Beg, Steal or Borrow – Check Up
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Check Up
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu May 28, 2009 @ 10:14pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   Day 8 - 23:30
Lieutenant Richard Dunham had only been on Deep Space Five for a Limited time. Almost as his feet had hit the deck of the space station the Romulans had attacked.
Since that time he and the rest of his fighter squad had been on high alert doing sorties and patrols around the station on full sensors to see if they could make sure their where no more cloaked ships around or any other clear and present danger. Hell he hadn't even seen his own quarters yet. He had been living out of his kit bag down in the flight suit changing rooms. He had not had much of a chance to do much of anything. But at least he was getting to know his team. It was his wing man that had pointed out to him that when a Star Fleet personnel are transferred to another posting they have to take a medical at said new posting.

Dunham had promised his wing man that he would go at the first opportunity. So tired and worn down and a bit unkempt he made his way up to the medical bay. Upon his arrival he went straight in looking around trying to grab somebodies attention buy making eye contact with anybody in the busy Medical centre.

Chelsea looked up and saw a new face looking as if he wanted to attract attention. She handed the padd she had just completed to a junior medic and came towards Richard.

"Lieutenant" she read his rank from the pips on his uniform collar. "How can we help you?"

A little unsure of himself Dunham cleared his throught and said "Im ummm here for a medical Check up. The names Richard Dunham."

"Chelsea Adams" she held out her hand in greeting and gestured towards a bio-bed. "A routine 'welcome aboard medical' package to go?" she grinned, trying to make him feel easier by joking with him.

Dunham shook her hand and then lifted himself up onto the bio-bed "Yes please" said the pilot with a smile. "I must admit I got here a while ago. Things have just been so hectic around here. Hell I haven't even un-packed yet. So Lieutenant how long have you been on the station for?" He smiled again nervously, trying to make conversation to take his mind off the check up.

Chelsea smiled "Not too long, a couple of months I suppose although it felt like I'd always been here, almost from the moment I first arrived. It's that kind of place, as I'm sure you're finding out." she replied. "I spent most of my service so far on Starships, this is my first spacestation. How about you?"

Dunham returned the smile. "Second Space Station. I find Star fighters have a much more active duty record in around a Space Station. I got my Lieutenants rank on my last gig."

Noticing that he seemed nervous, she lightened up the whole procedure, keeping the formalities as short as possible and making light conversation.

"How long have you been in Starfleet?" Was a standard ice-breaker so she tried that and continued running the scanner over him as he replied.

"About six years I think. To be honest with you it is all one big blur. It's difficult to keep your head straight sometimes in this uniform. How long have you been in starfleet?"

"Ten years, fourteen if you count the Academy" she said, working it out in her head as she was speaking. "What made *you* join?" was another universal 'bring them out of themselves' type of classic question that usually got good replies.

"I kinda just fell into it. I was born on a starship" said Dunham with a wistfull look on his face. "Both my parents were career officers so it felt like the right thing to do. I have always loved space, prefer to be out their in the black rather than dry land. Does seem odd to you?"

"Not at all" she smiled. "I feel much the same. Not that *I* was born on a starship, but that I feel at home out here among the stars. You picked a busy time to arrive here, I must say. We aren't attacked often." There was a hint of irony in that comment but she took it straight back to the *business* questions by adding.

"By the way, have you recently contracted any infectious diseases?" It was a standard generic question, essential to the filling in of the certificate of health that she put on a padd for him and logged into the system with an authorisation that he was clear for duty.

"No Ma'am. Not that I'm aware of" he said with a cheeky little smile.

Chelsea raised an eyebrow at him in an amused manner. "There you go then." she finished and handed over the completed padd with a smile. "Another satisfied customer?" It was a rhetorical question but she did watch his reaction nonetheless.

"Thanks Doc." he replied. "Very satisfied. I was expecting more needles?"

"I never Liked dry Land" Said Dunham openly "I have lived in space most of my life. From Starships to Space Statons. I have never felt comftable planet side. I dunno their just something so majestic and unkown about about the big black. Only a cockpit canopy between you and the void. Souring through space in a fighter is a special feeling, that you only get when your sitting in that cockpit."

"I've never been clever enough to fly any craft but I think it's something I'd have loved to do. Maybe one day!" She said thoughtfully.

"If your clever enough to be a Doctor, Your clever enough to fly plane. Maybe I can take you for a Fly Some time. THank you very much for the check up." said Dunham with a smile

"I'd really like that." Chelsea replied with genuine enthusiasm. "...oh, and you're welcome." She watched him go, still thoughtfully, before being called back to the never-ending stream of waiting patients.

A Joint Post Between:

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Chelsea Adams