Things Past – To where from here?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   To where from here?
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Fri Aug 05, 2011 @ 11:58pm
Location   Earth
Timeline   Stardate 61105.44

The loud knock on her door sounded important, more than she could have imagined as she placed the white porcelain cup onto the bare wooden table and pushed the wooden stool back with her legs and padded barefoot to the door.

She pressed the release and the door slipped apart to reveal a young slip of a man, in a red uniform and a single pip.

"Lieutenant Commander Tashmala Ingredia Tahir?" The young man questioned forcibly.

Tasha shook her head, beside getting her first name wrong, rarely was she addressed by her full title.
"Nearly ensign, Tashmallia." She corrected.

He nodded, acknowledging the correction.
"From Starfleet." He advised as he thrust forward a PADD towards her chest. "you have been assigned." He added, as if it gave him a reason for his abruptness and turned to leave before she could respond.

"Mmm." She said as she back stepped into the coolness of her kitchen and placed the PADD beside her cup and then finished that before she even contemplated reading what was on the PADD.

She had spoken to friend in the HQ last night and she knew something was in the pipeline, after all, she had served her tenure at Starfleet HQ for long enough, or as much as Starfleet would allow a widow.

She tapped at the screen and read and then lay it down on the table, pondering the words. ~Report to Starfleet HQ, Commandants office tomorrow at o-eight hundred ~ She said the words a dozen times over and over, wondering what it was that they had planned for her.

It had been two long and lonely months getting used to being back on Earth and no or little hope of getting back out there, but she had remained positive, heading down to the ship yards, looking at the newest designs that were taking shape on the new ships and secretly pined to be commanding one of them, but her history appeared to be holding her back. If only she had never transferred to Starfleet, things could have been so different, she may still have had her husband at her side or at least been an exec on some ship racing across the galaxy.
She sighed as she pushed the PADD away from her, dismissing her flights of fancy and hopes.

Starfleet HQ (Following Day)

Brushing down her dress uniform, she took a deep breath and held her hand a few millimetres from the door, hesitating as she wondered what fate ha in store for her today.
She glanced down, ensuring her medals were straight and easily identifiable as finally, her knuckled tapped at the worn wooden door.

The rap was so quiet, the Fleet Commandant barely heard it.

"Come in" He called in rasping voice. She turned the handle and pushed the door in a smooth movement. "Ah Tasha, please come in, close the door and take a seat." He motioned to the leather chair sat at angle beside the mirror polished table.

She knew before the call, that Robert would probably be the man who had summoned her, but she was not sure until she had opened the door wide that it was indeed the silver haired gent she had an affinity for.

He eyed the petite Hazel haired woman as she strode into the room and eased herself onto the leather seat beside his desk. She smoothed down her dress top, adorned with her medals and looked him square in the eye, folding her hands upon her lap.

"Good Morning, Sir." She uttered, having known the commandant for most of her academic and professional career. She had worked as his attaché when she herself had worked at Starfleet HQ.

"Tasha, you are looking the picture of health." The Commandant rose from his chair and extended his hand, reaching toward her. She of course took it and shook.

"I am feeling good, Robert. How is your arm these days?" She returned the pleasantry.
The Commandant, Robert Hardy Dowel, was her husbands' superior and colleague. Robert had been stood only 3 feet away from him, during the attack on the Senate on that cold, December afternoon which took her husbands life.

He had himself spent several weeks in hospital, having to have full bio dermal regeneration to replace the skin and muscles he lost down his left side and to this day, still has problems with it. He and Tasha had become close after the attack and had become and remained good friends.

He tapped his arm and informed her, "Still plays me up Tash, but I am thankful for every day!" He said smiling his casual warm smile as he retook his seat.

"Anyway, to business. I have asked you here today, as we have just received word about a ship that is being refitted a few weeks travel form here." Robert made himself comfortable in the chair, "On DS5. I have received a request for an XO and you came to mind immediately."
He watched her reaction. The only sign of joy was the minutest widening of her eyes and the way her head tilted ever so slightly when she began to think.

"So you are interested?" He noted.

"Robert, you know me too well. What is the ship and who is her Captain and when am I required to start duty?" Nodding as she replied.

"The ship is yet to be officially renamed. The Captain has not yet been selected. The ship is due to launch in 4 weeks, if you leave in the morning, you could be there by the end of the month. Get to know the ship and greet her crew as she prepares for a shakedown!"

A single quiet laugh left her lips, "You know how keen I am to get back up there." She eyed him back, looking for a tell tale in those steel blue eyes. "Come on Robert, why has she not been assigned a Captain?" It was a genuine question and she wanted a genuine answer.

He leant forward on his chair, clasped his hands and placed them on the polished granite table afore him.

"Tasha, I can only say this. It has been nearly 6 months since you were aboard a ship. Your deeds were noted and the lives you saved are on record." He lowered his voice to a near whisper, "You could well be the next Captain, but Starfleet wants to be sure you are ready for Command. You will have one month to prove yourself and the Captains chair may well be yours." He informed her with no smile, no grin and no affection. Just a simple nod, but it was a knowing nod. He sat back straight in the chair.

She bit her lip and washed her hands in her lap. She struggled to keep the emotion of joy coupled with the indecisiveness of command, buried. She had, like many others, wanted a ship of her own, but never thought
she would receive one. Not yet.

As if to put a full stop to her thoughts, the commandant stated to her directly.

"The ship is being renamed as the USS Hunter!"

Tasha laughed and stifled it with her hand, unable to keep the joy she felt contained any longer.

"Robert, are you serious?" she quizzed.

"Deadly serious. I named her myself." He told her, dipping his head.

"Rosta me as active." She smiled with affection at her friend, "And thanks Robert!" closing her eyes briefly in gratitude and sniffing back a tear.

He stood again, "Thanks for what, I didn't do anything?" He said grinning as he again offered his hand.

"Put that away!" she said waltzing around the desk and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and wrapping her arms around him, "I know you too well too. You knew I would accept this position, didn't you?" she grinned back at him, flicking her hair away from her eyes.

"Now I would never put service….uh, friendship over service." He retorted, taking her by the arm and working his hand to hers, then taking and shaking it with vigour. He then saluted her, and she him.

"Thank you, Sir!" She snapped back to her duty self.

"Go Tash, you have packing. Transport is scheduled for 07.00 and will transfer you to the Ayakiama, which will then take you to DS5. Make sure you are not late!" Again he smiled. "Good luck Commander Tahir."

"Thank you again, Sir." She said, turned on heels and marched proudly back through the door.

She grinned from ear to ear as the door closed behind her, not hearing the promotion in Roberts voice as she was so delirious that she was now in line for command of a starship and she bounced down the steps out into the bright sunlight of San Francisco, even if the air were still cold.
Tasha glanced at her watch and seeing the time, decided to make a detour, to say a farewell to her deceased partner, Roman.