Incommunicado – Once around the 'Block' Part 2
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Once around the 'Block' Part 2
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Apr 05, 2012 @ 12:04am
Location   Administrations level
Timeline   SD48 15:10
"Italian it is then!" Bryan stated as he now pulled the two ladies towards their initial destination.

And so we continue........................

And so they stepped onto the lift and dropped 2 levels to Mercys choice.
"So ladies," Surzchenko began to say as he spotted another 'Lonely' heading their way and no matter what Mercy said, there was no way he was going to spend his lunch with yet another lonely heart, especially Malcolm 'The Moaner' Weaver, who would start off complaining about his leg injury, which would lead to all his other ailments, then onto his family and his brother who was yada yada yada.
He literally pushed Jenna through the door and followed her through pulling Mercy as he went and pushed the door closed, his palm holding the door closed whilst peering out of the smaller window watching to insure that Malcolm would walk passed and had not noticed them.

"Too close." Bryan said with an unhidden zeal as he turned to look at Jenna and Mercy. "What? You want Moaner Malcolm to join us?" He questioned as his hands went upwards and his eye went from one to the other.

"He would make up a four?" Mercy suggested sheepishly.

"OH NO HE WOULD NOT!" Jenna replied with equal zeal to that of Bryan's. She gave Bryan a hug. "Thank you for saving me!" she said with obvious relief and a glare at Mercy for even suggesting such a possibility.

"I didn't MEAN a romantic four.... for a date or anything...." Mercy began to protest her innocence of intention.

Bryan, still in the clutches of Jenna, was shaking his head. "I know what you meant." His eyes levelled with Jennas. "You're welcome." He said with a wide eyed stare trying to remove himself from her vice like grasp and wondered if this was still a wise idea. "I think we can safely take a seat." He remarked as Jenna finally released him.

The waiter who had been mildly amused by the small group at his door sauntered over.
"Good day. Would you care for a table or are you just taking the opportunity to secrete yourselves from someone?" He asked without any hint of an Italian accent, or for that matter any accent at all as his hands clasped together and as they did so his eyebrows arced in the most disconcerting manner.

Bryan was not sure if the question actually warranted an answer or if it was rhetorical, but Jenna responded.

"We would like a table for THREE please!" Jenna said emphatically staring hard at Mercy to make her point.

"Oh all RIGHT" Mercy conceded moving closer to Bryan as they made their way across the restaurant behind the waiter.

He took them to a four placed, square table and pointedly removed one chair leaving two on the lefthand side and one on the right, facing back towards the window. The table was far enough back inside the main area not to be easily seen from outside and the two who would sit with their backs to the window wouldn't be seen clearly from even the nearest table unless they turned round.

Jenna slid into the inner of the two chairs facing away from the window, declaring that it was Mercy's fault for trying to set her up and that now she was suspicious and *had* to sit carefully out of sight. Mercy conceded that point and sat opposite but moved her chair into the middle of her side of the table so she could secretly play footsie with Bryan.

"Next time I won't stop to speak to anyone at all if all I get is the blame!" she joked with a smirk, knowing she didn't mean that at all and still very much aware of how lucky she was, as she gazed at the object of her desire directly in front of her across the table.

The waiter came for their order.

Bryan took his eyes from Mercy who now held her sweetest lady smile as he glanced at the waiter.
"Please, the ladies first." He said.

"Of course." The waiter replied with a lop sided grin. "Miss Denoublier, the usual?" He asked with the smile becoming fuller.

"Yes please" Mercy replied with another, charming smile.

"What usual?" Jenna was intrigued.

"Oh, something I like to have whenever I come here. Don't mind me, please just choose your own favourite." Mercy replied with a rather mysterious air and an amused twinkle in her eye.

Jenna looked a little put out that she wasn't able to extract the details yet but she looked at the menu and chose an exotically filled pizza dish.

".... And Sir?" the waiter asked, not taking his eyes off the lovely blonde and making a pink hue rise to Jenna's cheeks under his gaze.

Bryan shook his head and smirked as he nudged Mercys feet under the table and his eyes pointed in the direction of Jenna and her blush.
"Um, I think I'll have the same as Miss Denoublier." He requested as he tilted sideways to make sure the waiter was making a note of his order, but the waiter still held his eye line on the blonde to his left.
He waited for several seconds before he moved into the waiters field of vision. "Today would be good!" He remarked breaking the waiters stare.

"Sorry Sir, of course" the Waiter realised he was being spoken to and shook himself visibly, writing quickly on his padd.

Bryan watched the waiter walk away, glancing over his shoulder several times back at Jenna and was about to remark at the waiters obvious interest in Jenna, but Mercy was quicker than he.

"Looks like you made a conquest there, Jen!" she winked at her friend with a wide friendly grin.

