Judgement – Truth and Consequences
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Truth and Consequences
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 5:42pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Deletham's Office
Timeline   SD37 06:27

Thwarted! That is what he was, once again she got away with her sins. All of Deletham's careful preparations had been for nothing.

He retreated to his shady office and folded into the chair - he was experiencing an emotion that approached rage. His v-di'Ranov his adoptive father had died in exile and penury because of that woman. To lose this moment of revenge was intolerable to him, so much that his notably stony facade was more like gravel.

R'Vek, his head pounding 'The Anvil Chorus', hadn't forgotten his pledge to avenge both Isha and himself upon the skeletal son of a vole known as Deletham, and as such had left his marital bed early to do just that. He made his way quickly to the Embassy, blowing by the Gaishan guards at the door, stopping only for a second to return their salute as he entered.

D'Liin saw that same Admiral from yesterday, the Ambassador's cousin, enter the Embassy again, his mood appeared even more foul than before. ~Great, what the frack has the Ambassador gotten herself into this time?~ He wondered, his heart filled with dread that perhaps this Admiral was now the Ambassador, ~God, I hate that whole fracking family. The bitchy Ambassador, her psycho niece, and her tornado of a cousin. If I never see a Khellian again after this assignment it will be too soon.~

R'Vek saw Isha's lackey out of the corner of his eye, what was his name? Yes! D'Lin! Once he remembered his name R'Vek bee lined to him, not bothering with pleasantries, "Where is Deletham?"

"He's in his office, Admiral." D'Liin replied, "Can I ask what this is about, Sir?"

"Not if you know what's good for you." R'Vek snapped back, "Take me to Deletham, now."

"He'll want to know what this is about." D'Liin protested.

"And when he asks I'll tell him that I don't have to explain myself to him, let alone to you." R'Vek replied, he was getting angry and it showed, "Now, you will take me to Deletham and not ask another question about why I do a damned thing until someone decides to give you more authority than a Galae EnRiov. Otherwise I will be forced to snap your neck and tell my superiors you were a traitor. Do you understand me, boy?"

D'Liin thought about making an official protest, but knew it would only go as far as Isha before it came back on him like an ion storm, ~Whole fracking family is insane!~ "This way, Admiral tr'Khellian."

R'Vek followed silently behind D'Lin, his head throbbing and his heart filled with murder for this man at the end of his journey.

"We're here." D'Liin informed him as they arrived outside of Deletham's door, "I'll let him know....."

"No need." R'Vek shook his head, stepping around D'Liin to unlock Deletham's door at the keypad.

"You can't do that!" D'Liin squealed, "Those codes are top sec....."

R'Vek placed his hand over D'Liin's mouth and spoke to him slowly and deliberately, "Understand that I can do what I wish, whenever I wish. Also, understand that right now the best thing for your career and your health is to do exactly as I instruct you. Do you understand?"

D'Liin, unable to speak with the larger man's hand over his mouth, merely nodded in the affirmative.

"Very good." R'Vek smiled, "One of my men will be by later to talk to you. He will tell you what I feel you need to know and then tell you what you're to say when asked. Do as you're instructed and there's no reason the next big office that comes open here can't have your name on the door, and, believe me, one will be coming open shortly. Do you understand?"

D'Liin nodded again, no longer certain he could speak if R'Vek did remove his hand from over his mouth, his fear was that great.

"Good." R'Vek nodded, removing his hand from D'Lin's mouth, "Now, if you're asked by any of the other staff about what happened yesterday, you will tell them that we received a credible death threat against the Ambassador and moved her into protective custody until we had handled it. That is all you know and all you will know until you receive further instructions. You'll meet my man tonight at the Greek cafe, it's called The Acropolis, you should order the lamb gyro."

"Is that so your man will recognize me?" D'Liin asked, this cloak and dagger stuff was too much for him.

"No, he'll know who to look for, they're just damned good gyros." R'Vek laughed, giving D'Lin a playful slap pat on his left cheek, "Now, if you'll excuse me."

