Beg, Steal or Borrow – ....On the wall
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   ....On the wall
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 1:46pm
Location   USS Bunker hill (on manuvers near DS5)
Timeline   SD 12 1120hrs
Jarred sat in the captains chair, he looked at the main viewer, "Ok one more round of testing and we can pack it in and head home!" He said with some glee "Ms. South bring us into position for the next exercise, Mr. Elliot bring the torpedoes online, arm the quantum firing system and set for a proximity firing solution, and when ready FIRE!" Jarred barked.

Ensign Taali South nodded acknowledgement of the order and manoeuvred the craft into position as directed. Her fingers slid lightly over the console in front of her, adeptly tapping at the controls to achieve the desired heading and alignment.

"Aye sir," Elliott responded, pressing several locations on his control station. "We have the forward quantum torpedo launchers online and ready to go, sir."

South turned towards Jarred and reported. "In position Sir, and holding."

"After the regular torpedo's are tested I would like the bolt on launchers tested also." Freeman added turning to Wallace from the Main Engineering station on the bridge.

"Set for proximity fuse, we don't want any accidents on our account" Jarred said

"Aye, sir," Elliott replied, putting the desired settings into the console. "Set for proximity fire."

Jarred looked at the viewer, "Fire"

<<< The Future >>>
The image was blurred, barely in focus, but she knew the time was now as she sent the overloaded tachyon pulse directly at the co-ordinates of the event nearly 3 years previously.
If the battle for supremacy was to be altered, it had to be in the past, to the point where time went to hell in a hand basket and this would be her ultimate sacrifice to her families' dishonor.
The deflector came online as the generators hummed to a crescendo and the pulse dispensed.
Barely a millisecond later, the ship shimmered and she knew she had been successful and closed her eyes, seeing darkness and light simultaneously. She started to take a deep breath before being snuffed out of existence, the past being undone and the present a blank canvas.

<<< The Past >>>

Taali's fingertip, poised over the primed receptor on the console, simply rested down with very little force to initiate a series of unseen electronic relays that in their turn sparked off the expulsion of the torpedoes, guided by Elliott's settings. A piece of team work, beautifully choreographed and effectively discharged, as a result of which the spread of powerful weapons sped obediently into the empty dark space beyond the hull of the ship........ at first.

The torpedo sped away from the ship and then accelerated, as it did it came into contact with a small insignificant temporal defect, the small but spectacular detonation of the torpedo began another more violent explosion, and the first indicator was only the shock wave that impacted the Bunker Hill. "Red Alert! what Happened?"

Martina was looking at her console, "The torpedo caused a temporal anomaly to open, it measures just over 15 kilometers in diameter, and....sir I think something is coming through!"

Jarred turned to the view, the massive vortex deposit a ship, "get a fix on that anomaly, and open hailing frequencies!"

"Scan of the weapons and defenses’ doesn't make sense. It is federation technology but its far superior to our own. Probably opened a can of worms." Freeman noted from the scans.

"Captain, registry shows it as the USS Montreal, They're responding to our hail." Martina broke in

"On screen." Jarred saw the image appear on the main viewer, and his face went pale. he was looking at himself, only older Jarred was confused, startled, and above all else he had about a thousand questions.

"Hello Jarred, we need to talk." His counter part said.

~Ja...Jarred?!~ Claire stood up from her chair, her eyes fixed on the view screen in front of her. Her knees started to give way so she promptly sat back down. She looked at the younger Jarred and then at the older one, she was in complete shock.

To be continued........


A joint post between:

Jarred Wallace
Chief Intel officer DS5

Claire Mackenzie
Acting Chief Counselor DS5

Lt. Freeman

Ensign John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations DS5

Ensign Taali South
Assistand Helms Officer
NPC'd by Chelsea

Ens. Martina Perth
Ops. officer
NPC'd by Andy


Future entity
By Tasha