Unity – Retrospect
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Retrospect
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jan 26, 2010 @ 12:20am
Location   Commanders Office
Timeline   SD16 21:15
He eyed the marines and shook his head. "This is getting to be a familiar situation. Tea anybody?" He asked with a half smirk as he made his way to the replicator.

Davies hand tapped at his comm.

=^= "Commander Villiers, are you on your way to Ops?"=^= He inquired as he reached for the tea that had appeared.

=^=I'm on my way, Commander," Karen replied, the route from the JAG offices on deck 56 was not impaired by the disaster reported below, but the general activity made passage slow. "I'll be there in five."

=^= "Very good Commander, I will contact the doctor shortly." =^=

He re-tapped his comm

=^= "Commander Adams, medical report please?" =^= He walked to this desk, sipping at the tea, which was still a little too hot and didn't mask the coffee he had earlier.

=^= Emergency Medical Status has been declared, Sir. All trained staff have been drawn in from their leave or off-duty shifts and Dr. Milarno has opened the Emergency Sickbay Facility. We have both EMH's online and are under extreme pressure with multiple calls for medical assistance but we're coping, Commander. So far the numbers have not been calculated accurately but we estimate 200 injured, minor and major.

One Marine is reported dead so far but it's too early to be guessing how many that will rise by in due course. Reports are still coming in. =^= Chelsea sounded breathless as she was still rushing around from one patient to another as she was talking. =^= These two for HDU - emergency transporter transport! They don't have time to be carried, even if you could get through... which I doubt..... =^= she told an unseen medic, not having even had time to switch off her comm first.


Davies watched the Marines whose backs were to him.
=^= "Keep me informed Doctor and be careful. Make sure you keep a security or marine detail with you at all times, I don't want to lose the chief medical officer or chief science officer on their very first day!" =^=


=^= Take Security? But.... Yes Sir =^= Chelsea flicked the badge again and requested an escort to meet here there, then she asked for the Transport to begin and the shimmering blue enveloped her, depositing her in Science and cutting the current comms links.

# From 'Things that go bang' [Science Lab 1]

The commander's announcement crackled through a damaged communications system in the main computer, now fractured and fiery. Greo stirred beneath the rubble and instantly regretted it. Pain tore through his body. He looked around him, but his vision was blurry and stars swam before his eyes. Large shards of the core lay around him, some intact pieces still giving off a faint green glow. Strangely he took a moment to stare at them and felt sad. He shoved at the stanchion pinning his legs, passed out and woke to try again. After his third attempt he flailed at his comm badge, missing it twice before succeeding, saying:

=^=Medical. This is... Greo... I'm hurt in the lab.=^= And promptly passed out. #


=^= Greo? =^= Chelsea tried to answer, her channel to the CO still open. It was clear to all the parties on the open channel that Greo wasn't responding.

=^= Emergency Medical Transport =^= she slapped her badge bringing in a fourth department to the 'conference' and grabbing a med-kit as she spoke. "ED!" she called to McBain across Sickbay from her.

Ed put his head up, still holding onto a bleeding limb that he was attempting to tourniquet the old fashioned way. "Ma'am?" he replied.

"Take charge for me here. I'll be back as soon as I can." She called across. Ed nodded.

Chelsea looked across to a junior medic making notes which were appearing on the large view screen dropped from the bulkhead near the IT Unit. It detailed who was where - Med staff in red and patients in blue.

"Ensign Watts. CMO to the Science Labs. One patient at least. Mark it up please." she reported and stood ready to be transported.

[Science Lab 1]

Chelsea materialised just as two Security Officers ran around the corner. She smiled at them in acknowledgement and they nodded in silent reply. They began to look around. It was hard to see for the flames and smoke but they spread out to search.

"Here!" Chelsea spotted Greo sticking out from beneath a large pile of heavy debris. She ran her tricorder over him as the two Security men got either end of the largest stanchion and began to lift it away. Chelsea shot Greo's neck full of nerve blocks to numb against the agony of the returning feeling and blood into his crushed lower body and the burns to such a large part of his skin.

This would mean when he would come round he wouldn't be able to feel anything from he neck down so she would have to be sure and be there to explain before he assumed the worst, but even that would be preferable to the horror of those crushed parts all screaming through his nervous system at once.

Next she put in a hypospray or norpenthadrenasal to stop his body crashing into shock and finally lucanthaxenatol to regulate his heart and lungs which would be working overtime very shortly. She patted his unconscious shoulder instinctively. "There ya go" she muttered, satisfied with her work.

