Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon’s Personal Log - The Last Letter

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Title   The Last Letter
Author   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Sun Jul 12, 2009 @ 10:48am

I'm sorry I couldn't stay on the Church. There was too much going through my mind, too many memories. I'm here on a runabout headed to DS5 and still I can only think of you, and mum. Your ship was such a good vessel, but I've realised that it's a part of my past. I was trying to get back to the days before you went, before I started blaming everybody else for my mistakes.

You owe Berik one, he set me on the straight and narrow and he's a fine officer. He guided me out of a very dark time, back toward the light that you had shown me all those years ago. He says you taught him everything he knows, and sometimes when he spoke or looked at me I could see a bit of you. It was like your wisdom and love had found a way to reach me even though you were gone.

But now I am on my own and I have to close the book on that chapter of my life. I have to move on and start to take ownership of my life. I started these logs a long time ago, partly to address the loss I felt, but now I understand that I was once again trying to find an external force that was shaping my life. I wasn't being a man, like you taught me.

So this is going to be my last letter to you. Not because I don't miss and love you and mum, but because you are gone and I should not dwell in the past. I will always remember you both. I am heading to DS5 to discover myself all over again and hopefully become an officer the two of you can be proud of. I'm doing this for you.

Good bye. Until I see you again.
