Incommunicado – In the Mix
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   In the Mix
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jul 01, 2012 @ 10:21pm
Location   lower levels
Timeline   SD 57 - 17:00

Ensign Alexia Jackson was worried. She wasn't sure what to do. This person, Raddon, had contacted her and wanted to meet. She wanted to ask Duquesne to go with her but Raddon had alluded to something that she didn't want to become public knowledge. She had to come alone.

It was deep in the bowels of the base and she felt uncomfortable down at these levels.

She stood in the shadows just away from the appointed meeting point as she didn't want to make herself to vulnerable by standing alone in the center of attention.

He heard movement. He carefully slid his head from beneath his shelter of paper and cardboard and spied the woman who even from this distance appeared nervous and she had every right to be. The lower levels were never the place for a solitary woman, even if she was security but Mokab was not sure why she was here or why she even needed to be. His hand skillfully rummaged around the papers, making sure his acquired phaser was close by and ready to use if the need arose.

Xavier Larrieux stood back as he watched the scared and unsure woman enter the area. He seemed to take a certain pleasure from these type of clandestine meetings. They were unnecessary, with the available technology. However, he liked the control it gave him.

Alexia waited impatiently. How long was she expected to wait, dammit? She moved into the shadows again but the darkness felt occupied so she moved back out again. Perhaps it was her imagination but if there *was* someone there, she didn't want to be within reach. Now she *really* wished she'd asked Duquesne to come... or at least to have told him where she was going. She put her hand up to flick her comm badge and call him.

"I really wouldn't do that if I were you. . .Alexia." Xavier said to the startled woman. "I mean, if you were to call for other people then we'd have to cut our meeting short before I had the chance to speak to you." Xavier said as he stepped closer to the woman.

"How do you know my name? Are you Mr Raddon? Who are you?" Alexia asked. She was rattled, which was exactly what he had in mind obviously although she wasn't aware of that yet.

He gave a hearty laugh in response. A laugh that was surprisingly deep for a man of his slender frame. "No ma'am, I'm not Mr. Raddon. I am merely. . .an associate. My name is. . .unimportant at this point and time." Xavier said. "What is important is what you can do to assist Mr. Raddon with a problem that he has." Xavier said as he withdrew a padd from behind his back and handed it to the woman.

Alexia did not know if she should take it. She reached towards it as if it might be hot or poisonous. Taking it very suspiciously and carefully avoiding getting to close to him, she peered into the screen. "Isn't this that woman who is coming to the station... oddball who thinks of herself as some form of desperately outdated aristocratic relic of history from Centuries ago?" Alexia had remembered seeing the application and hearing it discussed in the clearance office.

"Correct, the woman on the padd is Rose Carrigan. Our sources have informed us that she has recently received a transfer to this station. We want a copy of her secured file." Xavier said, skipping to the point.

Alex let out a derisory laugh. "You're kidding? I could no more get secured files than I could fly to Alpha Century without a shuttle!" she scoffed at the suggestion.

Xavier smiled as he withdrew a medium-sized stem from a pocket within his jacket. He knew that these narcotic-filled sticks were bad for his health, but he enjoyed the taste and the calming affect they provided.

"Well, I believe your hesitation. . .to put it mildly, is going to be a problem Alexia." He said, continuing to use her name liberally. "Because, if you don't help us, well. . . we won't be able to help you." he said as he stepped into her personal sphere of comfort. He could see her trembling slightly as she looked upward at him, wondering what he would do next.

"Help me? In what way?" she asked, stalling, more rattled than ever now. "I mean, it isn't MY hesitation.... it's a simple fact. I CAN'T get it." she held up her hands in a gesture of helplessness.

"Well, help you keep this from getting out." He said as he reached out and pressed a button on the padd in her hand, revealing a photo taken of her from years ago.

Curiosity was beginning to get the better of the blue tinted Bolian as he eased his head a little further from his conspicuous hide, but taking immense care to not reveal his position. He saw the female's hand come to her mouth in hiding a gasp.

"How........ where did you get this? It's not.... It was Milo..... he promised he would NEVER share that with anyone..... " Alexia began to panic.

Xavier smiled, "So then can I count on your cooperation in this endeavor?" He asked calmly. It always amazed him just how quickly a person's demeanor could change once a hidden secret had come to light. It was not as if she did not know about the existence of this photograph. It was just that she assumed that she could live the rest of her life without OTHERS knowing about this particular picture.

"But... I don't know how to.... " his stare silenced her. "How much would you need? The whole file?" she asked, submitting.

"Just to be on the safe side, go ahead and prepare it and we'll let you know when and where to deliver it." He said as he took the padd from her hands and began to walk off.

"I'll see you soon, Alexia." He said, emphasizing her name as he turned the corner and made his way back towards the rest of the station.

Alexia stood there as a shiver ran down her spine. "Oh my God" she whispered, horrified at what had just happened and what was about to.


Xavier Larreaux
Diligent Employee
Raddon Corps.


Ensign Alexia Jackson
Administrative Officer
