Cascade – It starts with a....hello
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis

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Title   It starts with a....hello
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis
Posted   Tue Oct 30, 2012 @ 9:13pm
Location   CAG's Office
Timeline   SD70: 08:30

Rick arms folded stood in the centre of his office looking intently at the floor. Well not the floor exactly but rather through its transparent plexi-glass floor to the hanger bay below. Crew climbed over the wings of Razor Interceptors using portable tractor beams to mount their weapons pods. Engineers continued the ongoing upgrade project for the Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters, placing them in mechanic pitts and encasing them in work frames to secure them as they were taken apart and upgraded with new parts. Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters posed ready like birds of prey on the hanger deck ready to launch at a moments notice. It look like organised chaos down there but it was a well honed and skilled machine. Rick was jogged from his thoughtful revere by a knock on his open, which he always left open.

The woman standing at the CAG's doorway was wearing her black and deep indigo aerospace duty uniform and the Lieutenant JG pips were visible and fairly new in appearance. Her features were soft and her chestnut/black marbled hair was bound back, accenting her heart shaped face, when he glanced up and noticed her she gave him a friendly half smile before she spoke. "Juliet Dallis reporting for duty, Sir."

"Good to meet you Lieutenant" said Rick crossing the distance between them and offering his hand to shake. "Welcome on-board" he said with his lopsided smile. "Come in please" he gesture with the other arm in the direction of his office. "Please excuse the mess" the office was littered in Padds, reports, schematics and plans over every work surface. In amongst the grey padds and the interactive role out sheets, could be seen a small Buddha statue and some wooden world war two planes

Taking the man's offered hand, Juliet shook it firmly as she moved more into the room. "Thank you, Sir." She smiled as she took in the surroundings. Her eyes also went to the flight deck, she could hardly wait til she got to get out there. Returning her attention to the CAG she addressed him. "Was everything in order?"

He looked at the floor. "Yes...." he said thoughtfully, almost distractedly. He mentally shook himself then brought his attention back into the moment. "Please take a seat." he waved in the direction of the chair opposite his desk. "Would you like anything to drink?" he asked walking himself over to the replicator.

It didn't take the pilot being half betazoid to note the man's behaviour but, she let it pass for the moment, "I am fine, thank you." Her gaze went to the flight deck again. "When might I get my first chance to fly one of those babies?" She inquired with a grin.

Rick ordered himself a fruit juice and headed back towards his desk. As he did so to answer the Lieutenants question he pulled out his old pocket watch, checked the time and then put it back. As he sat behind his desk he said casually "Oh about twenty minutes maybe thirty"

"What's going on? Test flight?" The man definately had her attention.

"Reconnaissance mission" said Rick taking out a Padd from the stack on his desk and handing it to Dalis. "You have an outstanding record Ms. Dalis so I would like you to take lead point in the wing formation for this."

Accepting the padd Juliet began to read over the information, taking in all the vitals. When she glanced up she nodded to him to acknowledge his orders. ""Yes Sir." Then she added. "Do they think they should send us to check this out? I mean far be it from me to say that I'm too good for an assignment or anything like that....and trust me at this point I am looking for any excuse to get into one of those fighters down there....but it 'is' just a distress call." Her eyes went back to the ships, then to the man again. "Are they expecting trouble of some other kind?"

"We don't know. Our destination is Ivor Prime, just a short jump in our local planetary spacial body, to all intense and purposes its a grey dust ball of moon, but there seems to be an emergency signal coming from the planet." He shrugged a little and pointed towards the ceiling, "they don't tell us much down here, but they tell us to go and we go..." Though personally he did not think this was a job for fighter command but instead a task for one of the station's Wallace class garrison vessels.

"Fair enough." She offered the padd back to the CAG while mentally she began to check off what she would need for the mission already. This would be a gravy mission, there and back again. Simple enough. "Anything special I should know about the team going?"

"You will be flying with Red Flight, I will be taking command of the wing for this mission. We will be flying Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters with a standard load out." Rick scratched the stubble on his chin a little. "Unless you have any more questions Ms Dallis I suggest you step to. Will be leaving ASAP"

"I am looking forward to it Sir." With a smirk she nodded and added before she turned to leave. "With your permission." Upon getting the go from him she walked with purpose out of the office and towards her locker.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Squadron Pilot
Lieutenant JG Juliet 'Radar' Dallis