Deception: The lesser part of Valour – A night in Prague
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Three Of Six

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Title   A night in Prague
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Three Of Six
Posted   Tue Nov 18, 2008 @ 12:57am
Location   Corridor/Holodeck

Three of Six exited his quarters in the middle of the night. He could not sleep. Again. The nightmares were worse than ever, but he kept a poker face; and after playing the violin for hours, and bandaging his fingers, he left to take a walk.

It had been an enlightening conversation with the captain but she hadn't meant to reveal that part about her father but on the other hand maybe she could help. Zorana pondered near the window for a moment and sighed. "Oh forget it, I need out of here!" She decided that she would do some exploring while she could...maybe she would find her office. She left her quarters and began wandering through the corridors. She wanted to forget the haunting nightmares that had come from her time on the USS Chandler. She shuddered at the name of her previous ship.

Turning around a corner, Three of Six stopped to look out a viewport. The stars looked... the same as usual, as did the ships buzzing around the station. Tedious.

Zorana was losing herself in the station. She didn't feel like herself. She kept walking mindlessly, hugging herself feeling cold.

Hearing steps coming, Three of Six turned around, and in the darkness saw the infrared shape of a humanoid body, female. His implant still worked, although it had no laser targeter. "Evening." he said, in his flat, monotone voice. Since Ayren's departure on personal business, he'd reverted back to where he started when he arrived at the station.

"Wha?" She looked up and stopped dead in her tracks, the man that was talking to her was formally a Borg. "Evening." She replied shyly.

"Are you lost, miss?" he asked. His tone was courteous, but it seemed practiced.

"I'm...well, yes actually." She laughed softly, ~lost in my thoughts, would be more acurate.~ She thought. "I'm the new Chief Counsellor and have only arrived a short time ago, I haven't accustomed myself with the station yet."

"Welcome to Deep Space Five. I am Three of Six, diplomatic advisor." he answered, not returning her laugh. His human eye seemed too alive to be functioning in the same head as his implant, and both studied her.

"Thank you Three of Six, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Can I assume that you are better acquainted with the starbase than I am? Would you care to give me a tour?" She smiled. Why was she so suddenly at ease with him?

"A tour?" he asked. "I believe I can show you the main locations for you to get your bearings, yes." he said, dryly.

"Of course, if you're busy, I'm sure I can go to the holodeck and use one of the programs that Captain suggested." She hestitated and started to turn away.

"I am not busy. I suppose I can do something productive with my time." he said. "Oh, right." he extended a hand with bandaged fingers.

"Thank you Three of Six. I've only met the captain and well..." She wasn't sure how to finish the sentence, but took his hand in greeting.

He shook her hand lightly "It is a pleasure, Miss...?" she'd never mentioned her name.

"I'm sorry, My name is Zorana, Zorana Kasikova. Most people call me Zor." She smiled.

"What should I call you, Miss Zorana Kasikova?" he asked, pronouncing her name perfectly, for a moment a Russian accent could be heard.

"Zor is fine, but if you prefer you can call me Zorana." She heard his accent. "What is your native tongue Three of Six?" She lowered her eyes, she didn't mean to pry but she was curious about him.

"Zor it will be." he said. "And the person who once occupied this body was of Russian origin." he answered. "I speak the language myself."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry." She said hastily.

"No, you have not pried." he said. "I am no longer that person, though part of him makes up my current psyche."

"Has it been hard for you to adjust to being human again?" ~There I go again!~ She thought. The psychologist/counsellor in her was coming out and with force! She was being as subtle as a bulkhead to the forehead.

"Yes. It has." he said, not lying. "I am still incomplete." he admitted.

"I'm sorry to hear that Three, may I call you Three?" She looked directly at him.

"Yes, that is the closest thing to a first name I have." he said. "And don't be sorry. I'm much better than I was before, and possibly improving." he said, locking his live eye with hers.

"Three it is." She smiled at him. Zorana hadn't smiled like that since before she caught Frederik with her...She pushed that thought from her mind. "So Three, how about this 'tour'?"

He nodded, and tried to return the smile... it came out almost human. "Of course. Follow me. The promenade, first?"

"Sure sounds great." They started walking, wanting to break the silence Zorana asked about Three's fingers.

