Incommunicado – Rosey Breakfast
by Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Rosey Breakfast
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Jun 13, 2012 @ 8:20am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD58 07.15
:: On ::

Rick sat alone on the upper promenade watching the shop keepers open their shops and the early commuters go to their destinations with hurried steps. He had been up for a while now, and had in fact flied one sorte this morning, and that had made him hungry. So he had found one of the early morning coffee places and ordered himself a continental style breakfast in the form of a couple of chocolate croissants, some orange juice and a cup of coffee. Though it was all replicated of course Rick just enjoyed the character of the place before he had to go back to work.....though it was no fast food pizza place, his favorite.

After what could only be described as the worst first night Rose had ever experienced, not even camping on Delta Vega compared to last nights lack of sleep she decided to sample the local cusisine onboard her new home. Despite tossing and turning for most of the night she managed to dress herself and make herself presentable.

Rose had arrived on the sation a few days earlier then when she had to report to the Commanding officer and begin work sorting the archaeological finds and reports for the intelligence department. Making her way to the promenade after asking several early morning residents the way she strolled into one of the few places that was open.

"Good morning" She said politely to the young Bolian behind the counter, "I'll have a large americano, black please!" She placed her order after already eyeing up the selection of Denobulan pastries, recieving her coffee she simply smiled in the elegant way that she did pausing for a moment in order to find a seat. The venue was considerably full considering the time of day.

Rick noticed that sitting alone he had the only free chair. Spotting her uniform and being a polite man by nature he pushed the chair out with his foot without taking his eyes off the PaDD he was reading.

Rose tilted her head at the sound of the metal chair scraping along the floor and noticed the young Commander staring at his data PaDD, green eyes and black hair Rose thought to herself that he might have been attractive if he had shaved that morning.

She moved elegantly towards the available chair, placing her coffee on the table she sat up properly, "Thank you commander." She spoke eloquently with her stiff British accent as any young Lady should do.

"No probs" said Rick continuing to read his report; an update on the communication problems on the station and the repair schedule for the USS Polux. Also in front of him were other PaDD's, one was a requisition order for new Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighter parts and crew schedule.

"Lady Rose Corrigan, Archaeologist!" She announed to her breakfast companion, who seemed more interested in his PaDD's than herself. She took another sip of her coffee as several other occupants in the venue who turned to stare at Rose. She hadn't considered herself a celebrity however after publishing several books and travel journals, and not to mention her title and family wealth it was something she would encounter on such a station.

Rick looked over the edge of his PaDD at the women in front of her, it put into mind someone looking over the rim of a pair of spectacles "Lady?" he asked. He was unfamiliar with the appellation.

"Yes I am the Right Honourable Lady Rose Corrigan, Countess of Cavendish sole heiress to the Cavendish estate!" Rose recited, smiling at the gentleman sat opposite her. "I am also the author behind the Corrigan Files, my travel journals if you have read any?" She enquired.

"No can't say that I have" said Rick trying to hide a bemused smile behind his PaDD. "So Countess.....that seems a rather outdated sort of title?" He was not trying to be insulting he was just trying to get his head around the notion. "And your from earth?"

"Yes, Surrey in England my family unlike several aristocratic families survived the change of Terran economies." Rose said calmly, she had encountered these types of questions before. The title of Countess is often considered a relic, much like the relics Rose had spent her life uncovering.

"Sorry" said Rick apologetically as he scratched the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "I'm still trying to get my head around this" he put the PaDD down and leaned forward in his chair "So your from Earth a democratic post scarcity society with no need for money, because you have replicators that can produce nearly anything and holodecks that can fulfill any fantasy. What do you need an Estate and title for?"

"One's estate and title is no more than heirloom of a forgotten age, yes our modern society has evolved from the days of monetary need however in said society we cherish and attempt to understand our history and keep it alive for future generations." Rose said with a smile.

"In order to maintain my family history one must be burdened with said title and estate, however it is the love of the past which fuels my love for archaeology." She continued.

"Ahhhhh I see." said Rick understandingly as he leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his coffee. He frowned a little as another thought occurred to him. "But I thought all that sort of stuff got destroyed in the eugenics wars and the third world war?"

"You're right a vast majority of society history was lost due to such dark times of our past, however country estates were often not the targets for missiles or societal uprising" Rose smiled with a slight chuckle. "Infact the Cavendish Estate and title was lost for some time and the estate fell into disrepair until my family tree was uncovered and returned to ownership." said Rose.

"If it wasn't for my family history and the long mapping of our family tree, the title would have been lost forever!" Rose continued.

"That seems to make sense" said Rick more to himself than anyone else. "Ok" he said with a flash of a smile and returning to the reading of his PaDD. He used its touch screen LCARS display interface to bring up the next page of information. But he could not help but feel that 'Brits' seemed to have their heads stuck in the wrong century.

Rose smiled and finished her coffee, with a smile she gazed at the Commander, "Well commander, you will have to excuse me as I have affairs to attend to!" she said as she stood from her seat.

Rick gave her a nod of a goodbye. He picked up his coffee and took a sip of it as he watched her go. He frowned "what a strange woman" he said to himself as he put his cup down.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Reports Officer
Rose Corrigan