Unity – A mission of Mercy
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   A mission of Mercy
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 7:59pm
Location   Commanders Office
Timeline   SD17 10:50
He allowed them to leave, but called Dunham back as the others left.
"Lieutenant, take a seat for a minute." He said as the doors closed at his touch of the button on his desk.


As Dunham settled into the chair, Davies rose and headed to the replicator.
"Water, one jug, cold." He ordered and turned to Dunham.
"Lieutenant, I had a discussion with captain Flynn less than half an hour ago that I think you need to be aware of." Davies began as he lifted the jug and carried it to the table.
"Earlier this morning, a Cardassian group was attacked, apparently by the Federation. I know I have ordered you to lead a patrol flight, but I want you to prepare a ship for you and one other member of your team to lead the rescue mission. You have 2 hours to prepare." Davies said as he pushed a glass towards the lieutenant.

Dunham had a puzzled expression on his face, "Wha...hold I'm confused and I think I got my wires crossed." He pointed in different directions with the index finger of each hand to emphasise his point. "Is this the rescue mission for the POW's? Or do you now want me to go and rescue some Cardassians? Because if its the POW mission I thought Lieutenant JG Jarred Wallace was in charge of that one?"

"Change of plans Lieutenant. Lieutenant Wallace will lead that mission, I want you to lead this one. It's a delicate matter and by way of a balance, I want you at the scene of this one." Davies sipped at his glass, seeing that Dunham was totally surprised by this turn of events. "Look," He began as he lay the glass on the table with one hand and rubbed at the side of his head with his index finger of the other, "the Cardassians are already gunning for your blood, so if you are seen reacting to a similar situation in the role of rescue, then that can only serve to counter effect and before you protest, I know you're innocent and I have proclaimed as much, but if you are seen to be actively involved in a rescue mission..." He was not sure if he should divulge any more information to the lieutenant for the moment.

Dunham had a puzzled expression on his face. It wasn't that he held a grudge against the cardassian. On the contrary he held no blame or anger towards Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal, it was just that this mission seemed a little out of place, and Dunham couldn't put his finger on it.

It was now Davies turn to remonstrate with his hands.
"Lieutenant, I totally understand that Federation POWs are a precedent, which is why that is a priority mission, but sometimes fate has a way of dealing hands that can favour those that are willing to take the chance." He fell back in seat. "Officially, this is not an order, but I would prefer it if I didn't have to make it so, we can then show the Cardies that you hold no grudge. Heck, I would even put it on record that you volunteered for this mission." Davies grinned but he could see that Dunham was not exactly enamoured with the 'Deal' as it were.

Dunham shook his head slightly from side to side, still not enamoured with the idea. "I'm going to need a little bit more information sir."

Davies folded his hands into his lap beneath the table.
"Right, I am going to tell you what I know. Apparently, two freighters and a Galor class ship were attacked, by Federation ships and for that to happen twice in two days, could well provoke an interstellar confrontation. The Galor was destroyed, but the two freighters are currently holding station some distance away. Lieutenant Wallace, Captain Flynn and myself are the few who know of this and now you." He leant forward. "I want you to give as much protection to those freighters as you possibly can. The Pollux is available, but you will also need and attack craft, as we believe that these 'Federation' ships are still in the immediate vicinity and Lieutenant, we don't believe for a second that they are truly Federation ships."

Dunham nodded, he scratched his chin then leant forward on his chair and rested his chin in the cup of his hand. He began to nod slowly as he was swayed around. "Ok I'd like to take the USS Pollux, a couple of runabouts, and a fighter wing of Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters? That should give enough fire power against a couple of small cruisers, and give some room to do an evacuation."

Davies shook his head. "Request denied. I don't want to put a small fleet out there, it might give out the wrong signal. The Pollux and a runabout or a Broadsword. We don't want everyone to know about this, which is why I want flight staff kept to a minimum. Captain Flynn informs me that there is a training flight already with them, but they are Marines and I want a Starfleet presence, and in Starfleet, I want you." The smile on his face had dropped, but there was still a glint in his eye.

Dunham nodded in agreement "Ok Sir I'll take the Pollux out. If the Marines are already out there, who has command authority when I arrive?"

David pursed his lips. "Good question. If Colonel Darson is on scene, he will, if not, then you will have authority." The Commander stated as he rose from his seat, knowing his next stop would be the docking bay. "Any thing else Lieutenant?" Davies asked.

"No sir" said Dunham in reply.


Commander David Davies


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader