Cascade – "Zian'ri"
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   "Zian'ri"
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sat Feb 16, 2013 @ 11:18am
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD70
~If I go, they might do something to Rex...~ Saria thought.

~But if you don't, something worse might happen to Rex.~ Gana said, in her head.

~Well, nothing that Rex can't handle. As far I can remember, Rex has survived countless of injuries and accidents. I don't really want to take the risk to lose Rex...~ Saria responded.

~A Zian'ri can be fatal, Saria. If you would like to risk your life as well, then I'd refuse to go as well.~ It was quiet then for a while, but Saria eventually gave her the advantage of her doubts.

~I guess you're about right then.~ Saria thought. She stood up, and walked out of her quarters.

The corridors were quiet, so Saria could quickly proceed to the turbolift. "Medical bay" She said, and the turbolift began humming. It wasn't the first time she had such discussions with her former hosts. It was almost like telepathically talking to another person, but in fact it was Rex that talked to her. The old symbiont gave her a lot of advice on doubtful matters, and became in fact an important companion to her. Sometimes, she'd even refer to Rex, like "Saria and Rex reporting for duty", or "We'll do it".

The turbolift stopped, and the doors opened. She stood directly in sickbay. She looked around, but just saw a few crewmen on the bio-beds. There was no sign of Doctor Dunham near them, so she suggested that she'd be in her office. And she was right. Saria saw her working on the medical terminal in her office trough the large window. She walked toward the door, and knocked on the frame of it. "Doctor?"

"Come in" Chelsea looked up and then pressed a light which closed the personal record she was working on before standing up and coming round the desk towards Saria. "Lieutenant?" she welcomed Saria inside and opened her arms towards the deep chairs to one side of the office where she would talk informally.

"Can I offer you a drink of anything?" Chelsea began. "Do please sit down." she added with a smile.

"That's very kind of you, Doctor, but I'm not in a thirsty mood at the moment." Saria smiled, and sat down in the designated chair. "Cardassian Red Leaf tea in the morning usually boosts me for the whole day. But, I'm not here to discuss tea with you, unfortunately."

"I like Terran red leaf tea myself but, sorry, yes... how can I help you?" Chelsea replied, abandoning the idea of a drink and sitting opposite, focusing on the Trill Lieutenant.

"I..." Saria stammered, "I would like to request a medication. Some kind of bioneural repressant that would prevent flashbacks in some way. I am currently experiencing a phase called Zian'ri. You could compare it to a kind of dementia." She said. "I've already requested to let a Guardian from the Caves of Mak'ala come over here with a symbiont known to Rex, which will help reconstruct Rex' memory. For me, I experience flashbacks from Rex which can distract me from duty."

"I'm sorry, I can't administer bioneural repressants without a VERY good medical reason. I don't know of this "zian'ri" you refer to, even though I have met many Trills. You're going to have to explain what it entails - in detail please - and how I can help." Chelsea replied, sitting down to await what she anticipated might be a long conversation.

Saria hesitated. "It's about Rex, actually. Zian'ri could be compared to what Humans define as some kind of long term-memory loss or dementia. It... causes some of my memories to resurface, and some of them are quite... unpleasant." She said, looking a bit down. "They are causing imbalance between me and the symbiont all the time, which make it even worse.

"When you say long term loss or dementia.. do you mean that Saria or Rex is suffering from this?" Chelsea asked, scanning the medical database for the condition.

"Rex is." Saria bit her lip. "And that affects the memory and personalities we share, actually."

"Is there something we can do to reverse this condition?" Chelsea asked, still searching the data. She looked up, wondering if it would be quicker just to ask the medical computer but she felt it was important to let Saria tell her own story rather than talk *about* her with a machine, right in front of her.

Saria nodded. "There is. As I said, I have summoned a Guardian to DS5, which will bring two symbionts with him or her. Those symbionts are in fact Rex' "friends", and they can help restore his memory... and heal his condition." She said.

"I assume that when the Guardian gets here he or she will come fully equipped to take on this procedure and healing so what is it that *I* can do to assist you both here and now?" Chelsea asked.

"Well, I'm going on an away mission, and I wouldn't really like it if Rex and I got imbalanced when I'm in the midst of it. So that's why I came to ask a bioneural supressor, as a temporary solution." Saria replied.

"Ah, I understand now." Chelsea nodded, enlightened to the Trill's thinking. "I can give you something, in a vial which you could administer from a hypospray if that starts to happen. You would only have about 24 hours before you would need another dose so I will give you one spare in case of an unscheduled delay in returning but i would strongly advise against risking more than two doses.... in fact I'd avoid using any if you possibly can and we must all hope fervently that nothing *does* start up before the Guardian arrives. B-NSs are bad news in most normal circumstances and although you have a potentially *abnormal* situation on the horizon here, I have to make sure you're aware of their risks."

Saria nodded, and smirked. "I can't even think of medications I haven't got in all those years." She said. "But I'm glad you understand me, Doctor. I actually had feared the worst... as usual. I'm quite protective over Rex."

"Understandably so, you two are co-dependent after all. What would either of you be if something were to happen to the other?" Chelsea replied, nodding her understanding.

"Incomplete" She replied, stoic. "Rex is a part of me, and I'm a part of Rex. Together, we're one. We really depend on each other, mentally and physically."

Chelsea nodded in agreement and understanding. "Good luck Lieutenant." she said.

A JP Between:

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief Science Officer


Cmdr Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 2nd Officer