Unity – Things That Go "Bang" in the Night
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Things That Go "Bang" in the Night
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Jan 18, 2010 @ 5:45pm
Location   Station Wide
Timeline   After 20:45

"ENSIGN!" Dorian shouted from his cell. "ENSIGN!?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!" He continued to yell as the Klaxons fought to drown out his voice.

He had originally been awoken by a rumble throughout the detainment area. It was strong enough to knock him out of the bed and onto the ground. It took him several moments to regain his bearings and realize what had happened. Now, he was trying to best to get information as to what was going on.

Soon enough an Ensign arrived in the area. "We're not exactly sure, but there was an explosion somewhere on the station." He said in a hurried voice.

"What the hell!?! Explosion? Where? Who was responsible? What is the damage report?" Gabriel asked simultaneously.

"We don't know sir, damage reports haven't been confirmed yet. Right now, we are focused on search and rescue. All available units have been dispatched to assist." The ensign responded. He tried his best to hide the anxiety in his voice.

"Damnit, let me out of here. I need to be out there helping, not crammed in here like some gerbil!" He replied excitedly.

"I can't do that sir. . .you are still under detainment, per Commander Villiers' orders." he responded.

Down in the intel office Jarred and his team were getting ready too go when the alert rang through out the corridors, he looked over at Marti and the rookie and called out "Sidearms, secure the office and get up to the explosion location to support security, I'm heading to ops."

[Science Lab 1]

Sparks crackled and sprayed across the room as smoke crept across the floor towards the ruined Romulan computer core. Small fires dotted the room, computer panels were cracked and loose wires hung from the ruptured ceiling. Greo lay beneath a large stanchion, pinned by his legs. The left side of his face was burnt and his uniform was torn and smouldering. The shattered core lay in pieces around the room, emanating in a circle around the blast point. Greo stirred beneath the stanchion, fires growing around him.

[Main Promenade]

The entire area was cast in darkness. Nothing could be seen clearly excited the intermittent crack of power cables. Whenever the sparks would illuminate its immediate area, the only thing that could be seen were the charred walls or the pieces of scaffolding and bulkheads that had collapsed underneath the pressure of the explosion.

Throughout the sparse its of light, shouts of pain and agony could be heard throughout the promenade. A chorus of shouts for assistance, either for themselves or for the person next to them, filled the open floor. The only people that did not join in the wails of pain and desperation were those that could not speak and never would speak again.

In this part of the station there were only two kinds of people, the dead and the dying.

Davies cursed the communications that yet another disturbance had taken place on the station and seemed to based on the lower decks of DS5.

"Why are we such a prime target?" He said aloud as he struck his chest.

=^= "Ops, report."=^= He said, the alarm prominent in his vocalisation.

=^= "Sir, we are not sure yet, but initial reports are coming in regarding an explosion from deck 1122, near the primary maintenance bays and also the promenade. =^= The voice respondent to David.

=^= "Injuries?" =^= Came the Commanders next question.

=^= "Sorry sir, none reported at present, but we have not yet collated any information. We will keep you informed.

Davies' fisted hand smacked at the desk in his office as he snorted air out and in through his nose.
He so wanted to call upon his chief of security, but with his incarceration, he had to call upon the next in line.

=^= "Davies to Flynn, I need your help." =^= He called.

[Marine HQ]

Flynn was in the MTAC going over the final reports on the Cardassian ships when the whole room suddenly rumbled and klaxons began to wail, indicating some sort of disaster. When she moved towards the screen about to ask what was going on, the room was hit with an even stronger rumble, one that threw her to the ground, and packed an audible explosion.

“Report!” She yelled as she tried to regain her footing, “What the hell is going on?”

“Ma’am!” One of the technicians shouted back, “We have confirmed detonations of explosive devices in various sections of the station…Deck 1122, Maintenance Bays, Main Promenade, and the Detention Center here!”

“What!?!” She thought, “Status of the affected areas?”

“Unknown ma’am. Sensors in the affected area are down. Several Marine comm. Signals have also disappeared, but that could be through side-effects of the explosion.”

Thinking as quickly as she could under the circumstances, she clamored up the stairs towards Darson’s throne like chair, and began manipulating the Master controls. The standard Red Alert Sirens shut off, only to be replaced by another klaxon. She triggered the communications system to all the Marines onboard,

=^= “Attention, attention, all Marine personnel aboard Deep Space 5. This is Acting Commander Flynn. We have confirmed reports of multiple explosions on the station. All hands, report to action stations. Emergency response units will be dispatched to the crisis centers, MP’s will coordinate with security to maintain order with the Civilian populace, and the rest will lock down sensitive areas and crew until further notice. See your platoon leaders for further instructions. Captain Flynn out.” =^=

With that done, she placed the ILO in charge of the room, and dashed out at a run, clearing all the outbound checkpoints in record time. As she approached the Marine detention center, she came across a scene of havoc.