Jenna's blush deepened. "I'm not interested." She pouted. "I've given up men." She stated a little bitterly. "And I don't mean I've decided to swing both ways either." she added quickly before anyone could jump to that conclusion.

"Nope, just the opposite way." Bryan said in a hushed voice as he expected the retaliatory kick or slap that would undoubtedly come from both women.

Mercy smiled and aimed a gentle cuff at his upper arm but Jenna was more earnest in her kick to his shin.

Bryan mocked pain as he shrieked "I was only joking!" and slapped at the air in Jennas direction. "Seriously though, why have you given up on men?" Bryan asked as he poured a glass of icy cold water for Mercy and held the jug over Jennas glass awaiting a shake or a decline of filling her glass.

Jenna held her hand out flat across the top of her glass to decline the water, thinking for a moment, seconds too late that perhaps this was not a good move as he might just keep pouring anyway.

Bryan moved the jug to his own glass and filled it within an a centimetre of the brim and put the jug in the centre of the table.

"I've given up men because the last three I fell in love with all left me or two-timed me. I'm keeping my heart under lock and key from now on. I don't need to get hurt or dumped again and even if my heart could stand it, it's not good for my self-respect or my fragile ego either. All round it's a sensible thing to do." Jenna explained.

Bryan looked to Mercy, then back to Jenna. "No it isn't," Bryan stated, "you never know what will come from any relationship, that's the fun of of finding out. Some are good, some not so good and some," Bryan smiled as he again looked at the vision of beauty across the table and reached out for her hand. "like Mercy, are just brilliant!"

The waiter returned with the first two platters for Bryan and Mercy and placed Mercys in front of her and then did the same to Bryan.
"Spaghetti and meatballs with a cream mushroom sauce with mashed jalapeƱos and anchovies with a Gouda cheese topping." He stated, "ma'am," He moved around the table to Jenna, "I do hope you don't mind the delay, yours will be an extra minute. The chef is adding that little bit extra for a special lady." He said with a wink and a wide smile. "Can I offer you an aperitif?"

Bryan looked at his serving with a look of disgust. "Gouda and anchovies!" He mouthed to Mercy though gritted teeth.

"Lovely!" she smiled serenely. ".... and mozarella and beef shavings...." she added as she tucked in. "Would you like ketchup? Or Terran *Brown Sauce*? " she queried, anxious to be sure he was making the most of the excellent choices on offer in this establishment.

"How's yours Jen?" Mercy didn't seem to be aware of Bryan's apparent dislike of her choices.

"Perfect!" Jen smiled broadly, including the beaming waiter in the benefit of the sunshine she emanated.

"You're not eating yours Bryan? Can I have a few of your beef shavings?" she asked innocently, radiating at him too with the deepest of blue shimmers to fascinate from her beautiful face.

Mercy rolled her eyes. Jenna had *always* been so stunning to look at, more so if she as in a good mood and her face would shine with exhuberance.

~If she doesn't keep focussed on that cheesy waiter, she's going to get a reminder to her shins in a minute!~ Mercedes thought to herself, but she didn't really mean it. Jen wasn't the sort to steal someone else's love interest, she simply couldn't bridle her beauty and universal appeal and Mercy had been her friend for long enough to know this.

"So, Bryan.. do you have any other plans for later?" Jen asked. "If we were going somewhere nice.... like say the Box? Would it be okay if I asked my new friend along to make up a four?" she kept her voice low but seemed surprised when both Mercy and Bryan looked shocked.

"What? He seems nice? Doesn't he?" she defended, wondering what she had said wrong.

"JENNNNN!" Mercy hissed back. "Weren't you the one who protested loud and long before we came in here that you definately NEVER want to date again as long as forever?"

"Me? Does that sound likely?" Jen protested back, looking to Bryan for support.

Bryan could only shrug his shoulders as he toyed with the platitude of colours on his plate, picking the small fish and gouda pieces and moving them to the side of the platter.
"Brown sauce?" He shook his head and glanced at Jen, "Likely, yes. Definite, I can't say." He said as he looked to the waiter who had moved only a few metres from the table for some support of his own. "As for the box, maybe later, we still have the afternoon reports to complete first, but I don't see why not." He added.

Jen and Mercy both looked excited at the idea. "Seriously?" Mercy asked, picking off the anchovies and cheese from Bryan's plate to save him having to either eat them or leave them so obviously.

"Uh huh" He mumbled as he stuffed some of the pizza mess into his mouth and swallowed quickly, not enjoying the look of it. "Shall we say eight o'clock?" He suggested giving Mercy a wink as he stood easing the plate across the table to her. "I'll start the reports, you start the dating game." He offered.


A JP between:

CWO2 Bryan Surzchenko
By Mark

CWO2 Mercedes Denoublier
& Jenna
By Jools