Things Past – A new face
by Citizen Min Zhao

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Title   A new face
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao
Posted   Sat Apr 20, 2013 @ 2:28pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   Cutrrent
To every prosperous nation there is a dark underbelly. People who care not for the morals of the nation they claim to cherish, people who care only for wealth and power. They will do whatever they want to satisfy that hunger.


[Main Promenade]

Among the many stores on the promenade was a small shop named Jasmine's. A store specializing in exotic perfumes and fine jewelery. It exuded the sense of being high end with a touch of "too high for you" sprinkled in for good measure.

The owner, and aside from one or two trusted employees, the sole operator of the store stood in the middle of the shop watching as hired staff unloaded the merchandise. Melissa DelPrado, at first glance, seemed typical of the many shop owners on DS5, if perhaps a bit more dressed up. Born into a family of merchants, Melissa had learned at an early age that first appearances often made the difference between a successful deal and a failure. Later on she also learned that there were other techniques, ones she became quite adept at, but were not useful as often. Taking those lessons to heart, Melissa never went anywhere in public without being perfectly made up.

Beneath that polished exterior however lurked a venomous snake. The last lesson she'd learned, not from her father, was that the undercurrent of trade was vicious and to survive you had to make alliances but also always be on your guard. In her line of trade, those connections came in handy and she was often given a free hand to operate in areas otherwise inaccessible. It also gave her access to trade that otherwise wasn't available to the general market, trade that offered great riches but also much risk.

She stood watching over the hired help when a young lady came over to her with a padd. Sun Hee, her assistant, dressed in plain black miniskirt with a gray sweater top. In the 21st century she could have passed for an office worker in almost any firm.

"Ma'am, The shipment you requested has been delayed. The vessel's cargo is currently held up by Security in customs."

Melissa looked over the padd. "I was assured customs wouldn't be an issue. Who's fault is this?"

Sun Hee shrugged her shoulders. "The master's. The paperwork apparently wasn't filled out correctly."

Melissa nodded. "When you've gotten the shipment cleared, please express my displeasure to the master of the vessel. I do a lot of business with his firm and my clients will not be happy to hear of the delay."

"Understood Ma'am."

Melissa gave Sun Hee a dismissive nod and turned back to the hired help. As she left, Melissa went over to inspect the placement of some security equipment monitoring the display area. She trusted the help about as far as she could throw them (which wasn't far, she might chip a nail) and certainly didn't trust them to place the equipment properly.



MElissa DelPrado (npc)
Owner of "Jasmine's"

Sun Hee (npc)
Personal Assistant to Melissa

played by Andrew