Unity – A New Game
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   A New Game
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Tue Apr 20, 2010 @ 6:39am
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD17 - 13:40

The Isha that emerged from her suite was one more reticent than the one who had shared optimistic whispers of the future in the Bajoran Gardens earlier in the day. Though it pained her she twirled a black lacqured bodkin, its hndle encrusted with blood red jewels between her fingers, Getal had damaged her wrist and she hoped to force some normal movement back into it as her eyes searched for the other.

She stooped, picking up the pieces from the floor - the pair had been a gift from her late husband and that bastard Cardassian had broken it. Isha seethed at the memory, bitterly aware that even if she could go back in time she would suffer the same crippling paralysis and not be able to fight him. She laid them both on the desk over the gash his knife had made in its surface and took her chair.

The Ambassador stabbed a button inlaid in the surface and in less than a minute the tall, skeletal Deletham glided into her office.

"Ambassador, we have been unable to contact you for half an hour. A station-wide alert has been called. The consulate is locked down," he said his tone betraying no concern either at her absence or at the attack, such was his way.

Isha was quite aware of the alert, "Get me a full status report from the Federation," she said, of course they had not been able to communicate with her, she had been soaking in a bath and with her eyes closed and breath held wondering what would happen if she remained submerged and never allowed her head to break above the surface of the water. "Find the girl who was on reception duty when the Cardassian Ambassador was admitted, I want she and her immediate superior thrashed," she said, "have them brought to me when it is done," she added, it was time for Isha re-asserted her authority and undid the damage that too many displays of toothless histrionics had done.

Deletham nodded but remained where he was. "Ma'am, there is a woman outside. Her credentials have been checked. An Arrain t'Merek assigned as an aide to your Consulate, she entered the facility just before the lockdown was implemented."

Rolling the handle of the broken bodkin between her palm and the surface of the desk Isha continued to stare at Deletham; he remained inscrutable, one of those civil servants who endure long after their masters have moved on, "Very well," she said eventually, "show her in, and Deletham, when the erie'Khrein returns inform him that I wish to speak with him," Rh'vaurek was still outside having gone by her own orders to 'assist' with the recovery of the salvaged core.

Deletham bowed and retreated on silent feet.

As the woman entered Isha remained seated, she ached each time she moved and the stiff high-necked jacket with its long fitted sleeves ensured both that her bruises did not show and that she did not shift too suddenly. The jacket too was encrusted with black and red stones, just like the broken bodkin beneath her hand. That she would preserve until she found occaision to have it slid beneath Getal's fingernails one by one.

Arrain t'Merek nodded to the man she passed at the door before it closed. She took a few steps toward the Ambassador's table, stopping about a meter away from its edge. She saluted formally, nodding her head to the woman respectfully before speaking.

"Arrain t'Merek reporting in to your service, Ambassador." Her voice held the firm, confident tone of a soldier. Her posture matched it as her salute ended, her arms fixing themselves behind her back as she looked silently at the Ambassador, taking her in with an analytical eye. She didn't look at all disturbed by the alarm going on aboard the station.

Her movement restricted Isha acknowledged her with a polite, if slight nod. "You find us in a state of turmoil, Arrain," she said noting t'Merek's bearing - she did not carry herself like a diplomat. Isha contemplated recalling Deletham and having this young woman discipline the receptionist who placed her wellbeing higher than the ambassador's own. "Your father, I believe is a Senator," Isha said the one factor they had in common, "but your path has been with the Galae rather than the Kiith Mrevhoqq`ghi - I am curious as to your decision to change that path, a soldier does not easily adapt to the demands of politics," she said.

Arrienye seemed to consider her statement and she had to agree. It took a moments contemplation to reply.

"I agree, Ambassador," she allowed before continuing. "It has been tradition in my House to have experience in both political and military tactics. I am here to further that custom," Arrienye explained as best she could. She wasn't exactly looking forward to this assignment, but maybe it was time to broaden her mind. Her only real hope was that her aversion to this shift in her career was hidden well.

Isha snorted, a noise she somehow managed to make sound delicate, "My Chief of Staff would disagree with us both," she explained, "he has long found politics and soldiery to be inseparable, but then he is a rather unique individual. Do you resent your posting?" Isha asked, thinking of her own daughter who she had left to govern the House in her absence, a girl who was now torn between simmering resentment and duty.

