Deception: The lesser part of Valour – The New(er) Kids on the Block
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The New(er) Kids on the Block
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 7:20pm
Location   Intelligence Office
Timeline   SD6 09:30 (after the Debrief)
Dorian groaned inwardly as he collapsed into the leather chair behind his desk. He rubbed his eyes and tried to clear his thoughts from the agitation that was beginning to set in. The previous staff meeting was anything but productive. It was a waste of time and merely provided an arena for the new Executive Officer and the Head Jarhead to have a pissing contest with one another.

To add to the pointlessness, they all had to sit and listen as the Jarhead simply repeated what Dorian had already said before: The Romulans were up to something, and it wasn't strictly diplomatic. It was a simple enough statement, that anybody who was familiar with the Romulans would have readily accepted. However, simply having suspicions of the Romulans wasn't enough, he would need to actually find concrete proof that those vessels in the station's orbit were not entirely friendly. Dorian knew that he would have to be patient and bide his time. If the Romulans were planning on doing something, then Dorian would have to wait for their first move and then react, regardless of how subtle it was.

In the meantime, there were several minor matters he wished to investigate. Dorian reached over and pressed several buttons on his console and a 3-D screen appeared in front of him.

"Computer, display the personnel file of Lieutenant Commander T'Lan, authorization, beta-tengo-four-five-delta." He said as he allowed the computer time to access the record. Relying on his intelligence authorization would give me access to more information than would be available than through his Starfleet-standard authorization.

T'Lan's response during the debriefing was strangely . . . human. It was too imbued with emotions to have come from a Vulcan, especially one of her position within Starfleet. Dorian had encountered his share of Vulcans throughout his career, but he very rarely witnessed any of them become so engaged as T'Lan. Darson had the ability to work anybody's nerves, but T'Lan's response was more than just a sharp rebuke, it was. . . anger.

T'Lan's file appeared on the screen and Dorian leaned in close to review the screen. It showed what he expected to find: Family, birth-date, length of service, and other bits of information. However he noticed several entries from the Vulcan Medical Institute from 2357 - 2361. Dorian pressed several buttons and ran a historical scan to discover what event took place during that time period. Several moments later the screen displayed that pirates had attacked and destroyed the Vulcan Colony of Salaris.

The entries made mention of T'Lan's mental state after being recovered by Starfleet and brought to the facility on Vulcan. Dorian was unable to get specific information due to Vulcan security protocols. However, the commentary was revealing. Apparently, T'Lan was being treated for various psychological issues.

To a human, that wouldn't be out of the ordinary, however for a Vulcan that clearly meant psychological issues related to emotional outbursts. It was easy to piece together that whatever happened on Salaris, it had a substantial affect on the 16 year old's mental state. Whatever happened to her, and whatever treatments she underwent, it obviously still manifesting itself within the Officer.

Gabriel severed the link after downloading the information to his Padd. He had not immediate use for the information, but he knew that it would probably come in handy some time in the future. At the moment, he was awaiting the status report of his new Assistant Intelligence Officer, Jarred Wallace.