Colonel James Darson’s Personal Log - Measure of Resolve

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Title   Measure of Resolve
Author   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Mon Dec 01, 2014 @ 5:31am
Encryption Code: Black
Public Key: N/A
Private Key: D-Y98790

Colonel Darson’s personal log. Things on the station have taken a predictable turn for the worse. After the debacle surrounding the weapon’s test, a plague seems to be spreading throughout the station. It started with the civilians on the Promenade and has since spread to every department…including my regiment.

Per Corp. Procedure, I have initiated Level 1 WILDFIRE Protocols. Quarantine and lock-down of detachment garrison is in effect, and we are decontaminating all infected personnel bunks and equipment. Other than that, at this juncture there is not much we can do. All the Marines are standing by to reinforce other departments, but unless the station is locked down, we don’t have much to do but twiddle our thumbs and wait.

I hate twiddling thumbs.

Personally, I feel like the Medical and Science departments will get this well in hand, but after everything I’ve seen…I wish that people would take this more seriously. Immediate shipwide quarantine. No space traffic within a light year.

I saw what this sort of thing can do to a population …and I know what it takes to stop it. I don’t think that they know here. And if they did, I don’t think they could bring themselves to do it. Omega II taught me a lot about viruses and their propagation.

And I would see this station burned to the ground before I allow it to spread.

End Log.