Database: Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated

Information on Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated

BII has many diverse holdings scattered around the federation space. The company also operates a large shipping line and a Private Military Contractor. For a full listing of all holdings of the company see the below list. Keeping in mind that as the company grows and expands some aspects of listings may change or branch off into other areas.

=== Shipyards===

BII Operates a total of three shipyards constructing a range of crafts from small fighters and shuttles to small warships like the saber and defiant class. In addition to the standard contracts that sustain the yards each one also constructs a small amount of ships designed and built for BII for various purposes.

The yards are located in the following systems Talos Star, Izar, and Jouret

Talos Star and Izar mainly manufacture ships for starfleet while the yard at Jouret focuses mainly on ships for BII though it also picks up the slack from the other two yards if they get a rush job.

=== Colonies===

There are a total of 5 colony planets that are owned and operated by BII. The purpose of these colonies is largely to provide grains, livestock, and other staples of life. the average size of the colonies is around 3000 people and are located on New watertown, New Florida, calipha, New Texas, and Victory. Of course with recent expansions there might be more added to this listing.


BII owns and operates several mines around the federation the largest ones are located in the Asteroid belt in the talos Star system. All the raw minerals needed to build or to power starships are mined in these asteroid fields

===Recreational persuits===

BII Operates a cruise ship line that stops at some of the more interesting planets in the federation. With 6 ships in this line the company is able to offer a wide range of cruise options from a short run to what would amount to a federation tour depending on your time, inclination and of course if you have the the currency to take the tours.

There is also a small number of casinos both planet side and orbital.


By far the largest aspect of the company is it's freight operations. The company operates a fleet of 50 freighters that move around the federation as well as within the Romulan and klingon Empires. These ships are the main backbone of the company and employ one of the largest number of people.

===Private Military Contractor===

The PMC is by far the most contiversonal aspect of the company. It's roll is multi tasked. The PMC is used to operate security for Colonies, mines, and even provide support for the companiess freighters. In addition to this the PMC also sells it's services to add other races. most notibly the Klingons and the Romulans have used the company in some of their internal wars. The PMC operates a number of modified transports as well as 4 squadrons of fighters, and a heavly modified ambassador class starship. they are highly mobile and highly leathal fighting force. Considering that they draw their members almost exclusively from Starfleet security and the marines there is a huge human presence. Though there is also a reasonable amount of klingons and Romulans in the PMC as well. The PMC specializes in front line warfare however they are just as comfortable to provide support and security to whoever they are working with.

===R and D===

the r and D aspect of BII is considered largely classified in nature however what is well known is that R and D developes new weapons systems for the PMC as well as for sale to others. Some of their projects are new fighters for their own forces and new weapons platforms to give their colonies and other facilities protection. R and D also works on new weapons for starfleet.

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