Incommunicado – Envoy Arrival
by UFP Ambassador Valtek

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Title   Envoy Arrival
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   UFP Ambassador Valtek
Posted   Fri Sep 21, 2012 @ 7:52pm
Location   Habitat Ring
Timeline   SD 59
"I must insist that you go through checking, Ambassador Valtek." The security agent was young and fresh faced, with over eager perkiness.

The Vulcan towering over the security detail resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and placed his duffel on the desk. "Terribly sorry for the inconvenience, it's required." The blonde gave a shining smile, but it fell after seeing Valtek's stern expression. He waved a tri-corder over the bag and carefully sorted through some of its contents, before declaring it fit and handing it back to the ambassador. "You're good to go. Have a great day!" The ensign received a blink in his general direction for his attentions, and Valtek stalked past the lot of them.

The promenade was crowded as usual. Valtek fell into a practiced stride, paying no mind to those who turned at his presence. The number of personnel that followed him around everywhere garnered unnecessary attention at the best of times. This was not the best of times. Tensions between races were growing, and Valtek's incoming presence was known to be one of calculated risk on the part of the Federation. It appeared his reputation preceded him. If he were inclined to show amusement, he might have.

His hands clasped behind his back as he walked and approached the Station operations information desk. "Direct me to the Diplomatic quarters." Valtek's tone carried, like everything else in his aura. A skinny lieutenant swiveled his chair and looked up, up, way up, noting Valtek's service detail and the UFP logo on his suit.

"Ah, Ambassador Valtek. Yes, we're expecting you. We've got you set up on Habitat ring 5, section D-24." The lieutenant handed him a PADD. Valtek walked away without another word. "Doesn't waste time, I guess..." The operations desk manager shrugged at one of Valtek's security men.

"Leave me." Valtek's command directed the detail to leave him alone at his door. Valtek shrugged off his suit jacket upon entering his quarters. This would be Valtek's home for the indefinite future. It wasn't luxurious, but it would do. At once, Valtek got to work. He ordered kri'saya from the replicator, settling down at the console provided in the corner to bring up the documents he had been outlining for his meeting with the captain.

Ambassador Valtek
UFP Department of State
Special Envoy to DS5