Beg, Steal or Borrow – In Preparation
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   In Preparation
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Jan 12, 2009 @ 10:27pm
Location   Captains Quarters
Timeline   SD6 23:55
Tag   Rakka; Gabriel; T'Lan

Darkness filled the room, even the twinkle of the stars outside could do nothing to enlighten the quarters in which the lone woman sat on the edge of her chair parked at her desk.

She had spent the earlier part of the evening considering how her tenure in command had gone and how Starfleet would interpret her own record. She had seen death and birth. She had witnessed atrocities and she had nearly lost her own life.
She was not the best Commander, but she knew she was far from the worst, or at least she hoped so.

She ruffled her free hair, slowly scanning the room for any other necessities she would need for her journey back to Earth.
It would take the better part of three weeks and the Castor was ready and awaiting her.
Rubbing her eye, she rose to check her case once again before closing down the brass coloured latches.

~ An early start and so far to go. Will I be allowed to return, should I take everything? ~ She glanced at the picture perched on her dresser and her lips turned down. Usually it cheered her, tonight in her own turmoil, it did nothing.
The photo on the steps of Starfleet commanded, depicted Roman and Commandant Robert Hardy Dowel, Romans closest friend hugging Tasha. She remembered that day so vividly. It was the day before his death.
She moved forward to pick it up as her comm chirped.

=^= "Operations to Captain Tahir!" Came the urgent sounding call.

Tasha’s heart leapt. What was so important that ops deemed it necessary to call her.

=^= "Go ahead" Tasha responded.

=^= "Sorry to trouble you so late, but we have just had a communication from one of the Romulan vessels and they demand to speak to you."

=^= "To me. Have they said what they require?" She asked, moving to the large picture window.

=^= "No Ma'am. They just say they must speak to you on a matter of some urgency."

Tasha looked outward, to where she believed the ships to be.

=^= "Very well, put them through."

=V= Am I addressing the Commander of the Federation space station Deep Space five?” the speaker was male.

Tasha was taken aback slightly by the forceful nature of the mans tone.
"Yes. Captain Tahir. To whom am I talking and how may I be of assistance?" Tasha enquired warily.

=V= My name is H'daen tr’Rehu, Commander of the Rhiandhaell a diplomatic vessel. You will forgive my brusqueness, but we must act with alacrity.”

Her head cocked sideways, as she wondered what could be so urgent. "Very well Commander tr'Rehu, what is so pressing that we must act with such speed?"

=V=Within the last hours a small craft emitting a Federation signature was detected leaving our vicinity, we have tracked that ship to your station. Preliminary investigations indicate that there was a breach of security and while we ascertain the extent of the damage done I must insist that you share records of all personnel and passengers who have arrived on ships fitting its description in the last three hours. The Empire views state sanctioned attempts at sabotage very dimly and as such your co-operation in tracking down the culprits will be appreciated.”

Tasha swallowed as her brow dropped. "And they came here and it was a federation craft. I assure you Commander, you will have our full co-operation. I will instruct operations to give you all the relevant data we have." She glanced at the chronometer, surprising herself that time had passed so quickly and made her way to her desk console. "If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Would a security detail from DS5 be of use?" She added, trying to sound calm and hospitable, but in reality her heart was racing as she calculated a course of action and a course of reaction.

=V=I think, Tahir that their attention would be better focussed on identifying craft that match the description we will transmit to you, … and on detaining those who were on board those vessels during the relevant timescale,” another voice muttered in the background, fast and quiet before tr’Rehu added, “until they can be cleared of suspicion, of course. Our escort is sufficiently equipped to conduct the investigation on board the Rhiandhaell

"Very well. I will get the data sent to you shortly. If you decide our security can be of use, Commander Rakka will be at your service. DS5 out." She practically jumped to the other side of her desk, slapping the console dead centre, activating the viewscreen.

A young dark haired woman responded to her summons. It was yet another member of crew that Tasha had not yet met. She shook her head and sighed.

"Yes Captain. Warrant Officer Penny Gartner. What can I do for you ma'am." She responded, her vocalisation sounded jovial, but the lack of a smile told Tasha she was far from it.

"I have just spoken with Commander tr'Rehu aboard one of the Romulan craft. I want you to search the records very carefully and list both craft and personnel that docked in the last 3 hours. I want copies sent to Commander Rakka, Commander T'Lan and Lieutenant Gabriel as well as the Commander. We are to offer every assistance in this matter. Am I clear Warrant Officer?" Tasha was tired, apprehensive and if she were honest, a little scared.

"I believe you have made yourself understood ma'am. Copies of all the logs and personnel for the last 3 hours. I will attend to it myself." She replied, her head thrown back a little.

"Good. Tahir out." Closing the communication Tasha slumped backwards into her chair. Her first thought was to call for Ayren, but then she changed her mind, making the next call was obvious, even if they had not spoken for a few days.

"Computer, locate the Romulan Ambassador, Isha t'Khellian." She wrung her hands together, adding, "and then locate Ayren Kelan."


Captain Tasha Tahir

Riov H'daen tr’Rehu (NPC played by Louise)