Unity – Playing Possum
by Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Playing Possum
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu May 20, 2010 @ 1:53pm
Location   Beneath the surface of Greiirh (Omicron Theta I)
Timeline   SD 17 - 1415

He made his way quickly to the basement, where he found the cargo elevator and called it up the surface. It took about 30 seconds for it to arrive, an open elevator surrounded by a cage, designed to move large quantities of heavy supplies and equipment up and down from the dig site. Darson stepped on, and moved towards the access console. Just as he was about to press it, he was momentarily overcome by a sensation.

A thumping resonance in his chest and head, like a giant ethereal heartbeat. Darson shuddered, as the feeling washed over him. He knew what this was and lost himself in it momentarily. There was Iconian technology on this deserted planet…and it was close…very, very close. And it was calling to him.

And Darson would answer.

He regained control over his body and pressed the control to go down, sending both him and the elevator into the bowels of the planet.


The original excavation site was deserted. Nothing left but the lights, a few empty cases, some machinery, a couple of PADD’s scattered here and there, and the dust settling from the explosion that collapsed the entrance to the cavern.

Everything was quiet. Until that is, the silence was broken by the sound of the elevator mechanics springing into action, creaking up the roughly square passage that had been lasered through the rock. It stopped at the top momentarily, than came back down bearing a figure in a black cloak. As it ground to a stop, the silence took over again. Darson stood there for a moment, staring out into the room. Or more precisely, staring at a wall of rubble that blocked his passage.

So, Darson thought, whoever was down here had been smart enough to blow up the room, either to slow him down, cover their tracks, or both. He scanned the large obstacle of rock and metal framework, and detected that the rubble only extended about fifty meters into the room. Darson calmly began to walk towards the large mass of earth and right as he reached it, vanished in a transporter flash and reappeared on the other side without breaking stride.

He took a look around the room, mentally cataloging everything that was left on the floor. He picked up a couple of PADD’s that were lying covered with debris from the explosion and began to peruse them for a couple of moments, dropping them when it became apparent that it was nothing more than scientific data reports.

Suddenly, his chest was gripped by that strange feeling again, and he clutched at it. He looked around him and his mask settled on the passage leading out of the cavern, with foot prints in the dust indicating that people had traveled through it very recently.

He remained still for a moment still placing his hand against his chest, then started going towards the passage as the feeling dissipated. He moved quickly now, stealthily moving through the passage. He broke into a run, his cloak furling out behind him. A couple of seconds later, he saw the passage end in the distance and open up into another large cavernous space. He slowed down and approached the end quietly, eventually coming up the large space, staring down at the scene before him.

Stacey had managed to send a subspace link to the nearby satelitte within the sector. It was important that she work fast otherwise the invading vessel would be able to track the signal to their location. Within several moments Stacey was able to secure a channel directly to Deep Space 5.

"Anthony, it's great to see you still alive. I take it that the station was secured without the loss of anybody?" Stacey asked enthusiastically as the communication link was established and her younger brother's face filled the screen.

Cordova brushed himself down. "I believe we managed to do so with a minimal amount of fuss or injury." He stated, looking at the screen and noting those who had gathered. "I see we are a man or two short. We lost the Trojan, I was hoping her Captain would have made down there alive." He said with an obvious flustered look through the screen.

There was a pause before she could find the voice within her to respond. "Oh. . . knowing Raymond, he probably had no other choice but to sacrifice the vessel for the sake of the mission." She said solemnly as she looked towards the Vulcan scientist. It was obvious that he shared little to no sense of sentiment at the news of a member of their Cause sacrificing their life to save others. Regardless, they had more important matters to take care of.

"I'm sure Elliot is busy coordinating the rest of the teams. Right now we need to begin uploading the temporal coordinates. It will take two hours for us to receive it. Anthony, begin transmitting now." She stated as her fingers danced across the console in front of her.

Anthony nodded, a feeling of pride mixed with a hint of regret, but the cause was just and true and if this plan worked, then there would be time to renew acquaintances.
He opened the correct channel and downloaded the coordinates.

"Coordinates received and encrypted." He smiled thinly to his sister and nodded without saying another word.

On the ledge above, Ch'tal observed the cloaked man standing, watching all those below him. Ch'tal was forced to stand on the inside of the complex during the invasion and just listen while all of his friends were murdered by the unknown and unseen forces. He knew that he could have stopped all of them, but at least he could have possibly saved at least one person to fight another day. Now he had his chance for some form of redemption.

Darson stood still by the entrance underneath the ledge and temporarily disengaged the omni-directional amplifier in the helmet. He began to categorize what he had just heard. The station? What station? Raymond, Elliot? Temporal Coordinates? All of these things didn’t bode very well at all. At the moment he could match only one person’s face to a name in his mind: Prendergast. That man was a thorn in a lot of peoples’ sides, and his primary target…but what the hell were they doing?

He needed to get closer, he realized. And get a look at the equipment from a shorter distance, as well as possibly overhear whatever they were plotting. But how to go about doing this? The chameleon system was an option, but he was going to be getting pretty close, and somebody might notice the silhouette. He began to run through the other options when suddenly the motion tracker in his armor began beeping at him insistently. One glance at the display indicated a red dot rapidly approaching him from behind at a dead run.

He was about to turn and dispatch whoever this was silently, but then with another glance at the ground beneath him, and the group further down, he happened upon a new plan, one that, while lacking in elegance, had a certain…flair to it.

He picked up his feet and charged full-speed towards the unsuspecting Marine. It wasn't until he was right behind the man that Darson finally turned around to see what was coming towards him in such a swift manner.

Darson waited until the man was about a meter away before spinning around inhumanly fast and catching him in the chest. Against all his learning, instead of stopping the charge, he went with it, going out over the cliff and into the open air. He manipulated his body’s axis in midair so that he would be sure to land on his back in a breakfall position…landing on his head would not be optimal.

"Aaaaaggggh!" Ch'tal shouted as both he and the Marine fell over the ledge and made the 20 foot drop towards the ground below.

The sudden shout and the subsequent crashing knows alerted everybody in the large area to the sudden disruption. She grabbed her phaser and quickly walked over to find both men strewn across the hard granite surface. She knelt down to check the pulse of one then the other.

As he hit the ground, Darson was jostled inside his armor, but basically alright, breaking his fall expertly. Immediately after impact though though, he made every muscle in his body go limp, faking unconsciousness as best he could, which wasn’t too bad. The armor, being air tight and impervious to scans would render both taking a pulse and running a scan on him useless. So if they relied on appearances alone, he would appear to be just as out of it as the man beside him.

"They're unconscious." She said to the other guard. "Get the Marine secured with a restraint vest before he wakes up. The upload is still has an hour to go and I want to find out who the hell these people are and what their business is on this planet." She ordered as she stood back up.

Darson remained limp as they fastened the restraint vest onto him. To the credit of whoever these people were, they managed to put it on nice and tight…it wouldn’t be a problem though when the time came.

As luck would have it, they propped him up against a crate that had a great view of the entire scene, in close proximity to where the people were working. Behind his faceless mask, he gave a small smile as he let his head loll back limply against the crate.

Stacey walked back to the console where Anthony waited to find out what was going on. "Anthony, we have company down here. We're not sure where they came from, but some type of invasion force as attempted to breach the compound." She said as she looked at the unconscious individual.

"Tell Elliot that we're going to take care of our uninvited guest while you all continue to upload the coordinates." She added.


Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer / Level 99 Warrior Possum
6th Combined Operations Group
Deep Space 5

Stacey Cordova
Founders of the Beginning
NPC'd by Thom

Anthony Cordova
By Mark