Cascade – Stop hitting yourself, Stop hitting yourself!
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   Stop hitting yourself, Stop hitting yourself!
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Mon Mar 18, 2013 @ 4:40pm
Location   Malak's Quarters
Timeline   SD71 - Morning, Before Shift

The incense burned brightly as the smoke cascaded up towards him. Malak stood up over the set up as he looked down intently. He could feel the tinge of the headache that was starting as he began to access the symbiont more directly with in himself. “Eet Jon.. Malak Muz…” He spoke with confidence,”Jon Eeet.. Jon Tejal Muz.” A soft breath of the incense,”Eet Jon.. Eet Jon.. Dujah.” His eyes coming up to the mirror as he watched the form of Malak Muz melt into Tejal –his former host.

He took one more breath of the incense and glanced to his side. Tejal now stood there – atleast it looked like Tejal. It was all in his mind, he was just now accessing the man directly from Muz. He frowned with annoyance and turned away from him as he spoke to the phantasm,”Ok Tejal. You wanted my attention – you got it. What?”

Tejal moved behind him, his arms crossing,”You summoned me sport..” The figment offered with a smirk as he watched him walk away,”So not sure why you want me to start the conversation.” He looks around,”Nice Bachelor Pad.”

“Don’t toy with me. I’m not one of your pawns in your various games.” Malak said a bit angrily as he turned and stared at the man. The stare turning accusatory,”It’s always annoyed me about you. Everything was a game, you never truly accepted nor were you ever truthful. The same dreams every night with you attacking federation targets for the Maquis, the next dream involves you helping the Bajoran Resistance, and then you are having intelligence briefings with Starfleet. When I am awake I can’t help but try to figure out decryption keys in my head – you’re purposefully being dominant because you wanted me to bring you back, why?”
“Atlana..” Tejal responds with a chuckle,”Look.. I am all for testing the culture but really should probably go with Saria. You never can trust Cardassians… You should just get rid of her and be done with it.”

The words barely come from Tejal’s lips before Malak moves to upper cut the Figment. Tejal moves out of the way, grabbing his arm and twisting it around. He forces Malak against the wall and then moves him back. His leg coming up to hit the man in the stomach and let Malak hit the ground, gasping for air.

Tejal slowly walks around him,”Imagine what Commander Dunham would say if he walked in with you on the ground like this with no real reason.. Since only you can see or feel me.” He knelt beside the man as his hand came down to help him up,”You really shouldn’t talk to yourself, and you really should move on from her.”
Malak quite literally just beat himself up. He watches the man, in pain that may or may not be real. His hand slowly coming up to grab the ghost’s hand as he stands up. He growls softly,”I may get your flirtatiousness, but I value relationships more then you did. I’m not Maquis, a Bajoran sympathizer, or Starfleet Intelligence. And we both know you didn’t come to me to scream about a Cardassian. You don’t waste your time like that.” He pauses and takes another breath as it comes back and crosses his arms,”You’re here because you sense it to – the base..the overall feel?”

“Yeah.” Tejal says softly,”Something bad is happening here.” A slight grin,”Though you do have bad taste in women.”

Malak gives him another annoyed look and slowly makes his way back into his bedroom,”I’m going to keep you around for a while.. just incase. I hope you don’t mind being dominant for a while more.” He says to him.
Tejal slowly nodded,”Fine. But don’t expect me not to comment on your ‘date’.” Another smirk and he slowly faded as Malak went to getting dressed.


Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Starfighter Executive Officer


Tejal Muz (NPC)
Former Muz host