Unity – We are here to save you
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   We are here to save you
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed May 05, 2010 @ 3:54am
Location   Main OPS
Timeline   SD 17 - 15:00

Ta'Rek then flicked his communication device, transmitting only two growled words. ^Sickbay secured^. He closed the channel again without waiting for a reply.

About a minute later Ryouske turned around and gave the thumbs up. All weapons lockers were set to deny any Federation personnel access. he nodded and ordered his men to set to work fortifying their position, and wait for orders from the Commander.

^Armory secured^. Ryouske stated.


For the first time in a long time, Elliot smiled. He was smiling because his plans were finally coming together exactly as they should. He looked over his shoulder and saw that Anthony was still communicating with Stacey on the planet surface. Kash had managed to get a up-link connection with the Romulan device and they were attempting to decode the temporal coordinates and transmit to the planet surface.

Elliot knew that he was standing on a powder keg waiting to explode. The inhabitants of the station weren't entirely sure what was going on, however once they found out it could create a an all-out riot onboard. He needed them calm, he needed them secure, he needed them on his side.

=/= "Attention, inhabitants of Deep Space Five." == He said as he activated the station-wide comm unit and transmitted his image across the entire station. On consoles all across the station, his image and his words were being transmitted so that everyone on board could know who he was.

=/= "Good afternoon. My name is Elliot Hartsfield. In a previous life I was a Commander within Starfleet for many years. More importantly, I was the loving husband and father to a wife and three beautiful children. But they were all taken away from me. . .because of War." He said solemnly.

"War. . .it is a simple word that contains such a resonating feeling behind it. We all have experienced it in one way or another. We all have been its victims, and many of us have been its profiteers." He added. "War took away my family, as I'm sure it has taken away many of your loved ones." he said as he paused to find his next words.

". . .and that is why we are here to help." He said as he looked back up and directly into the screen.

"We are the Founders of the Beginning. Us, and others like us, believe that all of the pain and devastation that we have experienced can be changed if we just go back to the beginning. The beginning of the political back-dealing and self-interest. The beginning when lives were more important than technology or 'exploration'!" he said as his voice began to rise.

"Now, some of you may be alarmed, but there is no reason to be. We have secured Main Sick Bay, Main Engineering, the Armory, and station OPS, only to stop those who are a part of the PROBLEM, from interfering with our mission." He said firmly.

"What is our mission? It is a simple one. We have arrived on this station because it possesses the tools we need to travel back to before the Dominion War and stop it from ever happening!" He said with more vigor.

"This so-called. . .Federation is nothing but a mere shadow organization of what it is supposed to be. It is supposed to be the defenders of the Federation and all life within the Alpha quadrant. But instead it has become nothing more than a vehicle of the special-interest groups to justify their own agenda." He said as his anger became more apparent.

"What did we gain from going to war with the Dominion? How many lives were spared? I can't answer that, neither can the MILLIONS of souls that were taken away because of that senseless conflict. . ." he said as he tried to keep his emotions in check.

"Those of you who are within our secured locations, please do not attempt to fight us or disrupt what we have planned. The same request goes to the civilians throughout the station the station. Once we have completed our work, I assure you that this will all seem like nothing more than an inconvenient dream." He said as he prepared to close the link.

"You must trust me when I say, we are here to save you." he said as he closed the channel.


Elliot Hartsfield
Founder of the Beginning
NPC'd by Thom