Interlude – From ch'Rihan with love
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   From ch'Rihan with love
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sat Jun 26, 2010 @ 7:17pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD24 - Late evening

Nahir had finished her shift and the girl taking over the desk was a young slip of a thing that she didn't dare disturb Arrain t'Merek when the delivery arrived for her. The Security Chief has said, in a much less graphic way of course, that she would inflict some serious pain on her if she was disturbed while working overtime. So, the girl was left simply looking curiously at the magnificent looking flowering plant as it's nearly intoxicatingly sweet scent filled the reception area.

Rianni was on her way into the Embassy after finishing a survey mission of a nearby star in the Dhelan and was bringing the pictures of the star to Isha when she saw the young woman at the entry desk sitting behind a magnificent smelling, and looking, flower, "Well, someone's popular." She said to the young woman who hadn't really noticed her yet.

The girl jumped, then stood at attention in front of the erie'Riov. "erie'Riov," she nodded to her, saluting. She then turned to the flower. "This arrived a few minutes ago. It's not for me," she clarified, thought with a slight tone of disappointment.

"Oh, that's a shame." Rianni smiled, "It's pretty. So, who is it for, if I may ask?"

"Oh, uh..." as she contemplated answering, the woman in question came out of her office. "Arrain t'Merek!" she called. "This arrived for you!"

Arrienye startled as the young woman called out to her, her own name echoing through the vast reception area. It took a moment for the actual words to come through to her and she walked over to the desk. "erie'Riov," she addressed the other officer there before staring at the plant.

"It came earlier but you didn't want to be disturbed," the girl behind the desk explained.

"Well, well, well." Rianni giggled, "Looks like someone was sandbagging me the other morning. You never let on you had a special someone."

Arrienye looked over at the woman, then back at the flower. "I don't," she told the erie'Riov firmly, looking around the potted flora for some clue as to who had sent it.

"Really?" Rianni raised an eyebrow, wondering for a second if Arrienye was shining her on, ~Nope, she's got no sense of humor.~

"In that case," Rianni began, "it looks like someone has themselves a secret admirer."

"It would seem so," Arrienye nodded, taking out a small handwritten card. She couldn't help but be glad the writing was in good old fashioned Rihannsu symbols. The last thing she wanted was some alien chasing her. She glanced over the card's writing, raising her eyebrows at the rather simple expression of affection. Part of her was happy that it obviously wasn't some hopeless romantic. "Not that secret, it would seem," she said, more to herself as she saw that the person had signed it.

"Oh, well, mystery and mystique are overrated anyway." Rianni said comfortingly, "So, who's it from?"

"I don't like mystery and mystique. It's too much like my work," Arrienye pointed out, looking over at the tall, strongly built Gai'Shian officer guarding the Ambassador's door. Saren smiled lightly, giving the young woman a respectful nod. The Security Chief smirked.

Rianni noticed that instantly, ~Ahhh! I know who the flowers were from now!~ However. out of respect and an honest liking of Arrienye, she chose to say nothing, pretending she didn't even notice.

Arrienye glanced at Saren once more before putting the card back on the flower and, straightening out her uniform, she walked over to Saren. Rianni and the girl at reception couldn't hear what Arrienye was saying but she seemed to be explaining something. The Gai'Shian officer's stance changed into a more militaristic one and he finally nodded, saying a few words back. With that, Arrienye turned and came back to the desk.

"Uhllan Saren will be picking up the plant at the end of his shift," she explained to the younger woman behind the desk.

Rianni couldn't help but wonder what that was all about, ~Okay, so that guy gave her the plant, and she's rejecting it. And him. What's up with that? Maybe men aren't her thing....~ "Arrain, will you walk with me a bit?" Rianni asked, determined to find out what the deal was there, even though deep down she knew it really was not one iota of her fracking business, ~Oh, well, old habits and stuff.~

Arrienye raised an eyebrow at her, and then nodded. "Alright," she allowed, waiting for the woman to lead the way.

Rianni led the way into a secluded hall, one where she knew there were no cameras, and, when Arrienye came behind her, turned and pulled her close, kissing her deeply.

Arrienye's brain, one that definitely wasn't nurturing this as one of the reasons the erie'Riov had asked to see her, was having a problem digesting and getting accustomed to what the hell was happening. Blinking a few times, as her superior officer continued her amorous assault, she finally came to her senses and, grabbing the woman's arms, and pushed the woman away from her. Now off her, she held her at arms length, breathing heavily and staring at her in shock.

"Okay, so you're not gay, that rules out theory one." Rianni nodded, "So I guess there's nothing left for me to do but come right out and ask. What the Hell, huh? The guy seems to like you, you blow him off then return his gift, in front of other people no less, Arrienye, that's very fracked up. Was there some reason for that?"

"After the stunt you just pulled, erie'Riov," the blue-eyed woman began, emphasizing the woman's rank to indicate they were definitely not on first name terms. "I'm shocked you actually expect an answer to such a person question," Arrienye told her before turning and starting to walk away.

"Okay, whatever." Rianni shook her head, "But let me tell you something, you need to open up to somebody and soon, or you're going to be a very lonely woman, wishing you had someone there to love you. Trust me, I know that of which I speak."

Arrienye stopped, then turned to face her again. "t'Khellian, you've known me for, what? Two days, at most? So who do you think you are, telling me who I should and shouldn't open up to? You don't even know if I do have someone to open up to. You have no idea who I am, let alone a thing or two about my personal life or preferences when it comes to romantic engagements. So maybe you should stop pulling strangers into corners to check their sexual orientation and start learning to mind you own business," she finished.

"Well, forgive me for caring about you as a person, Arrain t'Merek, it's a mistake I guarantee I will never repeat." Rianni replied angrily, "You're dismissed, Arrain."

With that, Arrienye nodded and turned on her heel and walked away.

Rianni shook her head sadly as she watched Arrienye walk away, ~That girl's got a long rough road in front of her.~


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan

Arrain Arrienye t'Merek
Chief of Security
Romulan Consulate