Walking with her, he simply answered "I played the violin too long, too hard."

"I love the violin!" She gasped, "My father used to play it all the time...before...oh well never mind Three! What kind of music do you play?"

He cocked his head and watched her for a moment "I play mostly classical Earth, although I've been known to venture to folk music of other planets and even jazz and tango."

"I have studied ancient Earth since I was a small girl. I grew up mostly in Prague. The city if full of culture! It is my favourite place on Earth, well the whole galaxy." ~You're rambling...knock it off Zor.~ She scolded herself.

"I am from Siberia." he said, or he rather meant his past self was from there. "And I visited Prague a few times... well. He did." he said, somberly.

"Hey come on Three, let's go to Prague on the holodeck! Then you can say that you have been there." She said excitedly, "I can show you my hometown, but first you have to show me the station and of course the holodeck. How about Three?"

He stared at her for a moment "Are you sure?" he asked. Nobody seemed to want to spend time with him, beyond what was necessary for work.

"It's not like you are going to assimilate me is it?" She smiled.

He frowned "I am not Borg." he sounded offended.

"I'm sorry Three, honest, I didn't mean any offense, promise, forgive me?"

"Yes, you are forgiven." he said, as they reached the promenade. "This is the promenade, there's shops, restaurants, temples and bars."

"Thank you Three." Zorana paused and took in the scene around her. "OH! I think I am going to like it here, look at the shops and restaurants!" Whenever she travelled, whether is be through a mission or on shore leave she loved going to the different restaurants and had many favourites.*

"I never eat there." he said.

"Why?" She turned back and looked up at him.

"Because I don't really find it necessary." he said. "I just eat from replicators."

"Oh, that's too bad Three." She said sadly.*

"Not really." he said. "I just don't find it necessary.

"I know, but do you not need social interaction?" She asked.

"I do get some while at work." he conceded.

"But what do you do for fun?" She asked.

"I play the violin. I read." he said, all lonesome activities.

"When your fingers have healed can I hear you play?" Changing the subject, She could feel how lonely he was. "Now where is that holodeck? I want to show you Prague."

"My fingers will be fine soon, and yes, I would not mind playing for you." he answered. "The holodecks are in the next level, at least the ones for us."

"I can't wait! At least to hear you play." She smiled and followed Three of Six.

She smiled a lot... reminded him of Ayren. "Should we head to the holodecks, then?"

"Only if you want." She said teasingly.

"I have nothing better to do." he says, and by all accounts, he should be sleeping.

"Oh thanks!"

"Welcome." he said, and lead her to a turbolift.

She shook her head, but let it slide. "Three we have to work on sarcasm and how to recognize it." She laughed.

"I just choose to ignore it." he said. "I can recognize it."

"Come on Three I'm just teasing you!" She stepped in to the turbolift and waited for directions from her tour guide.

He asked the turbolift to take them to the next level. "I see." he said as they rode for a few seconds, then the door opened, and he exited the lift.

Zorana followed Three, "So what period would you like to go to? I suggest we avoid the cold war period at all cost...." She said dryly.

"I have no preference." he said, as he lead her to a holodeck arch. "Your choice."

"Ok then, Computer, Prague, Old Town Square in the year 2006. Make it late spring."

"Enter when ready." The computer replied.

"Ready Three?" She asked.*

"Twenty first century, early... right before WWIII. Good choice." he said.

"Yes well, it was much prettier than...not that it isn't beautiful now...oh hell you will know what I mean!" She grabbed Three's arm and went inside."Come on!" She was so exicted to see her home...even if it was just a simulation.

He followed her in, curious. She felt... at ease with him... not many did "If you are hungry, perhaps you can get some local food. Even if it's replicated."

"Do you remember ever having strudel Three? If I remember correctly there is a little cafe down by the Horloge."She walked through the crowds checking back once to see where Three was. Even on the holodeck it was easy to get lost in the crowd.

"I have never had strudel; maybe Vladimir did." he said. "You come to this simulated period often?" he said, as he followed. He could track a real person among the holograms with his implant.

Zorana stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face Three."Do you remember being Vladimir at all?"

"Like someone reading another person's diary." he said. "Not like being actually him."

