Cascade – The Lady is Present. Her Heart is Somewhere Else.
by Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   The Lady is Present. Her Heart is Somewhere Else.
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Feb 28, 2013 @ 3:39pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   SD71 - 1200

Sirran stood at the entrance of the Box and looked around. He had been wanting to see this place. It seemed to be the location on the Promenade to which everyone gravitated. A waitress carrying a tray full of drinks walked past him. "Welcome. Make yourself at home," she said, smiling. He checked the chronometer. There was still plenty of time before he was to meet Villiers in the quarantined hangar. Forging ahead he planted himself at the bar and waited.

The magnificently statuesque woman behind the bar approached him, her skin hue changing color from a smoky blue to a cool violet as she did so. His antennae perked up in curiosity.

"Synthale, please," Sirran said.

The colour of her skin changed again, to an almost Andorian blue. "I only sell actual alcohol, nothing replicated." She smiled at him. "This bar is for people who can handle their drink. If you're homesick I've got 3 types of ale from the motherland, and other drinks from all over."

"I'm afraid I'm still on duty, my good lady," Sirran said with an apologetic frown. "It just wouldn't do for one of my superiors to smell alcohol on my breath." He sighed and thought for a second. "Perhaps a raktajino, if a dazzling creature such as yourself can take that request."

"Raktajino I can do." She turned away for a moment to put a glass under the barrista machine. "Wouldn't want you to get into any trouble."

"My thanks," Sirran said. "I'll be happy to return later and try those three types of ales you were talking about. It's been a while since I've had something that reminds me of home." He picked up the raktajino as soon as she put it in front of him and tasted it. "Delicious," he said, offering her a toast. "I'd be privileged to know your name, assuming it's pronounceable in Standard."

"Yolanthe." She nodded at the drink. "Its on the house."

"Very kind of you," the Andorian said. "Yolanthe. That's a lovely name. You can call me Sirran."

"You're a new face. Just transferred?"

Sirran nodded. "From the Illustrious. I'm the new head of Strategic Operations. It's a kind of...advisory position," he explained. "The minute I got off the transport I could tell that it wouldn't be a dull job." He took another sip. "And you? What brought you to a place such as this? I imagine you're the kind of person who could find bigger opportunities elsewhere."

"I'm about as far as I can get from my mother and still be in the alpha quadrant." she said quickly. "And no, we're not dull. I hope you like being blown up, invaded, rioted and shot at."

Sirran's right brow went up as his left antenna drooped. "Shot at point-blank range, as a matter of fact. I'm not indifferent to all that's happened recently. I think I can make a difference."

She smiled at him, her skin returning to a violet colour. Making a difference! So sweet! "I'm sure you can sweetie. But you'll need to keep your eyes open. It's the wild frontier out here. Federation niceties often don't exist."

Sirran watched her color change in awe. "You are a wonder to behold!" He looked up into her eyes and grinned. "I'll tell you what," he said, setting his mug down and leaning forward, "I will heed your advice. In return I ask that you have faith in me. I haven't failed at anything yet."

"Flattery will get you everywhere. And I'm sure you'll do just fine."

Sirran grinned and took another pull from his mug. This was getting fun. It had been a long time since he'd had someone worthy to trade barbs with. That it was a beautiful bartender was a plus. He could already feel the stress of the day losing some of its edge. No wonder this place was called "Box of Delights."

Yolanthe remained standing across from him, but her strange blank white eyes were looking off somewhere beyond him. Sirran studied them. He saw something there, barely concealed under her diamond-tough exterior. Was it...hurt? Or perhaps worry? Maybe anger? Or some combination of the three? It was suddenly clear to Sirran that her thoughts were somewhere else.

Or perhaps of someone else.

Sirran's grin faded, and his antennae angled downward. The recent goings-on aboard the station, he suspected, had affected her personally. This breathtaking, multi-hued jewel was, in the end, just a person with her own feelings. Feelings that couldn't be shared with a stranger who was only here for a drink. And for the first time he felt like he was interrupting more important things in her life. He slowly put his mug down. "Yolanthe," he said, getting her attention. He paused for a moment, searching for something to say. Finally he said, "I'm sorry." It seemed odd, but appropriate.

"Sorry? What on earth does a pretty thing like you have to be sorry about?"

"For..." He exhaled deeply and considered his words. He didn't want to seem like he was prying into her business. After a few awkward seconds he stood and put his smile back on. "For not being able to finish off my raktajino. It's time for me to get back. Thanks for the pleasant conversation. I look forward to having a real drink later on."

"Good." she grinned at him. "I'll hold you to that. Take Care."