Unity – Part 15 Aftermath
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Part 15 Aftermath
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Jun 18, 2010 @ 11:55pm
Location   Gravon IV
Timeline   Interlude

Dunham was laying in the master bedroom of the holiday cabin. He had been 'ordered' by his better half to remain in bed after the post operation. An operation Chelsea had insisted on doing her self at the hospital. Something the attending surgeon was happy for at the small hospital, that was only use to patching up broken bones and twisted ankles of trekking holiday makers. Dunham had woken up without incident back in bed at the cabin. The first words out of his mouth had been about pizza, and a unrelenting hunger. At this Chelsea had smiled at, as it showed Dunham well on the road to recovery, and because of the marvels of modern medicine he would be out and about within twenty four hours. Not that Dunham was complaining he was enjoying the opportunity to rest and in enjoy his holiday. Plus being 'waited' on by Chelsea had its advantages. He smiled contently, one with the world.

"What are you smiling about, you reprobate?" Chelsea teased gently. "You're up to something aren't you?" she was bringing him Bajoran tea and some delicious Terran Brownies for his mid-morning snack.

She sat on the edge of his bed and ran the med scanner over him as she was watching him lovingly.

"You just got shot to get tea and sympathy, didn't you? And to get us admiring you for the heroics and protecting us, the way you always do. Sir Richard the Brave." she smirked, gently checking his dressing.

Dunham eyes sparkled, with mischief . "Well you know its the only way to get your loving attention around here."

"The only way??" She spluttered, looking offended. "You're totally adored the *whole* time and yet you can say such a thing? I should have listened to your mother and run away while I had the chance!" she huffed.

"Please don't ever, ever, ever, listen to what my mother has to say." Said Dunham, grabbing Chelsea in a big bear hug, and smiling. "did I tell you today how amazing you are?"

"UGH.." Chelsea's lungs were emptied by the force of the hug. "O...kay...you d...don't have to c..crush m..me, I g..give in... I won't l..listen ok...?" she puffed until he took the pressure off her ribcage.

Dunham pulled Chelsea closer onto the bed with him, wrapping his arms around her affectionately, he looked at her adoringly, like she was the only thing in his world. "You know this whole thing has made me really think about the important things in life."

"ohOH!" she pretended to groan. "What have i done wrong now? What important things? Like not to go off on holiday and cross your mother on the way there? Like not to go off on holiday and get embroiled in murder-mysteries? Like not to go off on holiday and take your niece into danger? Like not to go off on holiday and make noxious sandwiches? LIKE NOT TO GO OFF ON HOLIDAY.. PERIOD!" she listed them all, pretending to be complaining but grinning all the time.

"look.." said Dunham being serious for a moment. "With all that happened on Deep Space Five with the Nu-Maquis take over, and seeing you at risk, and here again on holiday. Its made me realise more then ever, how much I love you and that I never want to loose you, so..." Dunham reached under his pillow and pulled out a blue velvet box, containing his Grandmas diamond necklace. "I want you to have this."

"Rick.... that is so beautiful!" Chelsea gasped as the fabulous jewels sparkled at her breathtakingly.

"I.... I can't accept this.... " She stopped and looked into his deep, gorgeous eyes, melting as she sat there, speechless.

Dunham smiled, and said quietly "please, take it."

"Rick, it's so .... " she was not easy to render speechless... except when it came to Lieutenant Richard Dunham. "Thank you" she whispered emotionally, taking the box in her hand as if it were a tiny creature that might be harmed if she grasped it too tightly.

Dunham smiled softly and gently, his eyes filled with adoration, "It's an old family heirloom, pre 17th century, been in the family for a while, my Gran said to me to give to the woman I love...."

"Rick, it's amazing. Thank you!" Chelsea was overcome and just sat on the edge of the bed, running her finger tip softly over the beautiful jewels, wondering how come she was so lucky as to have won the heart of someone so awesome.

Dunham held Chelsea gently in his arms. "Well we have a couple of days holiday left, what do you want to do until we head back to deep space five?"

"I'd suggest we stay in bed but that wouldn't be fair to Kim" She sighed, reluctant to ever leave his arms. "Should we get some more sandwiches made and do some more sightseeing? As long as it doesn't involve any caves of course!"

"Ok.....Kim's still asleep, so we stay here a while, work up an appetite, then go picnic, I fancy going to that forest on the east cost," Dunham pointed to a tourist leaflet on the side table. He had a smile on his face. "Its got a waterfall."

Chelsea's eyes lit up. "Ooooooh! I'd like that... i'll bet its beautiful!" she enthused but only just until her lips became busy with something even more beautiful as Rick kissed her.

"Mmmmmmm" she murmoured and sank deeper into his arms reaching out blindly to rescue the necklace and feel for the the bedside table to place it safely on top of before slipping back out of her clothes and under the covers with her 'patient'.

~A CMO could get struck off for this sort of patient/doctor relationship~ she thought for half a millisecond before she completely forgot all about that and anything else in the universe.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams