Things Past – The Worm-lady
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   The Worm-lady
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sat Oct 06, 2012 @ 1:54pm
Location   The Promenade
Timeline   Present

"Do you know where the vet is, miss?" The Bolian girl asked Saria. "The station is so big!"

Saria smirked, and looked down to her. "In fact, I do. He's a good friend of mine as well, and I'm sure we'll get Benji registered." She said, looking at the white terrier that Mia held in her arms. It used bark cautiously at Saria, but it stopped as soon they were in the hallways, heading for the turbolifts. It's tail flapped around quickly, and panted. Apparently, Benji had to get used to the hallways, which replaced the streets of a city.

Not much later, they finally arived at the promenade level. The doors of the turbolift went open, and the people inside left. However, it seemed that the large population on the promenade was too strange for Benji, and began barking. Some people looked toward the source of the barking, and eventually continued. A few passing Klingons laughed at the sight, and a friendly Cardassian made a quick nod to Benji.

Mia, however, was amazed at the sight of so many species together. Confusingly, she yelled the names of the species that were new for her to Saria. "Wooooow, have you ever seen so much aliens at the same place?!" She asked Saria.
Saria smirked. "Even more, Mia." She replied.
"How's that?" Mia asked, surprised. Smiled, and pointed toward her belly. "So it's true? There's a worm living inside you?!"
"I wouldn't call it a worm directly. It's a... friend."

Mia frowned. "Isn't that dangerous? Maybe it'll eat you from the inside out!"
"Don't worry about that, Mia. It hasn't eaten anything, ever." Saria laughed at hearing Mia's response.
"But... why does it live inside you?" Mia asked, again. Saria smiled, thinking about how she would explain symbiosis to an 8-year old girl.
"You should see it as some kind of baby. They're helpless, so you have to carry them, right?" Saria asked, and Mia nodded. "Well, this "worm" can't do anything on it's own, so you have to help it. In exchange, it gives you access to the memories of the people where this "worm" has been in." Saria explained.

They didn't have to walk very far to reach the Vet's office. It was located between an Earthly souvenir shop and a small Andorian bar. The glass doors slid open in front of Saria and Mia, still holding Benji. They arrived in the waiting room, but Saria went straight for the desk. A young man with brown hair and a stubbled beard sat behind the desk, looking up to Saria.
"Oh, hey Chief. Can I help you with something?" The vet asked.

"Now you're saying, I was looking to register my little friend here." She said, grabbing Benji gently from Mia, and setting him on the counter. Benji sneezed a few times, but continued panting afterwards.

"Ah, that's a nice Terrier you got there. Why didn't you tell me earlier you got a new pet?" He said.

"Uhm... mister, Benji is actually mine." Mia smiled.

The vet smiled back, and slapped his forehead jokingly. "But ofcourse, I could've known that." He said, as he rubbed his face. "Anyway, I'll register him in the system and run sone checks on him. I'll give him back in the same state as he came here." He joked.

"Thanks, I appreciate the effort. I'd like you to put Benji on the name of Chief Rex Mett." She smiled.

"No problemo, Chief!" He said, giving her a fake salute.

"Alright Mia, let's continue our stroll." Saria said, but got no response. She looked at her side, but Mia was nowhere to be found. "Mia?! Mia!" Saria yelled. She walked away quickly, onto the promenade. She looked around, but she didn't saw the little Bolian girl anywhere. Saria was getting nervous, and walked from one side to the other. She yelled Mia's name a few times, but still no response. She had to find Mia, since she wouldn't like to go back to Lieutenant Mett and tell him that she lost his daughter on the Promenade. Instinctively, she walked toward any candy shop she could see, but Mia was nowhere. Eventually, she came at the Jumja Stick stand, and looked dramaticly at the Bajoran behind the counter.

"Excuse me, but have you seen a little Bolian girl walking by?" She asked, exhausted.

"Yes, there was a Bolian girl a few minutes ago here. She bought a Jumja Stick. Though, she was together here with a Cardassian."

"A Cardassian?" Saria frowned.

"The Savior of Free Haven, to be exactly. They went into that direction." The Bajoran said, pointing to his right.

"Tekor..." She mumbled. "Thanks"

Saria hasted into the direction the Bajoran told her. It didn't took her long to locate Tekor, walking near the Vulcan bar. When she came closer, she spotted Mia walking along with Tekor, licking the Jumja Stick in her hand. Saria laid her hand on Tekor's shoulder, as he directly turned around.

"Tekor..." Saria said.

"Rex..." He replied.


Saria Rex
Chief of Science

Tekor Madra

Mia Mett