Beg, Steal or Borrow – Awaiting the Storm
by Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Awaiting the Storm
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sun Apr 19, 2009 @ 5:09am
Location   Da`nal' Quarters / Diplomatic Office
Timeline   1350
Akhil was in Da'nal's quartes with the children. She had heard the advisory to take shelter in the lower decks and she had gathered the children as well as a weapon. The House of Varal had a long history of problems with Romulan's and the fact that the station was about to be attack so shortly after their rrival didn't escape her notice. But would they really risk a war with the Federation just to get there hands on him, Da`nal was next in line to control the House. ~No....~ she thought. They couldn't be that stupid, then again they were Romulans.

With a blade in her belt, Mek'leth in their things she gathered her charges and joined the throng of people heading to the lower decks. A thought came to her and she stepped aside and put in a call do that nice diplomat that had help after her arrival.

Ayren had been arranging for her personnel to jump into action in assisting the civilians to the relative safety of the lower decks. Some chaos had broken loose among the embassies and a small war between the Klingons and the a few Romulans had almost errupted, but fortunetely they were able to defuse the situation.

"This is Akhil aide to the House of Varal. Is Miss. Kelan there?"

"She is around... just a minute," came the reply from Ayren's front desk. Spotting Ayren, talking to a Bolian diplomat, she waved to her and indicated the call.

Relieved Ayren was able to dislodge herself from the woman and pointed to her own office. The receptionist nodded and patched the call through, gathering he ting and made her way downwards with the others.

"Kelan here, Akhil, go ahead, " she said into the viewscreen as she sat down.

Akhil opened her mouth to reply when the Commander Davies voice came over the station public address channel. Once he finished she continued. "Ayren, would you care for some company? How secure are your offices?"

Ayren sighed slihtly, pleasantly surprsed at the caller and the reason for the call. She would have to remain in her offices and they are fairly far down, but she would appreciate not to have to stay there alone. "We are not in the 'safe' zone, Akhil. And I would appreciate company, but I cannot ask that of you. The children, where are they?"

"I have them with me, but don't you worry I'm not unarmed either. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to defend a child under my care. Although I was a number of years younger."

"It is not that, I am worried about explosions, Akhil, but you are welcome to come here," she said knowing that though they were not in the safe zone, the offices were reinforced and the attack should not be focussed on this section of the station. "I have to warn you though, that it is safer for the children on the lower decks," she added.

While Akhil would have preferred the company. Aryen no doubt had duties to see to, and this was no time for babysitting...perhaps later. Akhil had duties to see to as well, the future of the House of Varal was in her care. "Very well, Qapla' batlh je vaj ghob' ...jeQa tlHO'" ( Success and Honor in the coming battle...and I thank you).

Ayren realized what she must have sounded like over the comm. "Akhil, Please, I would like you to come u here..... I am alone here and have to remain here. I just needed to inform you of the danger," she said hoping Akhil would join her.

"Life is full of danger my dear. But why are you alone? Where you not assigned protection or given orders to evacuate yourself.?"

"No, I have to stay within reach, My department has been evacuated. I am sure they will still assign security here, however I have not rquested it, " she said. "Will you then join me here?"

See the faces of the children lighten at the sound of their friends voice she relented. "We are on our way."

"Great, " said the diplomat relieved. "I will see you shortly." Ayren was concerned fo rthe children was the 2 floors were reinforced and there were even bunkers to protect the diplomatic staff in needed.

The noise and crowded corridors were new to the children and they were obviously concerned. But as they finally arrived at the diplomatic offices they both caught the familar scent of what was becoming a familar face. As the doors closed behind her Akhil noticed that the usually busy complex seemed deserted. "Ayren?"

Ayren smiled when she heard the now familiar voice and presence. "I am here... in my office," she replied and stepped out to meet her and the twins. Immediately she lowered herself and stretched out her hands to greet the two.