"Yes, Sir." D'Liin replied, his voice quaking as he about faced and got as far away from this madman as he could, ~The whole family is nuts!~

As soon as D'Lin was away R'Vek flung the door open to Deletham's office and strode through, slamming it shut behind him, "We'll talk now."

"I don't believe we've been introduced," Delethem said as he steepled his fingers and stared balefully over the tips. "Perhaps you know my good friend Hasmek tr’’Liun, the Director of the Galae," he said dryly.

Yes, I went right over your head and you can't stand that idea, Deletham thought with a smirk as he continued to stare in silence, You're all as corrupt as each other, you, her, the lot of you.

R'Vek didn't even bother to acknowledge the little toad's attempt at name dropping, Hasmek tr'Liun meant nothing to him and had no authority over him, "You're right, we haven't been introduced." R'Vek began, snatching Deletham up by his throat, "My name is R'Vek tr'Khellian, and you don't want to know me. You'll grasp that concept by the time this little session is through."

"Get your fat hands off me," Deletham snarled, his own spidery fingers wrapping around the man's wrists. "The name Khellian carries no weight in this room, just as it will soon cease to carry any weight in the Empire," he said.

"You don't get it, do you?" R'Vek laughed, tightening his grip, "Your life is in my hands, and my hands, my hands are the hands of the Tal Shiar. I've made it a practice in my life to never misuse my authority, or to use my office for personal gain, even revenge, but you, you are going to make me break a promise I made to myself many years ago. You've been working in concert with someone, tormenting Isha, who and why?"

"Keep your stories about the bogyman for your children," he said, the constriction of his throat beginning to burn, "You're not the sole embodiment of the Tal Shiar, Khellian, so why don't you remember that and turn around and creep back to your human whore and that bitch who calls herself an ambassador, whichever one of them takes your fancy."

"Why does nobody in this office ever choose the easy way?" R'Vek sighed, less than a nanosecond later slamming his forehead into Deletham's nose, a blow which would have the effects of temporarily blinding his opponent, possibly breaking his nose, "Now, where were we?"

Deletham's head cracked back. He had not expected the be attacked he reflected as a dull grunt of pain escaped his lips and his eyes failed to focus.

"All right." R'Vek continued, "Now, you were about to tell me who's with you in this little war against Isha. I have my suspicions, but I need you to confirm them. So, let's continue."

"With?" Deletham said, his head spinning, "I am with no-one. Isha t'Khellian deserves everything that's coming to her."

"See, that was the wrong answer." R'Vek shook his head, slamming Deletham's head against the wall again, "Because if you're truly in this by yourself, then you and you alone will feel the full weight of my wrath and you and you alone will be exiled from the Empire as a traitor. Oh, yes, I can, and I will."

"Exile! Ha ha ha," Deletham's laughter was as bitter as it was inappropriate, "How typically Khellian. You send your problems away because you think you have the right to control the lives of others," he slurred, "But you're all liars, and ruiners of other people's lives."

R'Vek's ears perked up at that last statement, he had finally hit something, "And what did the Khellians do to you? You seem to be pretty upset with us over something, why don't you fill me in on our alleged crime against you?"

"Her, Isha t'Khellian," he hissed the name. "because of her my father died alone, without latinum, name or reputation," he said.

Deletham had never spoken of his own hatred of Isha t'Khellian, not even to Rh'vaurek Raedheol when he had been her most vocal and active opponent. It was not the sort of bond one spoke of but it was enough for him to attach himself to the other man's cause.

"Your father?" R'Vek pressed, thoroughly confused, "What the devil does Isha have to do with your father? And for that matter, who is your father?"

"His name was S'Ten," Deletham said, "A renowned warrior who was employed to teach Isha t'Khellian's siblings to fight. Ask her what he did to deserve having his name and reputation ruined by the word of a vindictive child."

The name instantly struck a chord with R'Vek, he knew S'Ten, he too had studied under S'Ten and his father had served with S'Ten, but he hadn't known why his Aunt had had him exiled until now, "Go on." He said, he knew there was more to this story and he intended fully to hear it all.

