Judgement – False Colours
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   False Colours
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sat Oct 23, 2010 @ 5:55pm
Location   The Pirate Ship Serpent's Tooth
Timeline   SD 35

"Well?" Lianej asked the Bolian hunched over the padds spread around the table in the captain's ready room.

He looked up at his captain and grinned at the Boslic woman, "Not bad. Once we take out the syndicate's share, and the running costs, the hit on the Mercury Rising comes to 2 bars of latinum a share, and that's before we add whatever we get from N'Kal's latest acquisition."

Almost as if summoned, the doors to the room swished open, and the man in question, a rangy romulan with a scar cutting his chin, swaggered in. Terrified whimpers could be heard on the bridge beyond. "Hello darling." He pulled Lianej into a hungry kiss for a moment and then released her. "I do think our little Jessica is going to work out very well. The market at Verex is going to just go nuts for her if daddy doesn't cough up."

Lianej settled behind her desk. "It was a good tip. We made a handsome profit. And if you don't damage her too much, that little human will provide a nice bonus."

N'Kal's face darkened for a moment. "Speaking of which, you know who has hailed us."

Lianej nodded and taped a button on her desk. "Put it through," she instructed her comms officer. "To the main screen in here."

A second or so later, the large screen in her office came to life.

The Ghost, on his stolen Bird of Prey, appeared before the lovely pirate, "Well, was today's haul bountiful, Lianej?" He smirked, "I trust it all went well."

"Smoother than a well oiled gorn." Lianej smirked. "We've got a decent haul, even a new toy for N'Kal. What can I do for you, Ghost?"

Behind him Angel, the Trill beauty who served as both The Ghost's lover and right hand, walked into view, taking a seat beside her beloved. She always made an excuse to be there whenever he was on comm with Lianej, she didn't trust that bitch of a pirate, ~If she comes after my man, I'll kill her slow.~

The Ghost smiled softly at Angel's presence, even if he knew it wasn't entirely for his benefit, and stroked her short blond hair, "So, how did the new equipment work out for you?"

"Adequate." Which was an understatement. The new cloaking field had worked a dream, not just hiding them from sensors, but sending out conflicting sensor readings, so even decloaked, defenders couldn't be quite sure where they were aiming, or who they were aiming at. "And your intelligence was it usual superior calibre. Your share will be forwarded directly"

She was careful to make sure her tone and posture towards The Ghost was neutral. He might have been dangerous, but Angel was more so. Jealousy could lead to stupidity. Just to be on the safe side she put a possessive hand onto the small of N'Kal's back, mimicking the Ghost's own movement.

The Ghost smirked as he saw Lianej doing everything she could to keep Angel from getting the wrong idea about their relationship, ~Well, nobody said pirates were stupid.~ He thought, knowing exactly how dangerous one of Angel's jealous rages could prove to Lianej, or any other female, "Well, I'm glad to know all went well. Was anything of interest captured, aside from what I assume is a female plaything for N'Kal?" He was hoping for something he could use to make newer and better weapons, though he knew he would probably have to convince Lianej and her brethren to strike against military targets to get it. ~Perhaps I'll let Aubrey have a bit of fun, distract everyone for a while.~

"Actually, yes." Lianej nodded to her purser. The Bolian stepped forward and opened a case in view of the ghost. "One of the passengers had this." Nestled in protective foam were half a dozen 10 cm squares of metals, each accompanied by an isolinear rod. "It used to belong to a Professor Valek, of the Vulcan science academy. As far as my science officer" There was an element of sarcasm in her tone, “can tell these are new metals, duranium and the like alloyed with stuff we can’t recognise."

Lianej paused to let the implications of that sink in, the continued, picking up a padd. "He was bound for Deep Space Five, with a very full diary. Lieutenant Freeman, head of engineering; Monteros Enterprises; Bradshaw Intergalactic; a Colonel Darson, and then a working group on hull design at the Dyson Repair Yards."

"Very interesting, indeed." The Ghost nodded, "I'd like them forwarded to me at once, Lianej, that way my people and I can peruse the data and run it through our systems. And what of Prof. Valek?" ~I do hope they managed not to kill him yet......~

Angel could almost read her lover's mind and it brought a smirk to her face, ~It'd be funny if the dumb bitch killed the Vulcan, that will really piss my man off and then he might let me dispose of her. Of course, he still hasn't let me kill those two bitch sisters of his yet....~

Lianej shrugged. "I'm a pirate not Starfleet. We weren't pussyfooting when we boarded. He's currently got about 60% phaser burns. I was going to let him scream it out in a cargo bay until he gasps his last. If you can get a decent doctor to me in the next 12 hours, you might be lucky. We did cauterize the arm when we took the case off him, but he's not going to last long.'

"I've got more than adequate medical facilities here on my ship." The Ghost replied, "And my EMH is second to none, hologram or human. I will retrieve him on a fly by in two hours. I'll signal you fifteen minutes out, drop my cloak for ten seconds, during which time you will drop your shields, and then I will take Professor Valek. This hostage you've provided me might be worth a little something extra. Good work, Lianej."

The pirate preened at the compliment, "A pleasure doing business with you. Anything else juicy coming into my space I can 'inspect' for you?"

"We'll be in touch." Angel answered for him, though her facial expression said 'C U Next Thursday.'

The Ghost merely laughed, he rather enjoyed the rivalry between the two beauties before him, "Nothing has been reported to me yet, but when it is, you will know."

Lianej was disappointed, The Ghost provided her with very rich pickings, but she could make her own way in the space lanes around DS5. "In that case, I'll see you soon."


Pirate Queen

The Ghost

Getting Pissed at the Pirate Skank!