Unity – A time for subversion
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   A time for subversion
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Colonel James Darson & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 7:54pm
Location   USS Trojan (Maquis/Ambassador class ship)
Timeline   SD17 - Midday

The close-range radio burst into life as a yelp of pleasure erupted from below the console.

"Got it!" Gerrard voiced as he slapped the floor in pleasure and realized that his emotive outburst may have given the wrong impression, especially to Gordon who immediately threw a cold waffle at him.

"Hey!" He said as he hauled himself from the recess of the operations console. "That's a waste of a perfectly good waffle!" He said with a grin as his dust smudged face appeared.

Raymond was frustrated by the delay in the plan. So far the vessel had managed to maintain its usefulness by maintaining the cloak. A cloak that was never designed to work with such an inferior vessel. However, it was probably a good thing that the vessel was not designed for battle compared to a Prometheus or even Defiant class vessel. It had a simple job to perform.

"Status report" Raymond said to the individuals on the bridge. "How long until we are ready to proceed with the rest of the plan?" He asked.

Gerrard came to rest on his knees. "Sir, I have reconfigured the power couplings and the duodynetic phase inverter, which was giving us the power drains. I cannot guarantee how long they will hold, but I would say at least thirty minutes. Once the cloak is disengaged, we will have full phasers for at least an hour and shields for just as long." He advised, pushing himself to his feet and standing upright. He stretched his arms above his head, feeling that it was job well done.

Raymond ran his hand over his smooth head as he thought aloud. "We don't need to win the war, we just need to survive long enough to put up a convincing fight. The main priority will be shields and weapons. How long can this ship last once we decloak?" He asked to the gathered crew.

Gerrard shook his head. "Not known, but long enough to annoy!" He remarked, moving himself into the seat of his console.

=^= "All crew, this is Raymond, we are about to begin our mission." He said as he stepped down from his chair and took a deep breathe to steady himself. "This will not be easy, nor should we expect it to be. We are sacrificing a lot. But we are not doing it for ourselves, but for those of us that have lost loved ones and so much more." He said solemnly.

"But I have absolute confidence in our ability. We will prevail, because failure is not an option." He said with finality.

"You all know your designated teams. Get your gear ready, and I will see you on the other side. Raymond out." == he said with finality as he signaled for the line to be cut.

Off to the side, Ryouske remained silent. He didn’t have a part to play here…but soon enough, he would have something to do. Until then, he just had to remain patient.

Ronald swung his chair about, waiting for the order to come. Raymonds little speech had given him a warm feeling and he was ready to do what was necessary.

"Any last questions?" he asked those around him.

Krah shook her head, feeling an agreeable tingle in her stomach as her symbiont confirmed her assertion, "We're good to go," she said.

"Die with honor!" the Klingon encouraged the rest before checking his own weapons yet again.

"I certainly don't plan on dying today." Raymond said under his breathe as he sat back down in his chair and started intently into the viewscreen.

"Tactical, drop cloak and bring all weapons on line. Helm, lay in a course of Deep Space 5 at full impulse. Everybody else, prepare to take back our lives." he said.

"FINALLY!" Gord shouted again pretty much pounding on his console dropping the cloak and targeting the nearest target. He had been waiting for this and was going to make sure it was a spectacle.

"Aye Sir!" Ronald remarked as he swung his chair to face forwards and began to drop the cloak and feed power to the weapons array. "Weapons charging, cloak disengaged." He advised as he gave a nod to tactical and the captain.


Raymond Wier
Commanding Officer
NPC'd - Thom

Ronald Gerrard
Operations / Transporters
NPC'd by Mark

Melia Krah
NPC by Louise

Greg Keeler
NPC by Andy

NPC by Jools

Ryouske Nakayagi
Weapons Specialist
NPC'd by Dan G.

Gord Jowan
NPC'd by Freeman

Captain Raymond Wier - Gabriel
Commander - Melia Krah - Karen
Helmsman / Flight Greg Keeler - Jarred
Ops - Ronald Gerrard -Mark
Weapons specialist Ryouske Nakayagi - Darson
Tactical - Freeman
Bridge Officer - Dunham
Quartermaster - Tan'Rek - Chelsea