Incommunicado – Three out of Four isn't bad!
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Three out of Four isn't bad!
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Petro & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Feb 08, 2012 @ 11:21pm
Location   Ops - Deck 200 : Main Docking Bay
Timeline   SD53 11:00

Sitting at her desk with a cup of tea in one hand and a PADD in the other, Tasha was finding that captaincy did sometimes have its pleasures.
"Morning conference done, directions given, required checks done, tea done." She said aloud as she read off her checklist written on the PADD and was taking the opportunity to relax with the time between now and lunch that was either extremely busy or as in today, was extremely quiet.
How things can change in the blink of an eye.

Main Docking bay: USS Nimitz

Without warning, the port-ventral nacelle of the Nimitz exploded in a cascade of light, sending a shroud of debris across the hangar bay.


Warning lights and klaxons sounded across Ops. Petro ran to the nearest control panel, though it was only three steps away, and read through the warnings. "DS5 to Nimitz, we've detected an explosion. Fire suppression teams are on their way. Do you need medical assistance?" In truth, this was her first experience with something like this. She silenced the Klaxons and sent messages to the Fire Suppression team, security and medical. Whether she was making the right calls or not she didn't know but it was better than doing nothing.

(Main Engineering)
Several engineers were standing over a 3 dimensional table display on the platform in Main Engineering, when everything shook with a great rumble. The deck plating moved under their feet, but only a couple personnel fell to the deck. Several shrieks erupted in the confusion. Warning lights and klaxons erupted from all corners.

Lt. Kramer yelled out, "Officer of the Deck, secure Engineering!" as he made his way to the core control, the nerve center for Main Engineering. "Shut down all transfer of energy, close all safety doors, bring all output levels to 75%."

Lt. Decker repeated these commands to the personnel monitoring and controlling the engineering stations.

Personnel in Engineering began to scramble to their assigned emergency stations.

Kramer noticed the 4 large doors to the main reactors close as he vaulted up and into the core control room. "Status!" He yelled as looked at the display screens about, which held all the current reading.

Decker replied, "Confirming all safety shields and doors on place. 4 main Reactors at 75% and 12 secondary reactors at 25%." Of course he knew that this same information was on the displays the Chief was looking at.

Kramer reached over and touched the Comm, =^= Engineering to Command center, Main Engineering is secure.=^= He said with confidence, but then asked, =^=What just happened?=^=

In her office, even Tasha felt the underlying shiver of the station, long before her console lit up with lights that danced the fandango before her. At Kramers call, Tasha tapped her comm in reaction. =^= "Thank you Lieutenant, but I was hoping someone could tell me!" Remarked Tasha as her heart thumped away in her chest. This was the first accident that the Station had suffered since she could not remember when and it had to happen to a Federation ship. "Keep me informed and I'll try to do the same."

(Observation passageway)
Having been on his way to the Nimitz Bruce had seen first hand what had happened. Being lucky enough to be in front of one of the view ports, before the blast shielding closed. 'Great someone getting over excited about a ship.' He thought having noticed the explosion.

=^= Kramer, patch into the Nimitz computer. I want reports on everything before the explosion and after" Bruce instructed. "Send them to the nearest console to my location.=^=

(main Engineering)
Kramer replied, =^= I understand Commander.=^= Kramer signalled the Ensign in front of him to tie in with the Nimitz computer. "Now feed that over to the Commanders location." =^=Commander Freeman, you should be getting data now. =^=

Kramer then leaned over and looked down to Lt. Sikes, "Dispatch repair teams Alpha, Epsilon, and Delta 3 to the Nimitz." Sikes moved off without a response. Kramer stood up with arms across his chest, "Decker, a lot of poop is about to hit the fan."

"Yes sir." Decker calmly replied.

Kramer asked, "Can someone get me a visual feed on the Nimitz just prior to that explosion?"

The rumble that passed through Sickbay had been closely preceded by a call from Ops. Bridget was on duty and called Chelsea, who was in surgery. She sent Bridget ahead with a triage team, and when they arrived, Bridget addressed Commander Freeman. "Any injuries reporting in?"

