Judgement – Battle Damage
by Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani

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Title   Battle Damage
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani
Posted   Fri Jan 28, 2011 @ 5:25am
Location   Selen'ai - cockpit
The stars wheeled around him as another phaser blast hit the hull of the Selen'ai. Ka'er fought against the controls, forcing the flight cruiser back onto a level trajectory. Bringing the ship around, he locked his targeting sensors onto the Breen vessel.

"Fire all we've got," he ordered through gritted teeth.

"We don't have a lot," quipped Prince, the semi-intelligent computer of the Selen'ai.

"Oh, shut up," Ka'er growled. Whoever had thought to program Prince with a sense of humor had either been a genius, or a first-class idiot.

Prince obeyed Ka'er's order, firing a volley of photon torpedoes followed by a high-yield burst from the forward phasers. The Breen ship veered away, it's port nacelle badly damaged.

Grinning, Ka'er engaged the warp engines, then undid the pilot harness and stood. He stepped over to the engineering console, pleased with the results of the fight.

"Damage?" he said.

"My starboard nacelle is leaking drive fluid," Prince answered. "I am also experiencing several micro-fractures throughout my hull surface, many of which could soon become serious. I recommend we remain below warp 4 until repairs can be made."

"Noted and agreed. Armaments?" Ka'er continued running through his post-battle checklist.

"Three phase nodes are completely depleted," answered the computer. "The fourth and fifth are both dangerously low. I have depleted my entire stock of torpedoes and I have a total of one mine remaining. Let's stay away from the Breen for now, Akamu, please?"

Ka'er chuckled. "i thought you like beating bad guys up," he said.

"I do," Prince answered seriously. "However, the chances of me succeeding in another encounter are bordering on the astronomical. As I am programmed to preserve myself and my owner, I can't condone another fight at this time."

"Alright," agreed Ka'er. "And our cargo?

"Still secure in the bay, safe. You didn't think I'd let anything happen to it, did you?" Prince sounded a bit hurt.

"I'm gonna take a nap, get started on repairs."

"I would love to," said Prince dryly. "Unfortunately, the damage is impossible for my drones to repair alone. We need a full repair team."

Sighing, Ka'er slid back into the pilot's seat and pulled up the navigational charts. the holographic constellations glowed across his face. "How far to Menagerie?"

"Menagerie Station three days away at maximum warp. Warp 4, twelve days."

"Dark Gods," Ka'er swore under his breath. He knew that by then, he'd have lost all his drive fluid and he'd be stuck in space, lost and starving. He sighed again. "Fine, what's the closest friendly station or planet?"

"Space Station Deep Space 5," Prince announced immediately. "One day at maximum warp, three days at warp 4."

"Kay," Ka'er said, "set course and engage. Turn off all non-essential systems, reroute all life support to deck 1, and, for gods' sake, conserve your drive fluid."

A simulated laugh emanated from the speakers. "It's not me I'm worried about." The lights dimmed considerably, the temperature dropped a few degrees, and the replicator fell silent behind him. "Comfortable?"

"Well, I'm not looking forward to dried protein for dinner," Ka'er responded.

"At least you get to drink vacuum-packed citrus juice," Prince said. "Your favorite." Ka'er made a face. "Arrival at Federation station designated DS5, 79 hours 23 minutes, and sixteen seconds."

"Federation?" echoed Ka'er. "great. As if my day couldn't get any worse."
