Beg, Steal or Borrow – Of All The Gin Joints...
by Arrival Krystofer Timoshenko

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Title   Of All The Gin Joints...
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Krystofer Timoshenko
Posted   Wed Jun 17, 2009 @ 5:16pm
Location   Shuttlecraft Silvestri en route to DS5

Timoshenko reclined in his chair at the back of the shuttlecraft. He was tempted to put his feet up on one of the consoles but the icy glare of the Starfleet pilot who was transporting him to Deep Space Five gave him the impression that he'd likely regret it. He took a PADD from the little bag by his feet and looked at the display. An ownership deed for a bar on a Starfleet Deep Space Station. His dreams were beginning to fall into place. His entrepreunial skill had not let him down. As soon as the deed was transmitted he had packed his bags and was on a transport of Risa.

Krys' last few weeks on Risa had not been quite what he had hoped however and this made his decision to leave easier. He could never quite work out what had driven his business partner to, as he put it, "shaft" him but he had felt it coming for months prior. He was absolutely certain that getting off Risa was the best thing for him. He scrolled down the PADD reading the small-print in more detail than was necessary in case there was anything he felt the need to take up with Starfleet. Soon though, he had abandoned actually reading and was imagining his new bar, polished steel, lavishly decorated, people everywhere. He was so taken with re-designing the layout of a set of tables he hadn't even seen yet that he completely failed to notice the pilot speaking to him.

"Mr Timoshenko? Mr Timoshenko?"

Krys looked up from the PADD, startled. "Uh, oh. Yes Ensign?"

"We'll be docking with Deep Space 5 in two minutes. Thought you might want a first look at it."

"Oh. Yeah, thanks." Krys moved to the viewport of the shuttle as the enormous structure which hung majestically in space ahead of the tiny craft.

"1250 decks. Over 56000 people on board," the pilot said through the occasional awe-struck gasp.

Krys gazed out at the station, suddenly beginning to panic at the sheer scale of the task ahead of him. "It's about a hundred times bigger than I imagined it would be. How am I going to run a business on a city-sized Starbase?!"

"Looks like you'll have fun finding out," the Ensign, who must have been around his own age, replied as the massive docking port came into view, "better get ready to land."


Krys Timoshenko