll get the cure. The full antidote, not just the retardent.."

Lance stared at Glaston in shock, "You Monster!" He said, "What was in the other hypo?"

"Chiara guarentees your silence." Glaston gave an evil smile. "Its a nano-engineered form of rheumatoid arthritis. You're a talented man, Lance. I'd rather not waste it by having to have you killed. So if the authorities get one whiff of this, I'll leave your hands so crippled you won't be able to wash yourself, let alone perform surgery. Trust me, there's nothing so close to hell as to have another person wipe your arse when you were once a god amongst men."

Lance stared down at his hands disbelievingly, his mind raced, "You bastard!" He spat. But he was cornered, it seemed Glaston had covered all his bases.

Gwen's muscular minder reappeared in the dining room. Glaston looked up at him. "Ah, Mr North, just in time." The decrepit old man turned to Lance. "Your final answer, Lance? Accept my rules, and Mr North will show you to your stateroom and give you the first retardent. Or you can die right here, right now, and I shall have to find another surgeon." He rolled away from the table and over to Lance. "If it helps your decision, if you say yes, and succeed, I will still cover you with latinum and send Kendra and Chiara to keep you warm for the rest of your life. Which will be as long as you wish, if you follow the rules." The watery eyes flicked to Mr North, who gave Lance the look of a calculating professional, how much trouble are you going to be . "Your answer, Dr Murdoch?"

Lance gave Glaston a look of pure hatred. "I'll do it." He said. He really had no choice. Lance needed time, and right now that was the one thing he didn't have.


Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5


Arthur Glaston, and his minions
NPCd by Notty