Unity – Fleet Movements
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Fleet Movements
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Mar 25, 2010 @ 1:47am
Location   Back Office, Starfleet HQ
Timeline   SD17 0930

Nervously scratching behind his pointed ear, the Caitian waited patiently for the Bolian to finish droning on about metal production on some distant moon. It clearly wasn't important. It wasn't even in the Beta quadrant! He found it amazing yet frustrating that all Bolians loved engineering. When the Bolian finished, the Caitian spoke up, his voice a low purr. He did not need the constant glances from his Australian counterpart to urge him on. "What of the on Deep Space 5? It has been months since the allegations of corruption and conspiracy were made. How has the investigation progressed?"

The Australian pounced on this prepared opening. "I have here a series of reports from a confidential agent on board. He is an experienced operative with a heavy hand who has worked for us in the past. He states that there have been recent minor problems attributable to rogue agents of outside powers, but certaintly no concerted effort to destabilise the Federation's control in the area.."

The African snorted. "I told you all the Typhon front was much more important. However, Admiral Uhlan returned yesterday with further reports from his source, and he states that things are not so smooth. He raises concerns about the mental state of the Chief of Security for one - seems to suffer from paranoid delusions about our agent. But that's a good quality for a security man, isn't it?"

A few chuckled but the Chairman of the little council was as cold as ever. "Please continue with your report, Admiral. Our time is limited and we have much to discuss," the Vulcan said flatly.

"Uh, yes," the African stumbled, a little shaken by the reprimand. "He states that onboard defences are adequate, but easily accessible to and rendered defunct by a saboteur. The fighter squadron is good, but he reports they would not be sufficient to see off a serious threat."

"Who would want to threaten that hick outpost?" the Australian interjected. "Even a desperate pirate could find richer and easier pickings elsewhere. Who's interested in an outpost light years from anywhere? Apart from us of course..."

The small Chinese man folded his fingers together, and tapped them against his mouth in thought. He peered over them like a man looking over the rim of a pair of spectacles , his glare was penetrating and devoid of emotion, “How competent is your man assessing the defences of Deep Space five, surely this is not the work for a former doctor?”

The African was slightly taken aback but did his best to dismiss the snide comment. "It does not matter what my man's former line of work was. What matters is that he is on the station right now, giving us vital information about a threat that you "discovered" and then ignored."

"Really?" said the Admiral in mock relief. "When did you last get a solid report from your agent".

"We recieved a transmission from the Thor twelve days ago, but Admiral Ulhan states he is concerned about the security of his transmissions and has taken the precaution of bringing back the latest report personally. The Thor is due Monday of next week, Admiral. Surely you can wait until then before criticising the source of data?"

“I believe in the pertinence and validity of current and up to date information from reliable sources, those sources that come from trained professionals, not for example a doctor trying to be a strategic operations officer, and getting himself beaten up by security officials”

There were murmurs around the table at this statement. Whilst some believed that the Chinaman was very passionate about the topic and given an extreme example, others knew exactly why he was making his protest and were deeply shaken by the fact.

"In any case it does not matter," the Australian finally said, trying to defuse the situation. He noticed that his African counterpart was staring with open aggression at the Chinese man. Seeing that some had not caught on (the Bolian's blue face was serenely gazing upwards at the lights), the Australian chose to bring the discussion of the current topic to an end. "In any case, we will have to wait until next Monday. Now, I want to know more about the USS Leonidas. When I see a ship listed for "independent operations" I become suspicious..."

The Australian was interrupted by the Chinese Admiral with a dismissive wave of his hand. "What reports do we have from Iconia?"

The Vulcan decided that now would be a logical time to impose his dominance in the group. "The Leonidas has been assigned to perform odd jobs for me for the next month until she is deemed fit enough to serve with an active taskforce. As to Iconia, sources report an increase in Romulan activity."

Finally the Bolian spoke up. "My boys tell me that they are planning a big training exercise. We know at least five warbirds will be present, with provisions for planetary landing forces. Now THAT gets me suspicious!"

The Chinese admiral sighed a little at the petty politics in the room "I assume you're doing something about it?" He said in a matter of fact tone. "Iconia is in the the neutral Zone. To land troops there would be in violation of our treaty."

"We're well aware of that!" the Bolian chuckled. "Unfortunately, they're staying just outside the neutral zone and they've kindly sent us a little running sheet for their exercises - no plans to cross over whatsoever. Everything, so far, is in accordance with the treaty - including the heads up they've given us!"

"Well they better stick to their side!" The Caitian said. "Because we can't get our forces there that quickly. It would take a week at best to bring the Seventh Fleet into the area. Nothing else we've got there could mount an effective resistance against the might of Romulus."

"Unless we move now," the Australian said finally, silently thanking his ally for bringing the subject back. "That fleet is too far back to be effective. We need to move it closer to Iconia."

"We have been through this before, Admiral," the Vulcan stated flatly. "In order to equally and adequately defend the entire border from Jouret, down the Typhon Expanse all the way to the Paulson Nebula, the Seventh Fleet must be in its current position. Moving it backwards jeopardises response time, moving it forward would leave a hole in our defences."

"Yes, but we're not trying to stop some Ferengi traders!" the Bolian chirped up. "We need to move the fleet to where the Romulans are most likely to attack!"

"And pray, tell us where that is?" the Chinese admiral asked snidely. He could barely contain his smirk as he stroked his beard.

"Iconia!" the Australian and Caitian said spontaneously.

"I think it may be Deep Space 5," the African said in a low mumble. "Too much going on there that I can't understand."

The Bolian simply glanced at the Vulcan looking for some clue from his superior.

The Vulcan leveled his gaze the Chinese man. "You brought both these things to this council's attention. You are the most familiar with these situations. What do you recommend? Where should we move the fleet? Should we even move it at all? Would it not be logical to assess this report from Admiral Uhlan first and make the decision based on more complete data?"

The Chinese Admiral sat back in his chair stroking his long pointed beard; a smile on his face. He nodded to himself on reflective thought. “We wait and hold the fleet. Assess the data, and move forward with more complete information.”

"Ah, Confucius has spoken!" the Australian admiral sneered. "But since this isn't an autocracy, I think we should we should still cover DS5 with a ship or two. We can send the Thor back there..."

"The Thor is an experimental craft!" the stout African protested. "It's a corvette at most. Whilst its drive systems are great, they tax the generators. I hate to think what would happen to the conduits in a battle situation with shields and phasers need to be powered."

"Send the Leonidas then," the Australian stated. "Any protests?"

The Vulcan saw no reason to oppose the idea and so simply stated, "None. Make it happen."


NPC Chinese Admiral
played by Dunham

NPC All Other Admirals
played by Tan