We All Fall Down – Why?
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Why?
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Aug 08, 2014 @ 12:23pm
Location   Morgue
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. c. 17:00
This was not why Lydia Quick had become a doctor.

She looked down at the small body that lay on the slab one of several recovered. At least his family would have something. Many of the relatives of those who died in the disaster would have nothing. She sniffed back a tear determined to hold herself together and get through this. It wasn't about her but about the dead and their unfortunate families who lived on.

The least she could do was identify the victims and allow the relatives some closure.

She was not alone. Between them the doctors on shift were working through the recovered, a skeleton staff remained in sickbay to deal with appointments and emergencies whilst here in the stark cold morgue, pediatricians and surgeons, obstetricians and virologists became coroners for the day to relieve the burden of the one specialist in that field on duty and to ensure that the aftermath of the disaster was processed as smoothly and swiftly as possible.

What had become a long day was going to stretch into a long night as the silent work went on.

Later they could sleep, and maybe, just maybe in the morning there would be some answers.

Doctor Lydia Quick
NPC by Louise