Unity – Never Forgotten
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Never Forgotten
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Colonel James Darson & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Tue Dec 29, 2009 @ 10:54pm
Location   Breifing room 4
Timeline   SD16 20:15 30 Mins after "Off the record"
Previously from "off the record":

Chief Ayers rounded the corner as Jarred finished the conference, "Should we wake up the senior staff?" "Wake up Marti and the new guy, let’s get these images processed, then see if Commander Ka'Rok from the Klingon Defense force is still alive and get him on the blower too," Jarred ordered.

Craig saluted and got too work, Jarred stood with the downloaded images in an isolinear rod and walked over to the comm pit, the lights came on "Computer begin image enhancement process on the images being uploaded now" the computer complied.

Jarred paused as the easily processed images appeared on the large viewer first, "Oh my god!"


"Computer bring up last image" he looked at the image, it was a marine, humanoid to be sure, the unit badge was barely visible, "Computer can you identify that unit badge on this photo?" The answer was a negative, "Computer summon the senior staff to briefing room four."

Jarred's staff started to walk in "Chief I need you to keep processing these images, Marti see if we can get identification of anyone in these images, and its John right?, I need you to start counting guards and any kind of defenses that you see we'll need to start planning a potential rescue."

"Aye sir" Chief Ayers said and the three officers went to work.

Dunham had been keeping as much as a low profile as possible following the events in the last 24 hours. He was kicking his heels around his fighter making some minor modifications. When he got the comm, he was glad for a change of pace.

Getting out from under his star fighter he put his uniform jacket back on and headed for briefing room four.

He was the first to arrive, and entered the room to find the chief of intelligence Lieutenant JG Jarred Wallace, and his staff. A man he had not had much of an opportunity to get to know. There were some pensive looks in the empty room, highlighting to Dunham that something was afoot. "What’s going on?" he asked politely.

"This is going to blow your mind lieutenant; intelligence may have found some POWs that were unaccounted for from the war," Jarred reported.

“No way,” He said in sheer surprise. He put both hands on the briefing room table, and leant forward, with a quizzical look. “I thought they all got handed over as part of the peace treaty?”

"This camp is located on the outer edge of Breen space; we're still going through the surveillance data right now, so we can't confirm much on who is running the camp." Chief Ayers reported

"There’s' over two hundred images of the camp, we've seen a mix of guards, Breen and Cardassian, but with resources stretched to the limit in this sector we're going to have to get inventive on how we proceed," Jarred added.

“You’ve got the full support of Starfighter Wing in this endeavour Mr. Wallace. I guarantee it.” He scratched the stubble on his chin in thought as he looked at some of the images of the camp, “Were going to need ground pounders for this one.” He said using the affectionate term for Marines. “What sort of data do we have on the camps defensive capabilities?”

"That's amongst the items were still processing, most of the defenses we have seen to this point are aimed at keeping the prisoners in the camp, we don't even have a full prisoner count yet, estimates say 25 to 30 but we're waiting on confirmation that too, so it’s a bit of we have information but there’s still a lot of holes."

A thought occurred to Dunham. "If you don't mind me asking, how good is the Intel on this? How do we know it’s not a set up to frame the Cardassians or a trap for Starfleet?"

"USS Dumont was in the area investigating comm signals when the discovery was made, but they are not equipped to deal with this type of situation so they did some surveillance and when they got back to federation space they reported this to intelligence, and since the area in question falls under deep space five jurisdiction it’s our matter now." Jarred reported from memory

Bruce walked into the briefing room. "Oh boy, what trouble have you gotten into now?" He asked taking his seat.

"We have a partial report of Federation POWs being held near Breen space, we might have to organize a rescue mission, but I want to discuss other options as well," Jarred reported.

The hatch hissed open again, and an agitated looking and newly promoted Captain Flynn entered the room. She took a glance around and headed over to the small grouping of other officers speaking quietly with each other, including the one that she wanted to see most of all.

"Gentlemen," she said in a respectful tone as she removed the blue beret from her head. She recognized that she was the most inexperienced one here, and though Darson had given her an idea of how these meetings normally went, she was going to play it by the book for as long as possible.

Dunham gave a respectful nod's to the latest entries into the room. He was wandering why the Colonel had not come down himself. He has happy to see the stations chief engineer. At some point he wanted to run some engineering questions past him, in regards to the two 'projects' that Starfighter wing had on the go. The stealth fighter and a fuel carrying runabout. Still he still had manners and had yet to introduce himself to Captain Flynn.

He offered his hand out to shake. "Captain Flynn. I'm Lieutenant Richard Dunham"

"CIO, Jarred Wallace, welcome." acknowledged the newcomer

"Charmed, Mr. Dunham,” she said as she returned the hand shake with a firm grip, “Lieutenant Wallace," she said in a tone that didn't quite conceal her anxiousness, "I was wondering if you could possibly accompany me after this meeting. I have a matter that requires your... expertise."

"I'll see what I can do for you captain." Jarred said wondering what the new marine wanted.

“Thank you Lieutenant,” she said. After that, she looked around once more at the near empty room and said, “This is my first senior staff meeting in a long time, so please forgive me if I’m a bit unfamiliar with how these things are being run now. Are you going to fill us in one by one, or wait for everybody to get here?”