"Three..." What could she say? For the first time in a long time she was at a complete lose for words.

"Yes?" he asked, looking at her.

"I..."She sighed, "come on, I will take you to try some apple strudel and if you like it I will make you some real stuff from scratch." She said sadly. She turned so she would be walking side by side Three.

Nodding, he followed her . "Why?"

"Huh? Why what?" She asked, slightly confused.

"Why are you being so nice to me." he said. "Professional interest?"

"NO!" She stopped, "Three, I am being nice to you because I thought we could be friends...but if you think it is about professional interest we can end the simulations, go to my office and I can do a post traumatic stress evaluation on you if you prefer!"

Looking at her, he said "I was only asking a question. I have been certified as fit for unsupervised life without more than an revision every six months, and my last one was four months ago." he retorted. "I guess it's hard to understand that someone might want to spend time with me..."

"Yes Three, but honestly I would like to be your friend if you will let me..."

"You want to?" he asked.

"Do I have to drill it through your thick skull?" She asked, slightly annoyed.

"No. I understand..." he said. "Let's be friends, then."

She smiled, "so do you want to that strudel?"

"I do like sweet things." he admitted, sounding more human.

"Good!" She smiled, "Come on it is just around the corner."

"I'm right behind you. I can't get lost in here." he said, following her.

"Well if we were back home you probably would. This place is always backed with tourists...Ah! Here we are!" It was a little cafe with an outdoor patio. Wrought-iron furniture, the table tops were made out of glass. The waiters/waitresses wore white shirts and black pants and skirts with small black aprons.

"Dobri Den!" (Good Day) One of the waitresses greeted them.

"Dobri Den!" Zorana responded. Zorana and Three were seated and without looking at the menu Zorana ordered two apple strudels and two espressos.

He looked at the waitresses and waiters, and took in the place, as they walked in. "I do not drink coffee. Make that tea, please."

Zorana changed his order to a tea.

"I assume this place still stands in our time." he said. "Quaint."

"It does, I love it here. I think if I wasn't in Starfleet I would be a professional tourist...finding all the 'quaint' little places as you put it." She smiled. Their strudel arrived, topped with whipped cream and chopped almonds. The smell of the apples, cinnamon and raisins took her home in a heartbeat. She soaked it all in and smiled.

"Professional tourist?" he said, and actually smiled for real. "I like that."

She looked up at him as he smiled. He had such a wonderful smile. It was nice sitting there with him in the middle of Old Town Square. "And what would you do if you weren't in Starfleet?" She asked him.

"I'm not in Starfleet." he said. "I'm a civilian. Vladimir was in Starfleet, he was a science officer."

"Ok...let me re-phrase, what would you do if you couldn't be a diplomat."

''I'm just an advisor. I guess I would go back to science... start with science.'' he corrected himself.

She nodded not looking up from her plate, how she missed it, even if it was only replicated. "How do you like your strudel and tea?"

"It is very nice. Thank you." he said. "Reminds me of... no... sorry... but it's good.'"

"Reminds you of what?" Her interest peaked.

"Nothing, brings up memories that are not mine." he said.

"Vlad's?" She asked.

"Yes." he said. "I keep getting flashes of his own memories, but I'm not him.""

"But in a way you are still Vladimir and his memories are yours." She said.

"No, I'm a different person." he said.

"I'm a different person than I was before the Dominion war, just as you are different from when you were assimilated into the collective. It just means a different perspective." Zorana had a hard time believing her own words....but was hoping that she was making Three's mind work about it.

"No, you don't understand it." he says. "I'm really not Vladimir. I have no feelings for his family or friends."

"I....nevermind." ~He is part of you even if you don't realise it.~ "Ready to go." Not looking at him she stode up and pushed her chair back in and waited for Three. *

He finished his tea, and stood up "No, say it."

"Forget it, he isn't you, no friends, family, feelings....I get it." She sighed. "What do you want to see?"

"I didn't say I didn't have feelings." he said. "Or friends. I do have friends. I don't have family, and I have no feelings for Vladimir's relations."

"Sorry, I misunderstood...seems to be happening a lot lately." Why couldn't she listen, she was always so good listening to people and what they had to say...that was part of the reason why she became a counsellor. She had trouble concentrating on what Three had to say and it bothered her greatly.*

"We're human..." he answered. "It happens."

