Incommunicado – A Pleasant Ride
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Rakka

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Title   A Pleasant Ride
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Commander Rakka
Posted   Thu May 17, 2012 @ 9:32pm
Timeline   SD57

Ai'lani didn't often go and pick up Kaelin at Sickbay, but the doctor had been working himself too hard even since the failed intervention, as if trying to prove to his coworkers that he was still as capable as he'd been. It was unnecessary, but Kaelin had always been insecure about himself, so Ai'lani simply let him do what he felt like doing and just intervened if necessary.

As it was, Kaelin often forgot their regular lunch dates, so Ai'lani was forced to pick him up at work. Bypassing a girl that was exiting the turbolift, the Deltan gave her a soft smile before stepping into it.

Commander Rakka tapped her foot anxiously as she waited for the lift to arrive. The sooner she could get this medical checkup over with, the sooner she could track down and surprise Petro. Her mind meandered back to the last time they had spoken--how lonely the little J'naii had been, how forlorn! And how overjoyed she would be to have her very best friend back in her life!

Her mind was far away when the doors to the lift finally slid open, and she plodded straight forward without remembering to duck under the human-sized doorframe.


"Ffff... dammit to he--" she snarled, then stopped suddenly, realizing the lift was occupied. "...Hello," she finished in a mutter and pressed herself against the opposite wall from where the other presence was.

Ai'lani gasped as the large woman hit her head, immediately taking a step towards her to help. As she seemed to compose herself, he stopped. "Hi," Ai'lani returned, looking at her with concern. "Are you okay?"

~Gods... is there any more humiliating question?~ "I've survived through worse," Rakka sighed.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," Ai'lani said, sensing the way her feelings shifted. The turbolift remained where it was. "So, where to?" he asked, since she still hadn't given it an order.

"Oh--sickbay!" she exclaimed, feeling even stupider, if that were possible.

Ai'lani cursed himself for making her feel that way. Part of him wanted to walk over to her and give her a hug, but he resisted. "So, why sickbay?" he suddenly asked, then put his hand over his mouth. "That was really inappropriate of me. I mean, why would someone go to sickbay?" His blue eyes widened. "Not that you're like, diseased or anything because you've obviously not!" Ai'lani took a deep breath. "I'm really sorry. I'll shut up now I promise." He blushed.

Rakka gave a small sigh. Silence seemed like a good idea. Still... she had just arrived and didn't want to popularize the notion that she was an angry grump... even if she was one.

"Routine physical," she finally said. "Captain's orders."

"Ah." Ai'lani nodded. "I'm off to Sickbay too. Meeting a friend for lunch. You're new. I haven't seen you around and I tend to see everyone," he observed.

Rakka took a deep breath in and out, reminding herself that the walls weren't actually closing in on her in this tin can. "I guess you haven't... been here long..." she remarked, shutting her eyes for a few moments and picturing a wide, green meadow. "I used to be Chief of Security here. Left for a while... just now returned. Currently waiting to be assigned."

Ai'lani nodded. "I kind of wish I had been here earlier. You being in charge had to have been better than Gabriel's little tirade against aliens." He noticed her eyes close, but didn't comment. She didn't seem to take well to others showing any concern towards her. "But, I've only been here a little over a month."

Rakka made a low growling sound. "I was not... pleased... to hear he had replaced me. Gabriel and I did not... see 'eye to eye', as the human say."

"Yeah, I don't think he can really see much, what with the enormous, twelve inch thick wall of xenophobia in front of him," Ai'lani agreed. "Can't say I've run into him much, but from what my friends say he's not really the most pleasant person to be around."

"I'm sure you'll hear the same of me before long," the Nausicaan rasped, "but at least I know Security."

"Oh, I don't know. After meeting you and seeing how sweet you are, I don't think hear say will really cloud my judgment," Ai'lani told her with an honest, kind smile as the turbolift stopped, opening to reveal the hallway leading up to the logo imprinted glass doors of the Infirmary.

~Sweet?~ Rakka cocked her head in utter confusion, wondering just who the hell she had just met.


Cdr. Rakka
Pending assignment, DS5


Ai'lani Elley
Artist and freelance journalist
DS5 (NPC by Maja)