They both climed out of the carrrier they had been in. Akhil looked dow at Aryen as she squatted neat the kids. "They left all by yourself? No guards?"

"I am sure they will still send someone," Ayren answered. "I am not really in danger here of a on foor attck.... I don't think the Romulans want to board the station, they want to destroy DS5." She looked up and met the eyes of the Klingon warrior. "I am gad you are here," she said.

"If I can be of service I will. Like I said earlier I came prepared." exposing the handle i fthe blade in her belt. "Do you have any other weapons here. Just in case we do get some unwanted company."

"There is an emergency locker in my office, with two pahzers and other emergency equipment," she answered looking at the blade. She indicated for them to go into her office, taking the hand of the little girl who wormed a finger into her hand. "We can get comfortable there.... I really feel safer with you here," she admitted. Thank you for coming Akhil."

"It's good to know that one is appreciated." As they entered here office the stattion shutterer slightly as disruptors hit the stations shield. But moments later the station was rocked by internal explosions. The blade slid from her belt. Ahkil was well past her prime but she was not going to let anyone near her charges with out a fight. "Take the childern..."

Ayren gripped onto her desk at the impact not to loose her balance and then went to the nearest of the children, who happened to be {insirt girl name LOL] and held her untill the trmors had passed.

Garoth reached into Ahkil's bag, finding the Mek'leth that was there. He cut himself as he gripped the blade trying to remove it but made know cry from the injury and dragged the blade out standing beside Ahkil. Ahkil looked down at him. the pride she felt in the young warrior radiated from her. She knelt beside him taking the mek'let. (translated) "Your time will come, but it is not today...You have Honored me, your Father, and your House." Ahkil nodded toward Ayren and with a grin he obeyed. Watching him dart to her she thought to herself. ~Not even reaced the age of inclusion and already a man, Da`nal will be proud indeed.~ As she completed he thought she resumed her watch as she heard the people outside scrambling.

Making sure the little girl was calm, she took her hand and went to tthe emergency locker, openeing it and passing a phazer to Akhil and then took one for herself. She watched the interaction a moment and then smiled, urging him to bring the children deeper into her office where they will be safer. Another explosion racked closer to them and then yet another one. Ayren had been flung and she bashed her head against her desk. For a moment she was dizzy, but then touching her head, tried to stand up again, blood pouring from the gash.

Having taken the phaser and belting her blade, saving it for when the situation called for it. Akhil struggled to maintain her footing as the station rocked from explosions. She managed to keep her feet under her put Ayren wasn't so fortunate. Her concern was obvious as a large amount of blood flowed freely from her head wound.

"I am fine....." she said with a brave smile. "You know headwounds, they always look much worse than they are.... Come, that part of the office will be safest for the children," she said indicating with her hand.

Ushering the kids into a sheltered corner. Akhil turned to Ayren, taking her by the arm, helping to to her feet and sitting her down. "Head wounds are serious." Pulling her hand away she wiped the blood away, the impact had split her flesh nearly to the bone. Ayren's blood continued to flow. Grabbing a cloth she folded it several times and placed it to the wound pressing hard. "Lay back and hold it tight." Moving to the locker she found the med kit.

Ayren pursed her lips in irritation at getting hurt then winced. t was damn sore and the blood soaked the cloth quickly. She adjusted it and pressed hard againt it, while waiting for Akhil. she lifted her head slowly to watch her. ~What would she think of me... I am such a whimp~ As Ahkil returned, Ayren dropped her eyes. Why on earth was it important to her what Akhil thought of her.

Grabing a pressure bandage form the medical kit she removed the half soaked cloth an applied it quickly. "There that will at least stop the bleeding. As for..."

Suddenly Ayren grabbed Ahkil's wrist in alarm. "Somone is coming... I can sense it..... more than one.. Romulans! They are on their way here.." she informed her with urgency in her voice.


Ayren Kelan
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Akhil - ghojmoK (Nurse) to Da`nal's Children
NPC'd by Da`nal