She smiled. "So where else should we visit?"

"I have no preference. You may want to share something else with me." he said. Was he asking her to share her feelings?

"Well..." *

"Yes?" he asked. Not proding, just asking.

And with that she started rambling off the sites that were nearest to them. "There is the Horloge there, every hour when it rings, the Apostles came out through the windows there and Death rings the bell...and over there was the first city hall before it was bombed and destroyed during WWII..."She stepped closer to Three and pointed out all the sites in Old Town Square.... *

"Are you religious?" he asked, out of the blue.

She didn't expect the question but answered it nonetheless."I was brought up Catholic and went to that Church there, I haven't been to mass since leaving Earth. Yes, I am religious. I believe in God, I pray to Him, and when I can't find a solution to a problem I ask for his guidance. Why do you ask?" *

"Just curious. I've wondered about religion lately. Closest thing to the Collective, in some aspects." he said.


"The feeling of belonging. Not feeling utterly alone." he said, sadness creeping into his voice.

"Do you miss it, the Collective I mean?" She asked. She walked over to 'the quiet' part of the square.

"Not exactly." he said, as he looked around. "But you grow used to not being alone."

She sat on the bench and thought for a moment before speaking, "is it easier now with one voice?"

"It was one voice, with many minds. That's what's hard to get used to live without." he said, as he sat next to her.

"I mean with just your voice, your mind. Would you rather be back there Three?" Why was she hoping he would say no...?

"No. Never." he said, hurriedly, and almost looking around as in fear.

"I'm sorry." She touched his arm.

He didn't stop her "I don't want to go back. I'm human. I'm human. I'm an individual."

"I know." Who was he trying to convince more, her or himself? They sat there in silence watching the crowds, she sighed. "I know you are human." *

"Thank you." he said, as he watched her. "You are... kind."

Zorana smile,"Yeah, well, you caught me on a good day." She said laughing.

Her smile was contagious, and he smiled back, warmly. He had it in him! "Look what you've done...."

"I knew you had it in you somewhere!" She winked. "What are friends for?" She was smiling and joking around for the first time in months. She was rebuilding something that she had lost on Earth, friendship, companionship. Zorana was terrified by all this though, anytime she had ever made friends, or got close to someone else, something happened to tear that person/people away. She prayed that it wouldn't happen here, that she and Three could be friends without something happening.

He stopped smiling, but didn't frown "It's not easy, but it's in there. I told you, I have feelings."

"I was teasing you Three, I know you have's good to see them come through."

"Teasing me.... of course." he said, and sighed... his mind elsewhere for a second, then back to her. "Thanks."

"Come on! Let's go do something, I'm tired of watching these holograms walk past us...." She jumped up. "Come on!" She tugged at his arm,"You decide this time."

"I honestly have no preference." he said, letting himself be lead by her.

She stopped, "I want YOU to decide."

"No, really. I don't have a preference." he said.

Zorana was a stubborn woman and when put her mind to someone always go her way. She stood where her feet had landed, looked up at him and waited.

He shrugged "Not a clue."

"OK I guess we can stand here until we decide what to do." She responded half smiling.

"You don't have any ideas?" he said. "I'm a bit... short on imagination."

Apparently she wasn't going to get her way exactly, but she thought of something that Three would like. " freeze program." The birds stopped singing, the tram stopped dead on the tracks and the tourists stopped in midstride. "Computer take us to Prague Castle outside the main gates. Same date and time." The scenery changed, they stood outside the main gate with a guard standing at either side of the gate. across from the gate stode three men, one playing a violin, one playing a flute and one singing a melody. Zorana wanted to show Three the violin player. He played with his heart, his eyes closed as if he could see the notes in his mind. *

He looked around, and took in the songs, the fingers on his left hand moving softly.

"These three were the ones playing at this very spot day after day for the tourists. They were famous, drawing crowds from around the world. This music is Czech." She explained softly.

"I know it. I've played it." he said. He never did say if he learned to play the violin after the Borg or before.

"When?" She asked.

"I don't know. I just know it." he says. "And I played it earlier."


Lieutenant JG Zorana Kasikova
Three of Six