Things Past – Kendra Province Incident
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Kendra Province Incident
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Sep 14, 2014 @ 8:32pm
Location   Bajor: Kendra Province
Timeline   Bajoran Occupation

"My love?" Getal called into Imanil's laboratory, hoping his wife would respond. He tried again, a little louder this time. "Imanil? Where are you?"

The Vorta Randala stepped out of the shadows. "Ah, Getal, you're back. I'm afraid the lady Imanil has been transferred at the request of the Founder," he explained, "You will understand that her particular talents are well valued. We also know that as a staunch supporter of the Dominion you will wholly endorse this transfer. We made her aware of that when the order was made."

"Why was I not informed of this order before it came into effect?!" Getal marched forward to the littler Vorta. "Where is my wife!"

"Safely in the hands of the Dominion. She was a little - upset - by the news that she and your children were to be relocated, but when she heard that you had given the order she complied with alacrity."

"You did what!" He exploded and lunged forward, holding the small man up by his collar. "I haven't given this order and I would never in this life or the next give such an order!"

"Are you suggesting that you would have gone against the orders of the Founder?"

Getal held the man there for a moment longer before dropping him onto his feet. "I would've gone with her, not let you send her away like she was cargo."

Randala stumbled, then found his feet. "However you treat me is irrelevant, Getal. My concern is that you appear to her questioning the judgement of the Founder. She gave the order. How could you in any way contradict her judgement?"

"When you threaten the safety of my wife and children, then all the quadrants couldn't stop me from the damnation I will bring. Where is my wife, Vorta."

He tilted his head to one side. "Its that tone the Founder disapproved of. She is safe and will return when the Founder is convinced that you are not following your own agenda."

Randala smiled thinly and added as if an afterthought, "Oh, she left you this."

The Vorta extended a padd.

Getal snatched the device and began to read, his face confused and still hinting with anger.

There was one file. It read:


I don’t even know if this will reach you. I pray it does. I spoke with the Vorta today and he wishes me to be moved to the Gamma Quadrant, he did not specify the location - J'trey and Kasanil are to come with me. The Vorta said that you have approved it.

I accept that you are preoccupied with the war but I cannot believe that you wish me sent away. You I would not question, but this creature, it calls itself Randala, I cannot trust him even though the padd I was shown appears to show your authorisation.

I cannot refuse to go, but if you do object to this relocation I know that you will be able to have us brought back. J’trey and Kasanil don’t understand why you cannot be here to explain it to them (Imanil had not been able to bear to mention the one unborn so did not name him).

None of us will ever have ever been so far from home, yet they will not tell me where I am going, only that they want me to continue my work within their advanced facilities.

Tharek, I don’t deny that they have technology and techniques that I have only imagined, but I would never pursue that if it meant being apart from you and removing the children.

But the atmosphere here on Cardassia Prime is terrible. Loyal friends speak what we would have thought of as dissent only a year ago, and though I may not have spoken it, I feel it too. The Dominion are *not* allies and I am deeply afraid.

Needless to say, this message will be encrypted, and talented though you are my Dear Dark Heart, I know that even if you ever receive it, you might not spot the key that will allow you to read it, but that is my failing. Too weak a code and they will break it, too strong and you will not.

That is only the second and criticism I have ever levelled at you, and I only do it because I am impatient and so desperately want to know that you have ordered that I am allowed to stay. The first I mention in case you never read this, I have to say it. It matters not either way.

The first, well, without me uprooting details that have already been spoken in our past, accepted and agreed. I know, and I accept that you cannot ignore your nature, and I cannot always be there for you, and even then I can never be more than who I am. You remain forgiven if you must seek warmth elsewhere no matter how long we are forced to be apart.

If I hear nothing from you, I will accept that it is your will that I should go. I will keep the children safe and make sure that that they understand who their father is.

If I hear nothing from you, I will accept that the Vorta was not lying to me, and that my fears about the Dominion are unfounded. I will take comfort in the knowledge that you will come for me when our Cardassia has been restored.

But please, Tharek, don’t let them take me away. Please.


Your devoted wife, and obedient servant.

His eyes immediately welled up. The tears trickled down his face, but he let out no noise. He raised his head up to look into the eyes of the Vorta. "You truly have no soul."

Randala chuckled softly, "Getal, Getal. The Founders have equipped me with everything I require. What is a soul if not the ability to feel satisfaction in doing the job you were created to do?" pressing his hands together in an alomst prayer-like manner as he referred to the Founders. "I'm sure that when you have proven your loyalty the Founders will be merciful and have them returned to you. Just one thing. It would be a mistake to go looking for them, one that the Lady Imanil and your dear, dear brood would not forgive you for. Do you understand?"

The tears were soon replaced by anger. Anger that Getal had to control with every fibre of his being if he was to ever see his family again. "I understand."

Randala gave a gasp that might have meant relief or something more insidious, "The Founder will be pleased to hear that," he said, "I'm sure you will be allowed to send a response to the most heartwarming missive you have just received."

Getal didn't reply.

He didn't even acknowledge the Vorta's words. He merely lowered his head, and turned.

He was broken. Broken to a point where only Imanil and his children could repair him.

He would not be repaired.

He knew that in his heart.


Professor Imanil Getal (NPC by Louise)


(then) Gul Tharek Getal