"None that I've seen so far." Bruce replied. "They maybe coming in from the other entry way."

As she began to realise what had happened, without knowing what the details were, Tasha pressed her Comm.
=^= "Lieutenant Petro, patch through communications from the main docking bay." She ordered as she pounded towards the viewing window that looked down onto operations.

Petro wasted no time in following the order. Everyone listened to what was being broadcasted.


A smooth male voice sounded through the comm link, "Commander Dantius, this is Lieutenant Corazan Nyx."

"Lieut-" The commander was heard to cough "Lieutenant Nyx, what in Janatar's Holy name just happened to my ship?"

There was a pause, a silence then some whispering before the response came through, "We were initiating a power-flow test of the nacelles, Commander." There was a long pause followed by more whispers that were not audible, "We suspect a random plasma fluctuation from an old battle-wound caused the damage, sir."

"Are there any injured?" Came the commanders concerned response.

"Negative Commander, the damage is contained. Station's sending clean up bots as we speak, we can start repairs immediately."

"Do so, Lieutenant. I'm on my-" .............

There followed some other chatter that the Captain of DS5 did not find of interest.

Captains Office
Still standing at the window her gaze was transfixed on the communications console where the small looking woman sat and looked up at the window where the Captain stood. Tasha tapped at her comm.

=^= "Commander Freeman, report." Tasha spoke in an even voice, knowing that her staff would have everything under control.

=^= "Had an over eager CO Ma'am by the looks of it." Bruce said, "Damage is isolated to the one nacelle, but its pretty extensive. Half of the lower nacelle is missing." Bruce continued to look over the information Vincent had sent to the station he was at. It wasn't pretty, they were going to have to rebuild the whole nacelle in order to make sure the rest of the nacelle didn't breach further down the road. This was going to put the Nimitz's launch back at least a week most likely more.

"Honestly being a Prometheus I suggest we split her up. Have the upper two thirds move to another portion of the docking bay. This being that it will allow us to make the repairs we need with out the hazard of anything above us. Her crew can take care of those two thirds and we can have the lower third and getting the rest of the docking bay repaired from the shrapnel. They're going to be here at least another week, for repairs but its probably close to a month that we are looking at. I don't think Commander Dantius is going to be too thrilled at the suggestion Captain, but since it was her ship that damaged our station maybe you could persuade her to do so?" Bruce ended asking. A hint of sarcasm in his voice knowing that being the superior officer and having damage done to the station meant she could pretty much tell Dantius to do anything at this point.

Tasha could hear the frustration and agitation in Bruce's voice despite trying to sound upbeat. Although she would never admit it to him, DS5 was his baby, his responsibility and any person damaging it, had better keep the lowest of low profiles.

=^= "Commander, take charge down there. I'll contact Lieutenant Commander Dantius and have her separate the Nimitz as per your suggestion. Two more questions Commander;" Tasha paused, "Is the Nimitz stable and how is the docking bay?" She queried, her hand already hovering at her comm console ready to change to hailing sickbay then Naera Dantius.

"Oh she's stable enough Captain, power has been dropped to avoid any thing else happening. There won't be anymore surprises. The docking bay is usable but we've lost some space where hull is in the bulkhead. That's the smallest of the two problems, I'll have Kramer start there." Bruce replied.

The captain moved back to her desk, calling up the schematics of the station and pinpointing the area of the main docking bay, helped by the pulsating red light that warned of both an accident and imminent dangers that could affect surrounding areas.
She glanced at the decks above and below.
"Commander, I cannot see any hull breaches registering. What is the larger problem you are seeing?" She questioned as her gaze fixed firmly on the upper hanger bay where the majority of the nacelle was now firmly embedded.

"No breaches Captain, just dents and small fragments of the nacelle in our hull. I was meaning the biggest problem is the state the Nimitz is in." Bruce replied realizing he wasn't quite clear.

Tasha shook her head, but though she was saying no, she trusted her engineering team implicitly. "If you foresee any major problems besides, inform me at once and if you need extra staff, you have all the authority you need. That hangar bay is now a priority." She stated.

"You've got it Boss." Bruce answered getting to work.