Looking up at the two yellow clad officers she noticed they'd cleared Greo and were standing beside them ready for transport. "Nicely done, thank you" she acknowledged their efficiency and tapped her comm badge.

=^= CMO to Transporter Controls, four to beam from Science to Sickbay please. Direct to HDU =^= she instructed, beginning to cough from the smoke.


Greo and his three rescuers all appeared at the end of Sickbay where the main High Dependency and Intensive Care Units were situated, with the patient on a bed at the end.

Immediately Chelsea brought up the Med-arch and her fingers adjusted the settings quickly. Greo was safely regulated and in a few hours time, with major surgery, he would be put back together under the CMO's expert care. Handing him over briefly to Sally Spicer, Chelsea checked back with the screen overview, the other medics and most importantly, Ed.

"Back!" she grinned, stating the obvious. "All ok here?"

"Of course!" he replied, putting on a hurt look without even raising his eyes from what he was doing adeptly. "you left ME in charge.. what could go wrong in such capable hands?" he quipped with a grin.

"Nothing, which is why I don't look worried" she fibbed, looking worried. "After all, it's just a TEENSY major disaster" her irony brought a smile to his face even though he *still* didn't look up because what he was doing was complicated.

"Yeah, but when is it NOT 'major incident' status on this Station, eh?" he quipped.

Chelsea shrugged. She had to admit it felt that way recently. Her thoughts strayed to Rick.

The CMO went back to check on how Sally was doing and to see that Greo was still stable and unconscious. She calculated that the preparations for his operation should have been completed by now.


Davies placed the cup on the desk and tapped at the console, skipping across the reports that were coming ion from across the station and he was surprised to find that as yet, there were still no fatalities, though the injuries were mounting up fast.
Then he read that the brig had been cleared.

=^= "Commander Gabriel, report?" =^= He said simply with a half smile.

[Main Promenade]

Gabriel had begun moving the survivors out of the debris and into a safe area so they could receive treatment in a much quicker manner. Unfortunately, that space was still too close to the overall destruction. He need a more suitable environment. He turned to his right and saw the blinking sign of the Box of Delights.

"Get the injured in there and tell Medical that they can setup their triage unit inside of there." Gabriel said as he reached for his comm unit.

=^= "Gabriel here, it is complete chaos down here. We are going to divert the injured to the Box of Delights." =^= he said quickly as he entered the large establishment.

Yolanthe was gold, the surprise and fear had passed, and now she was just bloody furious. Her big opening night ruined! Someone was going to pay. She helped Blake up from the floor, shards from shattered glasswear cascading off her like water. He seemed dazed but safe and unharmed, protected from the rain of cocktail glasses when she'd thrown herself on top of him. Her skin was weeping blood the colour of quicksilver from a hundred small scratches. She'd live. She'd had a lot worse.
The Box was in chaos, people screaming, but no-one seemed hurt. 'Klia?' she shouted, kicking off the silly heels, and pulling her more sensible footwear out from under the bar.

"Right here!"

"Check everyone. I'm going to find out what's going on."

She moved through the crowd as quickly as she could. A couple of her dabo boys had bruises, but they'd all live. She got to the doorway, and for a moment her metallic skin was replaced by shades of grey green. The Box had barely been touched compared to what had happened outside her door.
A dark coloured human was heading straight for her. She only need a half second look to know he was starfleet, and on a mission. He wouldn't react well to stupidity. As he reached her, she said simply, 'What help do you want.'

Gabriel walked past the woman as she spoke. "We don't have time for pleasantries. We need your bar, we're going to use your bar, that's the end of that discussion." Gabriel said as he pushed a table out of the way so the first of the injured could be brought inside the area.

The curtness of his tone brought her skin all the way to a canary yellow, but she bit her tongue. 'Klia!' she yelled above the din.

The Orion girl appeared on the balcony on the first Mezzanine. 'Everyone's okay. Bruises, a bit of flying glass. That's all.'

"Is lounge two still up?"

"Strong and steady up here. But we've lost power back-of-house."

Yolanthe turned to the human. "Lounge two is a fully featured holodeck some fifteen thousand square feet. It will run an EMH if you have one."

"Fine" Gabriel said as he continued to direct his officers to bring the survivors into the larger area. he stopped to catch his breathe and survey the area. He knew that somebody was going to pay for this.

=^= "And Lieutenant Freeman, is he with you?" =^= (the CO) inquired, pleased that despite everything, Dorian had jumped straight into his role as Security Chief.

=^= "I have no clue, I think I saw his men starting to work on a power junction further down the deck. I can't be sure." =^= He replied in a quick manner.


