Judgement – Industrial Replicators
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Industrial Replicators
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Wed Apr 13, 2011 @ 8:07am
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   SD37

With half his command away on operations, dealing with pirates, Rick needed to bolster his star fighter wing numbers, namely in the areas of Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters, Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters and Peregrine Heavy Fighters. Knowing there were Federation ships in the area but also needing the arms to fit them with, Dunham made his way down to main engineering to see if he could Catch up with the chief engineer and ask to borrow the use of the industrial replicators to replicate some warheads for his fighters. Engineering was a heave of bustle and mass of bodies going about their busy duties, Rick tried to spot Freemen in the crowed.

"What can I do for you Commander?" Bruce yelled from across Engineering noticing the blue uniform amongst the yellow ones.

Rick battled through the heaving crowed towards Freeman who was standing over a maintenance console monitoring the repairs to the stations generators. Rick made it to his side. "I need accesses to the industrial replicators for warheads."

"Hmm, not the easy request I had expected. Thought you may have wanted to borrow a few from here." Bruce said making a wave to the Engineers. "However my assistant did a good job while I've been away." He looked over what was scheduled. "There are a few ships needing them for repairs, could possibly get access day after tomorrow."

"Ships....as in starfleet starships? don't they have there own industrial replicators on board, our fighters are only tiny so they need your Industrial replicators. The starfighter element is critical to the defence of the station and with half of them out chasing pirates and all the 'planes in the air' as I can get, metaphorically speaking of course. But its got to be done."

"Ships as in small transport ships lacking industrial replicators. They've been pushed back for a while now because of these repairs." He said motioning to the screen. "However I see your point and where your coming from. I'll take time out from Engineering's use today for you.

"Your Brilliant, thank you I appreciate you sorting this out for me." he grinned, the the grin faded and Rick spoke cautiously. "So urrmmm, second problem" He spoke tentatively as a man who knew he may well be pushing the boundaries a bit. "Can you spare any more engineers for the flight deck? I have a load of upgrades that need to be done to some of our fighters."

"Your not kidding are you." Bruce said a little grimly. He looked at the Padd again to confirm the duty roster. "I'll be. You've been given only a lite crew, most likely due to the repairs on the station." He keyed in some information onto the Padd and hoped that this would be acceptable. "There you go, changed around the duty roster a little bit. You should be able to get the upgrades done within the next day or two."

Rick nodded in satisfied agreement "Excellent, thank you Mr Freeman. When your boyz arrive I need them concentrating on the Peregrine Heavy Fighters. I am having difficulty with their operational interfaces to the navigational arrays. The new systems in the software package that went into their upgrades does not seem to be able to stabilize the neuralizing pulse-wave that runs through sections of the tritium polarity radiation grid. This bungs up the phaser arrays with teryon radiation." He shrugged "I'd like to avoid wiping there computer cores and re-loading software if i can. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a damaged grid. We can try changing out one on a Peregrine and see if it works. Hopefully that works, if not we will have to reinstall the software. Which shouldn't be too hard but will be time consuming and Im not too keen on having a whole squad down with repairs."

Rick nodded his agreement. "Thank you Mr Freemen. And thank you for your time."


Chief Engineering Officer
Lieutenant Bruce Freeman


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham