Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Bottom Line
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The Bottom Line
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 11:45pm
Location   Observation deck above ship dock
Timeline   SD7 07:45
Jarred looked out over the few smaller starships docked in side the massive bay of DS5, off in one corner was his original mission, the Legacy, based on the report he had in his hand she was still space worthy, just no warp drive. The head of the ship yards said he'd be able to get a normal warp drive for her inside of a few days, but the prototype was going to take too long for it to be any benefit.

Except for some small changes in the internal configuration the Legacy was a Runabout, normally this wasn't of any value to the normal fleet observer, and it was more puzzling to Jarred. None of it made sense; it was the senate bombing all over again from Jarred's perspective. Too many people involved too many suspects and too many questions. He had to admit to himself he should've ended up in the brig why he still wasn’t another thing. Jarred wondered if it was only a matter of time until he was finally busted, only for intelligence finally to come forward and say it was under their orders he'd done what he did.

Jarred had to take some solace in that the Legacy's experimental warp drive wasn't usable without the computer processor and a few other key components. One matter of concern that was on Jarred's mind was the sudden increase in Romulan activity. There was no explanation for it, in the span of four days the Romulan fleet went form normal activity to a level that hasn't been seen since before the Dominion War. There was no reason for this level of activity, escorts, frigates and assault ships all suddenly leaving major ports throughout the Empire.

It was the lack of Valdore Class ships that made him wonder if it was just an exercise, older D'Deridex ships were more present than anything, The acting CO was due soon, and Captain Tahir was about to leave, Jarred and Lt. Dorian were supposed to meet concerning the six images recovered from the internal monitors aboard the Legacy and also go over the reports, Jarred has briefly met Commander Davies, but it wasn't long enough to make any formal introductions, from the little he knew it was very clear that he was gonna have to behave himself....somehow.

Jarred was wondering if Zorana was aboard the ship wth the Captain, and Captain O'dwyer. Darcy was going to meet her in San Fransisco, the old man was the best, he'd been there the first day Jarred had arrived at operations, even seen him off before he war, now Jarred was about too send someone into a situation that could become serious.

Jarred looked at a nearby wall clock, he couldn't escape the feeling that something was about too get very dangerous. Jarred couldn't think about anything else but Zorana either, he couldn't put her image out of his mind, but he would have too, other duties called.

Jarred Wallace