"I'm just waiting for the XO or CO to arrive, but the preliminaries are I have a report of Federation POWs' some specifics are still unconfirmed and we have been authorized to plan a rescue if diplomatic efforts don't generate any results," Jarred started

"Really?" Flynn asked in a concerned voice, "that is very troubling."

"If I may make some initial observations?" said Dunham. "The planet in question though in our air space, is several systems along. We don't have support from any starships. Now the Wyvern Hopper Transports I believe, and please correct me if I'm wrong, are not warp capable? But we have plenty of shuttles we can carry the marines in on. Either way, Starfighter wings consisting of Broadsword Multi-role Assault Fighters will cover the transports on route and as they make their approach. Also I recommend we take out the Wallace light Escort garrison vessel, and use it as a command platform for the fighter and marine elements."

Dunham indicated several key locations on the map in front of him. "When we get their Peregrine Heavy Fighters will commence bombing runs on these points, to disable as much of the defenses capability as possible. Then Captain, when the Marines get their troops on the ground we will act as air support for whatever calls you make or need."

Flynn looked at the other officers with an expression of concentration on her face, "Well Lt. Dunham, you're mostly right. The hoppers don't have warp Capability, that's true enough. But since this is a Celestial Class base, we've got a couple of Firefly transports with warp capability that will be able to carry more than enough troops...but if possible I think we should wait and see if we can get a Ragnarök class ship. If we get that, we'll be able to have a steady base to work out of, as well as the ability to carry gunships to provide close air support, with greater battlefield persistence than fighters."

"I'm working on getting us a starship but the only ships in the immediate area don't have to capacity to conduct anything on this level, and the Klingon can't spare any ships, I'll put a call into Starfleet intelligence and see if we can get one of their ships," Jarred commented.

"What's the story people?" Karen asked as she swept into the room, there were some things that could not wait and the escalating legal quagmire surrounding a crew member was beginning to boil. She listened, her expression concerned as Wallace summarized for her. "Thank you, Lieutenant; you seem to have the situation in hand." then turning to the room, "Ideas?"

"We should talk to the Cardassians first, they might know something and I'm waiting for the Dumont to check in with their findings before we make plans to start our own little war, launching a full blown attack without a good lay out of the camp could be suicidal, also the last thing we need to do is have a diplomatic nightmare on our hands, remember I only have authorization to plan not to go in and do something crazy."

"True enough," Flynn said with a sheepish expression on her face, "and I'm not the best person to talk to about planning this sensitive a mission anyway. You'd want to speak to the Colonel. Compared to even all of us put together, he's in another dimension when it comes to combat. Unfortunately he left early this morning for joint training exercises with the Klingon troops and won't be back for several days. But hey, he's using a Ragnarök class ship as his command center right now, so we should be able to utilize that upon his return.

Dunham nodded in agreement. "Just too keen I suppose." he said with a smile.

"I suppose I could try to get in touch with him," she said slowly, "Unfortunately Solar interference is picking up, making communications spotty for the time being. But I'll give it a shot.

Marti spoke up for the first time, "The next data stream has arrived from the Dumont, these are the orbital images of the camp, one barracks, a small armory, and an admin building, and three long houses for the prisoners, plus eight towers with guards, best estimate is four to one ratio prisoners to guards."

Dunham scratched his chin stubble in thought as he looked at the new information.

Chief Ayers leaned over to Jarred and whispered something in his ear, "Operations has given us USS Montana but there's a catch," Jarred paused. "The Montana is a bit...old."

"How old? What kind of ship is she?" said Dunham with a frowned eyebrows.

"Akayazi class, an Akula variant, she's been decommissioned for 40 years." Jarred said with some embarrassment "between that, the Nautilus and your fighters Richard, that's our taskforce, I'd like to exhaust the diplomatic front before we go in phasers on kill."

"Bloody hell." said Dunham with a smile. "I think my Gran was a Commander on one of those." He took out a bit of gum form his pocket. Unwrapped it and started to chew thoughtfully. "It's not much but I think we can do it. If we take out both the Wallace class vessel as well maybe?" He had been itching for a chance to get in the commanders chair.

"The one foot note on the Montana is its' not technically out of date, it was refit with new systems then put into storage when there wasn't a need to keep her in use, we need a ship with a sick bay, and that is what we got." Jarred said trying to avoid other questions about why the ship was in storage.

~Great a moth balled ship just what we need. ~ Thought Dunham to himself. "You know maybe we should get Mr. Tan in here, Strategic ops could rustle us up a ship?"

"I thought about that Rick, The closest available ship is the Rhode Island, a Nova Class, The Montana has a big enough shuttle bay, for the hoppers." Jarred looked at the XO next "Commander, Admiral Morgan wants you and the CDO to try and see if we can solve this diplomatically, plus we need to get to the root of all this anti-Cardassian attitude on the promenade lately."

David caught the last remark as he entered the briefing room..........

End of Part 1.......

Commander David Davies

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt Jarred Wallace

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt. Bruce Freeman

Captain Flynn, Acting Marine Commander
By LC James Darson