Judgement – Predators
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Predators
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Sun Jan 23, 2011 @ 12:17am
Location   Unknown
Timeline   Near the end of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor
OOC: This post contains violence. Nothing overly graphic, but...well, you'll all see what I mean. Just figured a heads up was necessary, - Maja


After what had become a daily meeting with Chelsea, Draylin found himself sitting in one of the caffes overlooking the Promenade when his eyes fell upon a person he least expected to be there. He was aware that there was a Cardassian consulate on the Station, but last person he expected to find strutting across the promenade was a man he knew all too well. Although they'd met only a few times, it was their first contact that gave Draylin a true insight into the inner workings of one Tharek Getal...


"Where in Cardassia's name is he!" Tharek said quietly to himself, as he tried not to pace in the darkness of the small, secluded gap between two stores.

'He', as it happened, was only a few meters away from Getal's location. A tall man, with platinum blonde hair and dressed quite casually, walked confidently towards his contact.

Draylin always liked the dark. His vision seemed to clear when in the cover of blackness. Not to mention his mind. Arriving at his location, he slipped through the small entrance and saw an agitated Cardassian was waiting.

"You took your time." Getal stated, obviously annoyed. He didn't press the matter though, as the Agent that recommended him exceeded to stress Draylin's reputation.

Draylin didn't comment, looking unamusedly at Getal before leaning to the side to look behind the towering bulk of Cardassian. A few meters away, slumped against a chair was a Bajoran woman. Petite-looking in red robes. He didn't know her name. Not that it mattered. Or that he cared.

Tharek beamed, clearly visibly. "This woman has caused me great discomfort Draylin. I expect you to make her pay. She thinks that me killing her will definitely send her off to the Prophets. Show her otherwise."

The El Aurian smirked, walking passed Tharek and going to stand in front of the Bajoran.

"She's unconscious," he stated with a frown.

"Shame. Let's get her somewhere else. Too many eyes here, even in the darkness."

"Take her somewhere?" Draylin asked, his tone even but with a small amount of disbelief and annoyance mixed in. How amateurish he thought to himself before motioning for him to carry the body. He didn't come her to perform manual labor.

Tharek complied and lifted the woman up onto his shoulders. "It's that or risk being seen by someone who'll cry along to Starfleet." Tharek said, noticing Draylin's criticism in his eyes.

"I didn't say anything," Draylin just said, following Getal to wherever they were going while keeping a lookout and trying to remain as hidden as possible. He, unlike Tharek, wasn't an imposing person, and he rather not get seen.

"Good." Getal replied curtly. --- Tharek made one quick sweep for any sign of anyone else in their new area, which was unfamiliar to him. It looked dark, damp and humid. Perfect.
"Unsanitary, but whatever," Draylin said, looking around. Reaching into his picket, he pulled out a hypospray and loaded it.

"It's Cardassian in here." He replied, a large smile on his face. He hoped Draylin would know this would instill fear into the Bajoran.

"I thought Cardassia was one big desert," Draylin lied. As Tharek set the woman onto the floor, the El Aurian knelt down and pressed the hypo against her neck. A couple of second later, the Bajoran stirred and flinched as she woke up, looking around frantically. "Shhh...." Draylin shushed her, putting a hand on her shoulder, almost tenderly.

Tharek onlooked as he faded slightly into the darkness. Only his ridges, hands and forehead was visible. Everything else was encompassed in darkness.

Draylin grabbed the woman and hauled her up bodily until she was on her knees. The woman looked up in fear at him when Draylin circled around to stand in front of her. He proceeded to kneel down. "Hello, dear heart," he told her. He could feel her warm breath against his face. It was hot, and fast. Her heart was racing. As he reached over with his hand towards her, she flinched and tried to retreat.

"Shh...Don't worry. I won't hurt you yet," he whispered and pressed his fingers against her neck. A smile spread across his features at the feel of the quick, frantic pulsing under his fingers.

Tharek glared on, his eyes hidden in shadows. He folded his arms, and watched Draylin's techniques. He could've been an Obsidian Order agent, should he have been Cardassian.

As the woman tried to retreat, Draylin grabbed the back of her head roughly to keep her in place. The hood slipped slowly off her head, revealing soft, black hair. She was rather pretty and should he have had thoughts like most people, he would've found himself attracted to her. But he didn't. His fingers slipped slowly down her neck and he pressed the palm of his hand against her chest.

It was innocent, from a sexual point of view. Her heart was racing and a sob escaped her.

"What do you want?!" she sobbed out. He raised his eyes up to meet her tearful ones. "Your life," he replied softly. She cried, looking around, as if for a way out. He slapped her. "Don't think about it. There's no escape," he assured her before standing up to his full height.

Tharek laughed silently through his nose. His ominous figure shifting and changing in the dim light. "I want more than her life. I want her to realize that she was wrong."

"You can't get that," Draylin said. "All you can take is her life. All she is. And all that she'll ever become," he added, glancing at Tharek in the shadows. Moving his jacket aside, he pulled out a thin, extremely sharp looking blade. At the sight of it, the woman began to sob harder, starting to shake her head and shiver.

"Making someone see they were wrong to oppose you is the Cardassian way. I paid you to do this the Cardassian way, and it shall be done." Getal added sternly. He stepped forward into the light, so the female could get a good, long look at his face.

