Interlude – Another arrival
by Seth Mahuri & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Another arrival
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Seth Mahuri & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Thu Jul 22, 2010 @ 5:04pm
Location   Docking ring
Timeline   SD 26
"Cheers mate!" Seth called at the pilot who returned the compliment. 'This is a new start' he thought to himself only provoking his smile to grow wider. Further along the docking port he had just traversed, Seth and a small contingent of his friends waited with others to collect some hand-luggage and contniued through to a sizeable waiting lobby with 3 small couches. They all sat and began harking about past-times and future plans. Seth remained quiet throughout and was the only member that was standing. A brief time lapsed until the room was graced with another individual; a cool, tall women, with lush brown hair and striking eyes that seemed to lurk and target, like a panther selects its prey. Seth admired the women and smiled slightly. She spoke:

"Why did you request that I. meet you?" Karen asked ignoring the appraising look the man was giving her.

Seth adjusted his stare to a more casual one and answered her question. "I didn't actually ask for you personally. I thought a more...proffesional ambassador from the Federation was going to greet us." He explained trying not to sound offensive.

"Commander Karen Villiers, Executive Officer of Deep Space Five," she said. Now that that was cleared up she allowed herself a half smile. anyone who asked directly for the XO or the JAG was likely to be troublesome. "I'm not a diplomat, I'm afraid," she told him, "but I understand politics almost as well as I understand the law," she said extending her hand.

Seth looked at Karen and clasped her hand in his, shaking it powerfully. "Ra Seth Mahuri, Saoirs Ambassador." He introduced himself. "My assistant, Kura" He pointed to a short, blonde, long-haired women who curtsied gracefully at Karen.

"No need for that," Karen said rubbing the back of her neck. It was a little embarrassing for her to receive such a courtesy. "For an Executive Officer a handshake is quite enough," she said to Kura. "Well, Ambassador Mahuri," she continued, turning back, "I am not fully acquainted with the law of your people, but from your request to meet me ahead of the diplomat, and in the function of JAG, I am assuming that you want to get to know the ins and outs of the Federation. Without any diplomatic obfuscation, I mean."

Seth chuckled smartly, "You are very bright. Yes, I do wish to know a little before meeting a representative of yours. But, this cabin is very enclosed and quite public."

Karen smiled, "Oh, I would not dream of discussing details here, Ambassador," she reassured him, "and your desire for information is only prudent. I will be available to discuss those details whenever you wish," she continued, "its not everyday that overtures to joining us are made. I will treat all discussions with the necessary confidence." She tucked a hand in her pocket and pulled out a small scrambling device, "no technological surveillence possible," she said, turning her palm up so that he could see it.

Seth looked at the device at then at Karen, he mimicked her action and pulled out a similar device of his own. "I make it an assurance..."

Karen chuckled softly, "You can't be too careful," she said. It was a normal precaution she took when discussing cases with clients and this situation was no different in Karen's opinion. "If you prefer though, once you've settled in you can come to my office and we can go through the basics, and you can tell me a bit more about your planet."

"I'd love too. In the mean time, where shall my associates and I stay?" He asked, hoping to explore the station.

Pursing her lips Karen thought about this. "If you havem't arranged anything then really you should go to the admin offices and see what they can find you, but, given that you are an official delegation we should be able to find something on deck 23 or 24 - we have VIP facilities there. You'd also be able to access some of the diplomatic facilities on deck 58," she explained.

"That sounds good." He noted. he paused and leant his torso slightly towards Karen. "Where are the admin offices?" he asked.

"There's an office on the promenade, but you'll get a quicker response by heading to the offices on deck 24. Tell them I sent you," Karen suggested.

"Right. Deck 24, adminstration office, the XO sent me." Seth re-ran the memo in his head, but spoke aloud for the superior to clarify it.

"That's about the gist of it," Karen confirmed. "And if there's any question, get them to contact me."

"Will do, then" Seth said. "I may as well head up there now. Come on Kura, gather your things, we're off!" He exclaimed, as the Saoirs female arched and picked up one suitcase and a small bundle of belongings from the table she was sat close by. "Well, it has been a pleasure meeting you Miss, I hope that with time, our races grow closer."

"Of course. Let my office know once you're ready to talk through the details," she said. "Good luck with settling in."



A Joint post by:

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer & JAG


Seth Mahuri
Saoirs Ambassador