"We lived in that place for fifteen years before he finally gave up and died, and it was not until that moment that he told me. My father had tried to do what Isha t'Khellian wanted, to do for her what he had done for her siblings. They were creating a whore not a person," he said scornfully, "she didn't need to know what S'Ten could teach her and when he tried at her behest to do so, and she was caught out she turned on him," Deletham spat. "The tribunal was told that he attacked the girl. It was lies," he said.

"I don't believe you, Deletham." R'Vek replied, he knew Isha would manipulate people, but falsely accuse someone of rape, never.

"Then ask her," Deletham said, decades of indignation bubbling to the surface.

"If Isha said he attacked her, then he did." R'Vek said, he wasn't going to feed into this fool's fantasy, "So you've been doing this to Isha because of something from years ago? And you expect me to let you get away with it?"

"My father swore as he died that the accusations were untrue and I promised that I would find the truth," Deletham snorted. "But I didn't need to find the truth, I knew the truth the moment my father confided in me what the truth was. Isha t'Khellian is a liar, and she will pay for it."

R'Vek couldn't not laugh at this lunatic, "You actually believe that you're going to be able to hurt her? With my hands around your throat? Do you realize how easy it would be for me to snap your neck and declare you a traitor and say you attacked me?"

Deletham's mouth fell open as he laughed, "Say whatever you like. its already started and there is nothing you can do to stop it," he said.

"Oh, really?" R'Vek smirked, "You don't get it, do you? I will make you talk and I will find all of your cohorts and I will kill them all. That's how this is going to work. Now, if you talk, I promise to make your death a quick and painless one, if you refuse, well....."

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Deletham spat, "I only have one purpose left - I died with my father."

"We'll see about that, won't we?" R'Vek sighed, this guy was going to make him work for his information.

Deletham said nothing, he had said too much already. Khellian was going to kill him anyway, he understood that, all he had to do was wait.

R'Vek had hoped he would give up his confederates in an effort to win some sort of reprieve, but Deletham had proven a little tougher to break than he had expected. With a deft flick of the wrist R'Vek sent a message to his ship to beam them both into interrogation room six, the scene of Deletham's crime.

"You're all alike," Deletham said.

"Really?" R'Vek laughed, "How so? Come on, amuse me."

"You strut around claiming to be so much better than the rest of us, claiming that we are doing wrong, but you ... you actually like being with lesser creatures. I never thought I'd say something in her favour, but at least Isha t'Khellian had no choice when it came to taking an alien, you did."

"Are you trying to distract me, Deletham?" R'Vek shook his head, "Trying to blind me with anger? Hoping I'll lash out and kill you quickly, losing my one and only chance to get the information I need? Do you really think me that stupid?"

Deletham smiled very slowly, "You're part of that inbred elite, of course I think you're that stupid," he said. "How was she? your cousin? The rumours were true, yes?" he asked.

"You're only serving to make this worse for yourself, Deletham." R'Vek replied, he wasn't about to let this guy bait him, "The best thing you can do for yourself is to give me a bigger fish to fry."

"What is it that you don't understand?" Deletham asked, "I am avenging my father, I have no accomplices."

"Keep lying to me, Deletham." R'Vek smiled, "It'll only serve to make me angrier."

"I'm not lying," Deletham said. If it came down to it, as much as anyone else he could be made to say the opposite, and he suspected that he probably would say just that but it did not mean that he was going to change his story. He was avenging his father, he was in the right.

"Of course you aren't." R'Vek sighed, tapping his commbadge but saying nothing.

Girard entered the room seconds later, "You called for me, EnRiov?"

"I did, Girard." R'Vek nodded, "It seems we need to do a loyalty check on Deletham here. You'll tend to it, won't you?"

"Of course, EnRiov." Girard smiled wickedly, "How long?"

"As long as it takes." R'Vek smirked at Deletham, he was going to enjoy this, even if it turned out Deletham was telling the truth.


A weasely little pervert about to get his come-uppance

EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Righteous Avenger of the Empire

R'Vek's Faithful Second