Tasha closed the comm channel and then let out a sigh of relief before leaning forward to her console.
"Computer, locate Commander Dantius." She ordered.

'Commander Dantius is currently aboard the Nimitz' The computer informed Tasha.
At once she tapped her comm.

=^= "Commander Dantius, Captain Tahir. Please report to my office immediately." She ordered, wanting a full report from the ships captain.

=^="I'm sorry, Captain Tahir,"=^= The asrey woman's voice carried the edge of stress and anger being tightly contained. =^="but I have a situation on the Nimitz that needs my full attention at this time. We have had a - " =^=

Tasha silenced the Captains reasons for staying on the Nimitz. =^= "Commander, I understand you reasons for wishing to stay aboard, but I require your attendance in my office now. A full report has to be presented and my engineering teams are currently working to stabilise both the Nimitz and the main hangar bay. I am not going to discuss this over a comm link." She stated with force.

There was a a long moments silence, then =^="Yes Sir. On my way." =^=

Less than five minutes later, Commander Dantius had been brought into the Captains office with Lieutenant Petro and Commander Villiers. Tasha pressed her back into her chair motioned to the seat opposite for Naera to sit as the two station officers flanked the Commander.

"I know you would rather be aboard your ship, but as you were in the hangar bay, I need to record your statement of events. Commander Villiers is attending both as XO and in her position as JAG officer, but before we commence, I need you to order the separation of the Nimitz so that the secondary section can be moved to another hangar whilst we await the decision from Starfleet to either repair or return to decommissioning the Nimitz." Tasha stated a little too much harshness considering the Commander had just, for all intents and purposes, lost her ship.

"Decommission?" Dantius blurted out, looking slightly stunned. "But it was just the one nacelle?"

Tasha gave a nod, in affirmation. "It is not the nacelle, but the fact that the Nimitz was originally scheduled to be decommissioned prior to your captaincy. Now with the damage, it may not be viable to rebuild it." Again Tasha was quite blunt in her response.

The blue skinned woman nodded, "Yes, sir" she tapped her comm badge. =^=Dantius to Dr Oakheart, prepare for multivector separation on command from the DS5 Engineer in Charge."=^= The command was acknowledged swiftly. Dantius looked back to the Captain. "Will there be anything else, sir?"

Tahir shook her head, looking at Commander Villiers. "If you can accompany Commander Villiers, she will take your statement of facts for the record. Commander," Tasha paused as she stood, "I am sure that whatever Starfleet decides, there will be other ships open for command." She was going to offer any assistance, but her teams were already assisting as much as they could.

"I'll deal with the paperwork," Karen agreed. This was turning into one mess.

Tasha nodded her thanks to her Executive officer, "Thank you Commander." and her eye fell back to Naera

The Asrey looked subdued and downcast. "I'd like to return to the Nimitz please, sir, in case they need me. Perhaps Commander Villiers could take her statement in my ready room?"

Karen shook her head, "I'm afraid we will have to deal with that from my own office," she said in no uncertain terms, "it won't take long, you'll be on the Nimitz within ten minutes."

Dantius nodded resignedly. "Lead the way then please."

Lt. Kramer was observing the rescue response from a live feed on the platform. He read the initial reports; No hull breaches, ship hull fragments in the space dock walls. Engineer teams were now checking for any cut or damaged power or cabling systems

"Lt. Kramer," Decker called out, "I have a preliminary report on the Nimitz nacelle explosion."

Kramer walked up to the Core Control and looked up.

Decker continued, "They had initiated a power-flow test on the now non-existent nacelle. They have indications of a plasma fluctuation."

Kramer looked down in thought, "That ship had been through quite a bit of battle. They may not have corrected everything. Maybe something had been over looked." He looked up at Decker, "Check station repair logs and confirm if any of our repair teams had worked on that nacelle, especially the Plasma Flow areas."

"Aye Sir."


Captain Tasha Tahir

Commander Naera Dantius
CO: USS Nimitz

Lieutenant JG Petro
Communications Officer - DS5

Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Asst Chief of Engineering - DS5

Lt. Cmdr. Bruce Freeman

Ensign Bridget Stapleton