Beg, Steal or Borrow – You've tried the stick, now try the carrot
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka & Colonel James Darson & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   You've tried the stick, now try the carrot
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Rakka & Colonel James Darson & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Mon Feb 09, 2009 @ 3:09pm
Location   Security Interrogation Room 4
Timeline   SD6 02:15hrs
Gabriel was getting tired of coming to the Security office. He was supposed to have interviewed the assassin over a week ago, but various cosmic forces had worked to distract him and steal away what little time he had available during the day. However, he was determined to get the information he needed so that he wouldn't have to step foot in this office for a long long time to come. Being in this department certainly did not bring back good memories. There was a reason he transferred out of Security and being within these confines simply reminded him of those reasons.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he walked into the back offices towards the gathered officers of Darson and Rakka along with the captured would-be assassin.

Darson stood leaning quietly up against the wall, with the assassin shackled and flanked by two heavily armed Marines. As Dorian walked in, he pushed himself off the wall and said quietly, “Well, look who finally showed up. Welcome to our little get together, Lieutenant.”

Dorian looked at the display in disgust. It was typical of the Jarhead's training to treat the human being like an animal. She was a deeply flawed person to reject the support and leadership of the Federation, but she was still a person who deserved a basic amount of respect.

"Release her Darson," Gabriel said curtly. The last thing he needed in his investigation were the smell of rifle oil and phaser discharge. "You and your men can stand in the observation room while I conduct my interview." he said as he placed the Padd down and sat across from the would-be assassin.

Darson stared at him then said with faux petulance, “She is my prisoner, Lieutenant Gabriel. And I will not be regulated to the Observation Room like some incompetent fool!”

"You don't like it? Too bad, you've had her for weeks and lord only knows what treatment you've submitted her through without any representation."

This time he affected faux outrage, “Absurd! Do you think that I’d really go so far as to torture someone to get the information I want? Truly, you wound me Dorian…wound me so grievously, and in such a harsh, painful and direct fashion, that I have no words to describe it. As for representation, she is a prisoner of war and is not legally entitled to any form of representation.”

"Wrong, go talk to your J.A.G., there is no war going on, there is no identifiable uniform, and there is no strict chain of command that she reported to." He replied as he looked directly into the Marine's eyes. "If you have a problem, then bring it up with our new Commander. Until then, the observation room is awaiting you and your men.

There was a moment of tense silence as the two men regarded each other. Darson looked down at the assassin, then back to Dorian. “I must admit, you did come prepared. You think you have this all figured out then, don’t you?” he said casually to the intelligence officer.

"Of course I would, why else do you think I arranged for this interview to take place? Did you have some other intentions?" he asked

“Nothing, nothing at all Lieutenant. I’ll go and wait with my Marines in the Observation Room, under the condition that Commander Rakka remain and mediate the proceedings. Will that be acceptable?”

He signed inwardly. He knew that between the two, having the Nausicaan stand by would be preferable than having an armed platoon several feet away from the interviewee. He wanted this interview to remain within his control and he did not want to give Darson that chance to interfere. "Fine, Rakka can remain while you all leave." he responded.

He gave a feral smile under his mask, “Hmm, good choice Lieutenant,” He turned to the two Marines flanking the female assassin and nodded once. They immediately removed her restraints, and forcefully pushed her into the chair across from the interrogation window.

“Dismissed,” The Marines saluted, then filed out. Darson turned to face Dorian again, “Just remember. No matter what happens in here, as soon as you’re done, she’s back under my jurisdiction.”

"For the time being, Darson, don't get to excited about whatever you have planned for her. She still has rights that will be recognized and respected, even by you." he said curtly. Dorian wasn't in the business of defending terrorist, but he also recognized that there was the Marine way, and then there was the right way of getting information.

“You don’t like it? Too bad,” he said, taking pains to quote his words back at him, “She is currently the subject of an ongoing military operation, for which I have been given broad discretionary power. I have the backing of Captain Tahir, as well as Commander Rakka,” he shot a glance at the silent security chief.

Rakka met his eyes briefly. She wasn't sure of either of these men at the moment, but she knew she had a duty to be here. She only hoped she had the leadership skills to quell whatever playground rivalry might pop up between these two ego factories.

"Ongoing military operation? Really? Because the last time I checked the Federation wasn't at War with any government, but maybe I haven't been up-to-date on all of my communiques recently." he said sarcastically.

“Sorry, but I’m afraid that the operational specifics are classified. But knowing you and your… devotion …to the Federation, you wouldn’t interfere in an ongoing operation, would you?”

Darson headed towards the hatch, but paused right before it. Without looking back, he said, “If you play nice with her, then I’ll share the details with you. Afterwards.” He then opened the hatch, and strode into the observation room, where he could watch the drama about to unfold in the interrogation room.

Rakka prepared to follow Gabriel into the interrogation room. "I hope you're sure about your choices in this matter, Lieutenant. I've certainly learned from personal experience with this woman that it probably would be better to leave her restrained. While I plan to do my job, I can't promise you'll walk out of there unharmed. But of course, I'm sure you are without a single doubt in yourself, as usual."