=^= "Davies out. =^= He replied as he switched his display to a tactical overlay of the station.

=^= "Lieutenant Freeman, situation report?" =^= He enquired as he studied the station overlay.

=^= "Scans of Engineering came up with nothing threatening so we are clear here. Structural integrity is within operational standards maybe not up to aesthetic standards due to blast damage. Power out all over the station. Engineering crews are dispatched and working on it now."

=^= "Thank you Lieutenant ..." David started as the doors burst inwards

The Marines were already on a heightened state of alertness and how they held their fire when Karen rushed in baffled Davies. He closed the communication channel.

"What's going on?" Karen asked as she marched through the door. "My comms have been cut. I'm supposed to be XO of this station, yet every last other seems to have priority commander. It may be effective to cut off the JAG under normal crisis management but NOT when my roles overlap!" Karen was aware that her tone was raised as she drew her hand through her hair and held it there among the curls.

David rose from his seat and could see by her colour alone, that she was seriously miffed.

"I have absolutely no idea what you mean. As far as I am aware, we have not cut any communication channels." He glanced to the marines who still had their back to him as his brow dropped. "As Executive Officer you have access to the primary channel." He shrugged his shoulders in surprise at her. "My channel is fine, I have spoken to the most of the department heads, their channels are fine." He explained, totally at a loss as to why Villiers communications would be silenced.

"Which for some reason was not accessible from the JAG facility. Weird," she said, could it be that her scrambled communication with Brailsford that had been interrupted had caused the interference? "I'll look into that one once the current crisis is over. What is the current crisis? This station gave an alarming lurch - do we have a first assessment on the cause?"

Davies shook his head. "Gentlemen, would you mind securing my office from outside?" the Commander requested to the Marines.

One turned around to face. "Sir. With respect, we have been ordered to protect you in situ. We are your protection team, not your doormen." He held Davies in a hard stare.

David glanced at his collar, resplendent with a strip of silver bars. "Sergeant, that is not a request. The Commanding officer and his Executive officer have things we need to discuss that are not privy to your ears. I appreciate your orders, but for a few minutes, we require our privacy and I ask you and your men to wait outside for a few minutes.

The Staff sergeant eyed him for a moment more before shouldering his phase rife. "Sir." He responded with a single nod and led his men to the outer chamber, pulling the door closed behind him.

"Sorry Commander. I have had a number of reports regarding several explosion around the Promenade and several other locations on the station. One took out one of the lateral communication arrays, but that would not have affected communications within the base." He watched Karen for a moment and did not want to pry, but he knew she had other objectives to being on the station.

"What is it about this place," she said then paused. "Did I say that out loud? This place should be a backwater, at the most a break point for long journeys, yet every last troublemaker seems to come calling. No wonder Brailsford sent me here."

"I am not going to question you, nor do I ask for an explanation." He moved around his desk, pulling open the lower draw, reached in and took out a phaser. "Are you armed?" He asked seriously.

"Not currently," she replied, her legal mind processing the implications of the explosions.. "We can get through this without litigation, I think, as long as there are no casualties - if it turns out to be the result of a system malfunction. I ..."

He attached his weapon belt and then placed the phaser onto its appropriate holding position as he interrupted Commander Villiers and explained what had happened to him a few minutes earlier on the Promenade, how several persons had been maintaining a watch on him.

".... I knew something was not right, but I didn't expect this. Fortunately, no fatalities which leads me to think this is just the beginning, an attention seeker. I am sure we will hear from the perpetrators before long."

Reaching back into his open drawer, he took out a spare phaser.

"I don't have a spare belt, but keep this safe." He said as he lay the hand phaser on the desk beside Karen. He looked into her eyes and though there was no fear, there was confusion and he wanted to offer some form of comfort.

"Commander, I know you're trained for the legal perspective, but believe me, this situation has absolutely nothing to do with litigation or compensation. In fact, I am certain, positively certain, that there is something else going on here and that Cardassian freighter that Dunham shot at, is involved but we have yet to figure out why."

Davies carried onwards to the door, "Coming?" He enquired.

The phaser held in her palm Karen followed. "Between you and me I'd rather face a hostile court than the prospect of casualties," she said, "that's how civilised people sort out their issues, not by blowing things up."


Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon

Lt Commander Dorian Gabriel (Temporarily un-incarcerated)

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams CMO
CPO Ed McBain - Npc by Jools

Commander Karen Villers
Executive Officer/JAG

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner & bartender, The Box of Delights

Lt. Bruce Freeman