Cascade – As The World Falls Down
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   As The World Falls Down
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Tom Rodriguez & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Wed Dec 12, 2012 @ 1:59am
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD70 1600

They felt the blast almost before the noise roared across the promenade, the shaking beneath their feet. Yolanthe flashed through all the colours of the rainbow before turning to Pelin and Blake who were loading up trays at the Bar. "Stay Here."

She had been grey, worried what the explosion might portend. On reaching the door of the Box, and seeing where the plume of smoke was coming from, she went emerald green. The Cardassian Embassy. She started running, taking the stairs down to the next level three at a time.

Wounded lay all around the promenade, and the entrance to the Consulate was like the mouth of hell. It was on fire, shredded cardassian lay unmoving, or worse, moving just enough to scream.

Tharek! She knew this was what it was about. Someone had tried to kill him, and it looked like they might have succeeded. The green of her skin and hair deepened again, as dark as a jungle night.

She headed for the consulate doors, one completely shattered, one hanging free of its runners. The heat was singing her hair. The smoke was stinging her eyes. "Tharek!"

Arms grabbed for her, trying to stop her. The first got an elbow in the face, a short sharp stop. the next tried to reason with her; "Its too hot!". Whoever said it was shoved aside.

"Tharek!" she screamed into the smoke, praying for a response

Someone hit her bodily, lifting her from her feet and crashing down to the ground. "Get off me!"

"Ms. Ibalin! It is not safe for you to be here!" Lieutenant Michael Duquesne said to the woman. He was naturally very calm and reserved, but the current situation was forcing him to become more assertive.

"Ms. Ibalin, you must stay back!" He said as he continued to hold back the struggling woman. "You cannot help anybody if you are injured yourself!" Te security officer pleaded with her.

"Tharek's in there!" She was straining against him, but the fight had gone out of her. "We have to get him out!"

"And we are doing everything we can to help him!" Trellis said, as he moved her a a safe distance from the reckage.

=/= "Duquesne to Sick bay! We have a medical emergency. There has been an explosion at the Cardassian Embassy. The Ambassador may be severely injured!" == Duquesne communicated.

It was pure fortune that Duquesne was in the area when he heard or rather he felt the explosion cascade throughout the area. He immediately responded, but he did not anticipate the damage to be as massive as it was.

=/= "Security to Ops!"==

=/="Ops here."=/= came the unmistakable voice of the Bajoran Chief Warrant Officer. =/="Report. Just read a massive explosion down there, but internal sensors and half our other auxiliary systems are down in the section."

"Fire suppression units have not activated, we have to put out the flames before we can begin rescue operations for the Cardassian Embassy." he reported.

The large Bajoran inwardly cursed. The red alert klaxons had failed to activate and the faces of the many younger officers in Ops were a picture of anxiety. "Red Alert. Lock all docking clamps and advise all nearby traffic to hold position, All damage control teams and mobile forcefield emitters to the Promenade."

tom said "ops to security my security team is in the vicinity of the promenade "tom said.

Duquesne continued to hold Yolanthe while still communicating with OPS. "Tom!" He shouted.

tom said "yes what is your orders we have a lot of people trapped in the rubble." tom said

"Ok, we need to seal off the immediate area and find a way start clearing out the rubble to get to any survivors." Duquesne said to the fellow security officer.

tom contacted ops" security to ops " he said. he started clearing the rubble to get to any survivors he told yolathne" we medical officers to treat any survivors " he said.

"And how long will that take?" Yolanthe looked at the security officers with contempt pouring off every word. "I have to get him out now!"

Michael turned towards Yolathne, "Ma'am, I need for you to stay here, please. We are doing everything in our power to help." He said compassionately. He understood her anxiety and frustration. He knew that if the tables were turned, he'd be in a fit of rage to help his trapped loved one.

She seemed to have control of herself now, and nodded. "Please, find him, get him out." she begged.

Duquesne nodded as he went towards the rubble and began to remove it. The mobile forcefield emitters came online, preventing any further debris from the damaged structure from collapsing on the rescuers that were beginning to gather.

It took several minutes before a Security officer was able to hear a faint groan coming from the general area.

"I hear someone!" the officer exclaimed.

Duquesne immediately came to assist as the gathered officers began to remove various pieces of fallen debris so that they could reach the source of the noise. Within minutes they saw the battered face belonging to the Cardassian Ambassador. Beneath him there appeared to be another individual who seemed to be in a much fairer condition considering the situation.

"Tom!" Duquesne shouted. "The Ambassador needs immediate medical attention, I will get him to Sickbay. You work on searching for any other survivors!" He exclaimed as he began to pull the larger man's body from the rubble.

"You got it "tom hit his combadge " security to ops i need some security officer to help me search for any other survivors" tom said.

Once the Cardassian official was cleared, Duquesne began to try to resuscitate him.

"You have to push harder than for humans." Yolanthe knelt opposite him across Getal's body, so green she was almost black, with a trembling calm of someone who couldnt afford tpo go to pieces but so despreatly wanted to. "There's cartiledge ridge protects the rib cage." She pushed Getals head back, checked his mouth for breathing obstruction. "You count, I'll breathe."

Duquesne nodded as he pushed harder on the official's chest. It was somewhat ironic, Duquesne had spent years assisting the Maquis during their struggle for liberation. Although he himself had never picked up a weapon to take the life of a Cardassian, he had seen enough bloody conflicts between the two sides. Each time he saw a Maquis lying dead, a Cardassian stood over their cold body.

Now here he was, standing over the body of a prone Cardassian, trying his best to keep the Cardassian leader alive just a little longer.

Duquesne almost allowed a smile to cross his face as he felt the faint pulse of the Cardassian and the look of joy on Yolanthe's face.

=/= "Duquesne to Sick Bay, 2 to beam directly to sick bay, medical transport emergency." =/= he said as he stared into the eyes of Yolanthe. "You go with him." he said.

"Thank you," she gave him a brief nod as the beam took hold of them both, and whisked them away.


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Michael Duquesne (NPC)
Assistant Security

Tom Rodriguez
Assistant Security

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class
Relma Meryn