"Yes, you and Darson have done such a wonderful job with this individual in the past, it is an amazing surprise that she hasn't revealed any vital information to you all." Dorian said as he looked up from his Padd. "Besides, if we keep her restrained you might mistake her for the individual that killed Lt. Riley. I'm sure that you'd give your left fang to spend 5 minutes alone with her shackled to a desk." He added.

"Now, why would you say such a...? Oh, look at that--I'm a Nausicaan!" Rakka quipped. "How terribly clever of you to make such obvious assumptions about me!" She left off the cynicism and continued more seriously, "I assure you I've had all the 'alone time' with her I need, and shackles weren't necessary. As you can see, she's still quite in one piece. Some of us have self-control."

Dorian's glare lingered on the Nausicaan for several moments before looking towards the assassin. "I am Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel, " he said in a calm and measured tone. "What is your name and where are you from?" He asked respectfully.

She smirked, "My name is of no consequence, and I fight for the Lytosian System. It would do you no good to learn of my name, because all of you are going to die. Every last Earth Human scum."

Looking in through the window in the observation room, Darson sat down, while his two Marines stood by the door quietly and chuckled, “Here we go,” he thought. He was interested to see exactly how badly Dorian was going to get burned.

Dorian placed the Padd on the table and slid it over to her. "Computer, declassify Intelligence Briefing C-554-43-1, authorization, Gabriel-Beta-Tango-225," He said as he the computer chirped in recognition. (

"What you have in front of you is a Starfleet Intelligence briefing on the Lytosian System. Can you honestly say that the Lytosian Movement has the same intelligence gathering capabilities as Starfleet. Look at this room right now, there are three different departments that have been assigned to deal with your cause, do you really believe that Starfleet will allow the Lytosian Movement to gain momentum without a proper response?" he asked her.

"We will purge the galaxy of you." The Assassin said.

Dorian paused for several moments before responding, "Your people have been exploited." He said in a measured tone. "They've been beaten, battered, and broken by the Lytosian Corporate Alliance. You feel as if you have no other purpose in life except to strike out against those around." He said as he leaned closer and spoke in a lower tone while looking into her eyes. ". . .and I agree." he stated.

"We will destroy you, all of you." She smiled

Darson nodded sagely to himself under his cloak. “This ought to knock him down a peg or two.”

T'Lan finally entered. "That is quite enough." She said in her Vulcan tone. "It is obvious we may not get anything useful out of her with conventional means."

Gabriel looked up in slight surprise as the Vulcan came briskly into the interrogation room. To say that he was displeased would be an understatement. The nerve of Vulcan to barge in on his interrogation and simply disrupt it with no explanation. More importantly, how did she know what he was doing?

"If I may. I believe I have a solution to our problems." T'Lan stated as she moved toward the Assassin. She then placed her hand on her face. "My mind to your mind, my thoughts to your thoughts."

Gabriel leaned back in his chair and observed as the Vulcan began to use the infamous mind-meld technique to connect with the unwilling participant.

Both of them spoke. "I am not a Lytosian... I serve only the Consortium."

"Ask her about the military capabilities of any Lytosian positions within this sector." He asked. He figured that if the Vulcan was going to interrupt his interrogation he would still carry it out through her.

"I do not know." They both said.

"That doesn't help in the least bit." He responded. "Ask her about the financial backing the Lytosian Movement is receiving. There is no way they could carry about their plans by themselves, somebody is obviously fronting them." He added.

"The Consortium provides for all." They both said.

Darson snorted, they had their answer, and yet Dorian was still asking irrelevant questions. Had he forgotten to add the fact that he knew it was the Consortium to his initial report?

He glazed over it in his mind. Oh yea, he did forget to put that in, “My bad.” he thought.

Dorian leaned in closer, "Who does the Consortium report to?" he asked

"The Consortium serves Mistress Tiranna" They both said

The answer, while not exactly what he wanted, did lead him to his next question. "What connection does the Consortium have with the recent pirate attacks within this sector." He asked while maintaining eye contact with the woman.

"They are used to destabilize the peace treaty between the Federation and the Lytosian Republic." They said in unison.

Gabriel nodded slowly as he grabbed his Padd and pressed several buttons on it. "You can release her T'Lan, She's given me what I needed." he said to the still mind-locked Commander.

T'Lan released her, "Keep me informed." She said as she left.

Darson nodded once to himself, then rose and headed out the door, Marines in tow. He entered the other room, and gestured for the Marines to place the Assassin back under lock and key. He turned to Gabriel, "Well now Lieutenant, we seem to have a whole host of problems...the Consortium, Pirates, and so on. I'd like to host a meeting to discuss strategy with you and Commander Rakka," he nodded slightly to her, "Come to the Marine Complex at noon today, lunch will be served. Now, is there anything else you need from me or my prisoner before I take her back?"

Dorian was deep in his own thoughts before he was rattled back to reality by Darson's voice and the sound of his Goomba's following behind him. "Fine, you may have her, for now; however, I reserve the right to speak with her again, outside of your presence." He replied as he stood from the table and began to exit the room.

"Yea right" Darson thought to himself as Dorian exited the room, but he held his tongue. Instead, he turned to T'lan and gave her a slight nod with his head, filled with thanks and meaning. Then he snapped his fingers once more, and like trained dogs, the Marines followed with the Assassin in tow.


Major James Darson

Commander T'Lan

Lieutenant J.G. Dorian Gabriel

Commander Rakka