Flames were billowing out of the entrance through the heavy doors which had been opened through an override. Fire control teams were tending to the blaze as quickly as they could, keeping them contained in the one room.

Owing to some Marines still being trapped inside, they couldn’t resort to the more standard measures of controlling the fire, such as sucking the air out of the room. As such, they had to make do with more old-fashioned methods.

As Flynn was talking to the Warrant Officer in charge, the chirping of her Commbadge got her attention. She excused herself, turned away and answered the Commander’s call, =^= “Captain Flynn here Commander. I’m already on it, Marines have been dispatched to aid all affected areas, maintain order, and secure sensitive areas and personnel, such as yourself and the rest of the command staff. A squad should be arriving via turbolift momentarily. Do you need anything else?” =^=

David was not surprised at her response, it was one he had come to expect from those under Darsons command.
=^= "Just one, back up our security teams." =^= He responded switching channels.

=^= "Brig, I want all detainees released immediately There have been reports of explosions in the detention centre and I want it cleared, now." =^= Davies barked with the beginnings of a grin,

~That should give Gabriel a little breathing space ~ He thought to himself as he began to read reports of station damage and fortunately, there were no reports of fatalities...yet as the doors to his office swung open and a small group of marines began to position themselves around Davies.

"Computer, stationwide." Davies ordered as the computer chirped its confirmation.

=^= "This is Commander Davies. There have been reports of explosions across the station. All medical & emergency teams to their departments. Engineering, check structural integrity. Tactical departments to Central Operations. Civilian members are requested to stay within their premises and alert central administration of any specific needs. Davies out." =^=

He eyed the marines and shook his head. "This is getting to be a familiar situation. Tea anybody?" He asked with a half smirk as he made his way to the replicator.

[Science Lab 1]

The commander's announcement crackled through a damaged communications system in the main computer, now fractured and firey. Greo stirred beneath the rubble and instantly regretted it. Pain tore through his body. He looked around him, but his vision was blurry and stars swam before his eyes. Large shards of the core lay around him, some intact pieces still giving off a faint green glow. Strangely he took a moment to stare at them and felt sad. He shoved at the stanchion pinning his legs, passed out and woke to try again. After his third attempt he flailed at his comm badge, missing it twice before succeeding, saying:

=^=Medical. This is... Greo... I'm hurt in the lab.=^= And promptly passed out.

[Main Engineering]

Bruce looked over the many schematics of the station. With how large the station was it was tough keeping track of everything. "Yamato get over here now!" He yelled to his assistant. "I want you to keep track of the lower half of the station while I keep track of the the upper." Yamato nodded acknowledging Bruce. "Engineering to Davies." He said tapping his badge. "Its going to be a pain to fix the structural damage made by the explosions, but as far as we can tell down here we wont be vacuumed out into space any time soon. Scanning Engineering now to make sure that there are now explosives here and sending teams out to start repairing those spots heavily damaged."

[Main Promenade]

Smoke continued to fill every available space. Even without lights and damaged life support, the groans of the survivors could still be heard. Even with the sound of the heavy equipment sawing through the fallen beams and deck plating, Trellis could still hear the wailing and screaming of those in pain still trapped under the rubble.

"I need a BC4 heavy lifter over hear!" He shouted through his oxygen filtration mask to the other Security officers currently involved in rescue operations. He knew that he had to move fast, or else this would tragically turn from Search and Rescue to mere recovery.

Dorian climbed down the nearby scaffold and looked around the darken space. Security had immediately moved to help assist with the injured or dead and hand managed to secure the area fairly well. He wanted to make sure that even when the fires were put out and power was fully restored, there would be no looting by various people looking to take advantage of the calamity.

"Ensign S'gn, Ensign Peters, and Ensign Ck'von!" Gabriel shouted as he straightened his tunic jacket and placed his pips back on his collar. "Communications are out on this deck, I want you to haul ass to Engineering and have them shut off the plasma flow to this portion of the deck until we can completely ascertain the extent of structural damage. The last thing we need is a plasma explosion." he said.

The assembled officers looked at him for several moments in a bit of confusion. Last that they had heard, Gabriel was in the brig and Trellis was in charge.

"I said move now!" Gabriel said to the officers who had not quickly responded to his orders. He placed his filtration mask over his face and immediately began to assist with lifting a piece of a fallen wall off a civilian who had long ceased making any utterance of a noise.


Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security (incarcerated)

Lt Commander Greo Tovan

Si'lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security (NPC - Thom)

Lt Jarred Wallace

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn & Marines
Played by Lt. Col. James Darson