"Stay out of this," Draylin told him firmly, looking over at him. He circled around her the woman to stand behind her and held her head. Moving the blade towards her for the final move, the woman suddenly jerked in his hand from a sob and starting to speak. "Prophets, save me, your servant..." she began, her words drowning in her tears. Draylin's knife, an inch from her neck, stopped suddenly.

"Are you praying, dear heart?" he asked, dropping his knife and pulled her head back until she looked up at him. His mind overrun with thoughts, he stood silent for a moment, looking longingly at it. Blinking a few times, he let her head go.

"Praying," he said simply to her in a tone a parent would use on a child. Then he smiled at her, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face and set it behind her ear. "I'll tell you what...I will give your Prophets half an hour to save you. Then, if they don't, I'll kill you." The girl, who he just noticed was much younger than he'd thought, started to shiver again, her face completely red now from fear and tears. "Please..." she begged him.

Tharek laughed. Loud and coarse. "The Prophets. Let us see how omnipotent they are now."

Draylin looked over at him. What an annoying little man he thought to himself, tempted to run the blade in his hand through that ridged neck of his. This was why he preferred to work alone. He didn't like a chaperone.

But, with the size of the payment he was getting for this, it didn't seem like such a big sacrifice. Now he wasn't so certain.

Tharek could see the annoyance he was causing, so dispersed back into the shadows to continue observing.

Glad the Cardassian had picked up on his subtle look, Draylin looked back at the Bajoran, who had her eyes closed and was, sure enough, praying under breath. "Good...make sure you really mean it," he advised, tauntingly as he leaned back against the wall in front of her, watching her quietly. "29 minutes," he counted down.

Tharek made a 'tick-tock' noise, very quietly, in the shadows. The ultimate torture. A man who was prepared to kill you was present, and a man who enjoyed watching it was there too.

And all that you thought could save you was a prayer. The world around them was quiet, as if everything besides their little room was gone and all Draylin could truly focus on was the way her form shivered from fear and adrenaline.

Tharek watched with intent. The minutes feeling like hours. He didn't want to interrupt Draylin anymore. He would simply sit back and enjoy the show.

The minutes dragged on, with the girl continuing to cry. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to them, but only a few moments to her, Draylin moved closer to her and knelt down in front of her. "Time's up, dear heart," he told her, his voice barely above a whisper, sending chills down her spine. The dark haired woman shook her head, begging to him to just stop and walk away. Draylin sighed and reached up, caressing her cheek. "No," he shook his head.

"Your prophets may have betrayed you, but I won't," he told her as he slowly shifted to kneel behind her. Looking over her shoulder, he could see their reflection in the damp bulkhead.

Tharek smiled with perverse glee. A look on his face that begged Draylin to finish off, in whatever sick ways he had.

Draylin was perfectly focused on the moment. Sliding his blade out of from beneath his jacket again, he positioned it in his hand. His other hand reached up and he rested his fingers against her pulsing throat. Whispering something in her ear, Draylin made a single, nearly lightening fast move, slitting the young Bajoran's throat side to side and sending the blood spraying over the bulkhead, drowning their reflection in crimson.

Tharek sighed, as if a cargo canister had just been removed from his shoulders. He applauded, and stepped forward, the grin ever present on his face.

As the Bajoran woman jerked against his frame before she slumped away from him, onto the ground beneath them, Draylin moved away, careful not to step into her blood, her life force. He stared down at it pooling around her lifeless body and ignored Tharek's applause.

"I must say, you were worth every slip."

"I don't often have spectators," the El Aurian admitted.

"You should! People would flock to see the skills you possess. I have seen things that would drive men insane. Nothing compares to what I just witnessed. You, my friend, are an artist." Getal said with a smile.

"Thank you," Draylin just told him with a nod. "But I'm afraid I don't make a habit of letting people watch me work. It tends to spoil the intimacy," Draylin told him.

"Ah, my apologies then. I have never witnessed a dying face mixed with a true, Cardassian, death." He said, excitement clearly present in his tone.

Draylin noticed the thrill the man had gotten. This Getal wasn't different from him. Well, not by much. Draylin could feel the underlying madness bubbling in the man, eager to get out. He knew it wouldn't be long before perhaps Tharek applied the technique Draylin had used that day. "Yes, I can tell."

"I suppose you want your payment now then?" Getal asked, directly.

"I would prefer you transfer it through this route," Draylin said, taking out an information slip and holding it out to Getal.

Tharek did as motioned and finished quickly. "Now that this business is over, perhaps you'd like to walk? I'm itching to hear a story of yours, or two."

"I'm afraid I don't share stories. Confidential client information," Draylin disappointed him with a smile.

"Of course." He replied with a bow of the head. "Until your services are required in the future, my friend. I bid you farewell, and safe travels."

"To you as well, Tharek Getal," Draylin said, returning the bow with one of his own as he pushed the name into his memory.

Getal wasn't worried this time, about his title. This man had gained respect within half an hour. He was sick. But, the sort of sick the emanated within Getal's sinister being. Tharek liked this Draylin.

But the feeling wasn't mutual. Draylin reacted to Getal the same way one predator would to another. He was wary of him, knowing full well what Getal was capable of, even if the Cardassian wasn't aware himself yet.

Tharek bowed one last time, then turned and left. His eyes turning at the last moment, the fiery, dark glint penetrating Draylin's as Getal faded into the darkness.


JP by

Vi’kar Gul Tharek Getal

Draylin Tal (PNPC by t’Merek/Maja)