"I fail to see what that has to do with my duty to serve," Arrienye said firmly. "I do find myself feeling slightly...out of place," she admitted after a moment. "I have never been outside of Rihannsu space in peace time," she added, resisting the urge to let her discomfort show.

"Do you indeed," Isha replied. Getal resented having to play the diplomat and he hid it very badly - despite the Arrain's protestation it was a valid question. Isha lifted her hand form the desk and curled her fingers, something of the pain may have shown in her face as she straightened them, laying that hand in her lap. "What was your previous role?" she enquired.

"I served as Rhaetelh'Saehne on the IRW Mularr, under Riov S'Ten tr'Mael," she responded quickly. She caught the slight tension that showed momentarily in the Ambassador's expression as she moved her hand, but didn't comment on it, simply storing the information in her mind.

Isha nodded, the same stiff incline of her head, "In my experience I have found that those who are assigned roles to which they are best suited provide the most value, both to themselves and to those they serve," she said still assessing what shaped hole she needed to stick this particular peg into, "I am sure that you will do your duty wherever you are put but I structure my Consulate according to the same principles with which I structure my House - this is your one chance to make your interests known, if you choose not to speak then I will put you where I think you will fit best and you will live with it." Isha rested her elbows on her desk and steepled her fingers blowing lightly over her fingertips. "Well, Arrain?"

Arrienye thought for a moment, mulling over her thoughts. It was not easy, so in the end, she decided on a suggestion.

"Perhaps we could make a compromise. I could serve in both a Security role and a Diplomatic one," she said. "That way, I could provide protection for you, Ambassador, while also benefiting from your Political knowledge as your Diplomatic Aide." Arrienye hoped the suggestion would go through, wanting to make the best of her situation.

Very sharp, Isha thought. t'Merek assessed that her offer was genuine, or if she had not was willing to take the chance that it was, and she had gleaned that Isha was a woman alone, not given to surrounding herself with guards despite the potential risk to herself.

"That was your first lesson in politics, t'Merek," Isha said, the slightest smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "If you are certain of your ground never be afraid to demand what you want, regardless of whom you must make the request. I accept your proposal of compromise. In return for that loyalty and protection you will begin to learn what I know."

For the first time since arriving in the Ambassador's office, Arrienye allowed herself a small smile, rippling her otherwise rough exterior. She bowed lightly to the older woman. "Thank you, Ambassador," she said.

Isha was not so sure that t'Merek would be thanking her when she met some of her opponents, but she said nothing. "I trust that you will not let me down," she said, thinking of the girl who had let the Cardassian in, her life was about to change for the worse.

Arrienye gave her a bow, accepting the woman's trust. "If I may ask, why is the Consulate in a lockdown?" she asked.

Isha reviewed the conversation that she and the other ambassadors had had with Captain Tahir earlier that day, "The station has come under attack, Deletham is securing a comprehensive report but the short version is that it is the same group that were responsible for the explosions that sent the station into lockdown last night The Consulate is in lockdown because erie'Khrein Raedheol left orders to that effect, he does not trust station security to guarantee our wellbeing so has imposed additional measures. I happen to agree with him," Isha continued. She could have added that the last time the station was attacked she herself was abducted from this room but chose not to; the new measures made that impossible. "I will lift the measure when I am convinced that the threat has passed."

"I see. Perhaps it would be prudent to bring in more Security to the Consulate, in case the lock down is for some reason breached," she suggested, her mind already working to pick out key positions additional personnel would take.

"That is within your remit," Isha told t'Merek, "Examine the current deployment, there are certainly issues there, however until either I or Raedhoel lift measures you will not be at liberty to bring in re-enforcements from the staff who are off duty and reside outside these walls though you may be able to post them externally. There is a vacant office two doors away in the main corridor that you may make your own," Isha continued, "I will transfer the necessary authorisations. From there you will be able to see both to reception and to my outer office; you must learn to judge in which capacity your attendance is required with each guest."

"I understand," Arrienye said with a nod, waiting for any further instructions by the older woman.

"That will be all," Isha said her right hand unconsciously kneeding her left wrist. In time she might come to share more, but the ambassador had not yet decided if she had found a worthy protege in t'Merek. For now Isha had to find out what was going on outside the Consulate, and come up with a plan to castrate the Cardassian.

Giving the woman another respectful bow, Arrienye turned on her heel, leaving her office. As she stepped back out into the reception area, she let out a deep sigh of relief.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian, a little worse for wear.
Arrain Arrienye t'Merek, fish out of water