Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Well do you have any better ideas?
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley

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Title   Well do you have any better ideas?
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley
Posted   Sun Nov 30, 2008 @ 6:17pm
Location   Security Office
Timeline   1800hrs
The Terrorist had won.

That's what Dorian kept telling himself as he moved around the station. He could feel the tension in the air all around him. While the assassination attempt might have failed to achieve its primary objective, it definitely succeed killing something just as vital: The Station's sense of security.

Everyone was on high alert. Even civilians were looking into ever rafter and around every corner, lest they be the next victim of an assassin's well-place phaser blast. Fear was an enemy that you could never really defeat or guard against. The Jem'Hadar had their White, the Borg had individuality, but what was the enemy of fear? You couldn't stop it once it set in and in large groups it was deadly. The Terrorist, might have missed their target, but they definitely did not fail.

Dorian rounded the corner and stepped thru the sliding doors of the Security Office. He glanced around and noticed just how different the office was, but at the same time it reminded him of the many years he spent in a gold uniform. However, he was not here to reminisce or to fill out an application.

"I need to see Rakka." Dorian said to the not-so-young Lieutenant who was sitting behind the nearest desk.

"I'm afraid she is currently detained," He said as he folded his hands in front of him. "I am Lieutenant Howitzson, the new Assistant Chief of Security. How may I help you?"

"Hmm. . .Riley hasn't even begun to experience rigamortis and she's already got a new underling? Well Mr. Howitzson, I see the Nausicaan doesn't waste any time." He replied.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean, but perhaps we could withhold any personal banter for off duty," He continued to keep up his cool balanced demeanor.

Dorian smirked as he observed the officer. Obviously this must be a new person onboard. What an interesting time to join. "I need to speak to her regarding a matter of Station Security." he replied

"Certainly, however I believe she is detained," He continued. "I am assigned as second in command, I'm sure I can help you with anything you might need,"

"I'd prefer to actually speak to the real decision-maker, not via proxy through her Assistant. However, if you want you are more than welcome to stand by the door and listen to the conversation." he said as his patience was beginning to wear thin.

"My your certainly an impudent little twit aren't you," Douglas stood up and leaned over the desk. "Now you can either tell me what you need, or you can reverse course towards the exit!" He shouted.

"I need a competent Security Department, but for the moment I have to settle for you and the jarheads down in the decks below." he said, not pleased with either entities' ability to prevent bedlam and chaos from erupting.

"Your in Intelligence correct?" Douglas began, "Then before you come down here tossing blame around, perhaps you should inspect why an intelligence department of such higher standards then those your blame seems to be targeted at could allow for this to happen in the first place," Douglas said and crossed his arms and leaned backwards against the desk.

He was beginning not to like this man and his overall demeanor. If he were serving on Qo'Nos again, someone would've been stabbed by now and the matter would've been resolved. Perhaps Klingons weren't as crazy as everyone believed them to be.

"Since you are so gung-ho about being 2nd in command of this 3rd-tier operation, why don't you do your job and simply take a message: Gabriel wishes to speak to her." he said in a measured tone. "Got it?" he added as he slammed a Padd down on Douglas' desk and began to walk away.

"Aye aye!" Douglas said sarcastically. "I'll get that to her ASAP, if I don't fumble over myself and lose the PADD that is," He began to sit down and indeed post the message to Rakka. "Damn hotheaded suns a ...." he began mumbling to himself as he continued transferring the message.

Lieutenant Douglas Howitzson
Assistant Chief Security

Lieutenant J.G.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer