Small Things – Kitties From Heaven, Part Two
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Kitties From Heaven, Part Two
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Jan 05, 2014 @ 7:34am
Location   Eleni and R'Vek's quarters
Timeline   after Kitties Part One
After talking to her Grandfather and learning that he was not responsible for the beautiful little friend who had just fallen asleep in the crook of her arm, Rianni had gone to her mother's office, where her secretary, the Deltan with the unpronounceable name her mother called April, for the month she started, told her her mother had left the office a few minutes prior. Walking slowly to her mother and father's quarters so as not to wake Mittens, Rianni rang the chime and waited until t'Ren, her father's man servant, answered, "Hi, tr'Ren." She smiled, "Is my mother available?"

"Of course, Lady t'Khellian." tr'Ren nodded, even though he always found it hard to mask his disappointment in the halfling; she was still so human, in spite of Lady Lliar and Lady Isha's best efforts to fix her. His disappointment in Lady Rianni was practically insignificant compared to his disgust for her mother, though, but he held his tongue lest he lose it; his master brooked no disrespect to his bride and had already shown one of his officers precisely that, "One moment, please, Lady Rianni."

"Sure, tr'Ren." Rianni smiled, considering telling him for the hundredth time that it was okay to call her just Rianni, but knew he'd not hear of it and saved her breath. She lovingly scratched Mittens' head, listening to her purring happily for a few seconds until tr'Ren returned with her mother, "Hi, mom." Rianni smiled, embracing her mother with one arm and holding Mittens in the other.

"Hello, my little lamb." Eleni beamed, thrilled to have her child visiting, she'd been gone so long.... She turned her eyes to tr'Ren and made a quick motion with her hand to dismiss him, not wanting his open hatred of her, or her's of him, to ruin this moment. As R'Vek's.... whatever the hell that abhorrent man was, left Eleni finally noticed the purring fuzzball in her daughter's arms, "And who is your little friend?"

"You mean you don't know, either?" Rianni replied, dumbfounded; surely, she surmised, if it hadn't been her grandfather, her mother was the only other possible suspect.

"Not a clue, child." Eleni smiled, stroking Mittens head gently, "But how precious a little creature!"

"Her name is Mittens." Rianni smiled, almost like a little girl with a brand new doll, "And she was in the my quarters this morning and I've got no idea where she came from or how she got there."

"Your father." Eleni laughed, "This is precisely the kind of little thing he would do." Eleni certainly hoped it was R'Vek, as he was the only person with the skills to get into and out of Rianni's home and leave a gift behind other than her own father that wouldn't scare Eleni into making Rianni move in with them.

"Of course." Rianni said, laughing with her mother, "If it wasn't Papa or you, that only leaves Daddy."

"What only leaves Daddy, darling?" R'Vek asked from the doorway of his study.

"Oh, don't play dumb." Eleni grinned, kissing her husband happily, "You did a beautiful thing for our little girl, R'Vek tr'Khellian, and I won't let you deny it."

"Well, if I had, I wouldn't." R'Vek protested, not sure what the hell these two were on about this time, "And where'd you get the bait?"

"Oh, daddy, as if." Rianni laughed, then stopped, "Wait, you didn't get her for me?"

"Of course not." R'Vek replied, "If I had, I'd have given it to you face to face. Sneaking about in the bloody shadows is not for family, it's for strangers and enemies."

"Yeah." Rianni nodded, that was true. Her dad had brought her many things, always face to face.

"If not you, then who?" Eleni asked, growing very concerned that some crazed stalker might have found easy access to her daughter's home.

"Probably J'Tar or Ashara." R'Vek shrugged, "They've both got the code to your door. So do the Dunhams if I remember right."

"Yeah." Rianni sighed, "Okay, guess the quest for answers continues."

"Good luck." R'Vek offered, "And change that bloody code! Too many people have it." ~Of course, if they didn't she'd be dead, R'Vek. Be careful what you wish for with this one.~

"Yes, listen to your father, little lamb." Eleni agreed, "Change your code as soon as you get home."

"Okay, mom." Rianni rolled her eyes, her mother still acted like she was a child, "Even though I don't think whoever this was means any harm. Exactly the opposite I think...."